a lot of pok?mon
I'm sure we all mispronounce them. After the first 250 they had crazy names.
I'm sure we all mispronounce them. After the first 250 they had crazy names.
Yep, totally agree with you here. Some other languages have even more names that look even more weird if they are not your native language and/or you actually know other things they can be etc.
I always laugh at the German name for Pidgeot; Tauboss. Always makes me think of the Warhammer stuff lolol. (It's supposed to be Taube(pigeon) + boss but still potential mech-forms I guess haha
Oh god yes. Whenever I try to talk Pok?mon with an Austrian friend it involves a lot of Google Image searches.
decal as "de-cal" and inventory as "e-ven-chuh-ree"
I've a habit of shortening "probably" down to "probly" when I speak but I think that might just be a local thing idk
I used to have problems shortening words like this too. I used to say develop as dev-lop.
I also had a hard time (even now) pronouncing variety. I'd say vi-Ari-ty. Usually I have to stop and think about it before I say the word. Oh yeah and when I was learning to read English words like subtle also threw me off because I'd read it exactly as it is... like colonel, jeopardy, zucchini wtf English is so hard
Oh yeah and can't forgot porpoise and tortoise.. thought they were pronounced like blastoise the Pok?mon rip.
I've a habit of shortening "probably" down to "probly" when I speak but I think that might just be a local thing idk
I used to have problems shortening words like this too. I used to say develop as dev-lop.
I also had a hard time (even now) pronouncing variety. I'd say vi-Ari-ty. Usually I have to stop and think about it before I say the word. Oh yeah and when I was learning to read English words like subtle also threw me off because I'd read it exactly as it is... like colonel, jeopardy, zucchini wtf English is so hard
Oh yeah and can't forgot porpoise and tortoise.. thought they were pronounced like blastoise the Pok?mon rip.
Oh my god, colonel. I still say it as call-in-ul. English is so bad.