What are some of your hobbies? (Besides Animal crossing)

Sadly I have had to disregard a lot of my hobbies since my college courses became more intense! I still try to find time for them but it is very hard. I enjoy playing Skyrim, going on jogs, writing, and language learning. (Russian). Though, the latter is also a school-related thing. Archery and dressage practice are also really fun.

I used to love playing Skyrim & Elder scrolls, but it burned out my pc so i can't play anymore sadly. I really did enjoy playing though, i'd have to get a decent desktop and play again sometime!
-*talking to my boyfriend!! favorite thing to do :-D*
-video games, mostly overwatch! almost reached masters this season haha
-eating. i love eating :p
-hanging out with friends
(Live) music; travelling; body modification; cosmetics, skincare, nail art, and fashion; reading and fiction writing.

Oh and I suppose video games. ;)
Don't kill me but I'm a Sony fangirl of 20+ years.
Mostly just gaming, don't really have the money or friends to do something else.
I have drawing as a hobby at least but sometimes I take longer breaks from it when I'm having times of low motivation.
Oof. Aside from games in general ...

- Writing (novel/short stories/poetry)
- Reading
- Music (collecting/listening/playing/writing)
- Travelling
- Cats

... etc.
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like to clean up stuff
i'll draw sometimes and nothing else because I do have a boring life
I pencil draw, make jewelry, write occasionally thou I've had a servere lack of inspo lately, listen to hard/classic/ rock, play videogames and that's kinda about it.
Drawing, listening to music and playing videogames I guess. I want more hobbies but the ones I want to get into are too expensive.
-watching YouTube
-watching Netflix
-playing video games
- making YouTube videos
-going live on YouNow
- coloring in adult coloring books
- singing but that?s more of a passion than a hobby for me
-ghost hunting
-making crafts if I can
- fashion and all that and hair stuff
I pencil draw, make jewelry, write occasionally thou I've had a servere lack of inspo lately, listen to hard/classic/ rock, play videogames and that's kinda about it.

Loooove classic rock!

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Drawing, listening to music and playing videogames I guess. I want more hobbies but the ones I want to get into are too expensive.

I feel this lmao
I like to..
-Draw and paint
-Watch youtube
-Play video games
-Horse ride
-Hold my spiny leaf insects
-Play my harmonica ( :cool: )
-Listen to music and spoken word poetry
-Get on long video calls with my best friend, who lives in Sweden.

^^woah that's a lot considering I do nothing all day.
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Some of my hobbies are reading books when I get the chance and crochet, which is kinda like knitting, but a different style. I don't do much else, but I'm trying to discover even more things to do.
watching movies, listening to music, browsing other forums, going on walks around the town where my college is, nothing special unfortunately
Video games, anime, listening to music, taking walks in the park, writing, Youtube...yeeeeeeah, my life is boring.