What are you being for Halloween?


based santa believer
Dec 28, 2018
Gingerbread House
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Red Toy Car
Gift Box
Crystal Reindeer
Red Christmas Stocking
Froggy Snowman
Christmas Candy
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
I know most people on here are adults who don't dress up or just people who don't like to dress up, but if you could, what would you be?

i'm being an angel with my other friend who's being the devil. we like to keep it classic. :cool:
I've got a Steampunk theme this year. I've got a dress, hat, gloves, goggles that go on the hat, and no shoes that work so I'll probably just wear my plain black school shoes.
Ironically enough from your first post, if I had the chance I would definitely dress up as Dark Pit (he’s a dark angel).
my own damn self

- - - Post Merge - - -

If I could though, I'd honestly love to cosplay as Deet from the Dark Crystal. But that's waaaayyyyy out of my current cosplay skill level lol
I don't think I'll be capable this year, but I like to dress up to disguise to be characters in One Piece. :blush:
When I went outside as a Shirahoshi Hime, wearing seashells bikini (hand made!) and fish tail, with my long hair dyed in bright pink, literally every one of neighbors stared at me - with their eyes open. No wonder since it's small countryside that we live in, haha aha!
My sister and I want to dress up as Justine and Caroline from Persona 5, but we probably won't have enough time to prepare
The Red Queen of Hearts, as I am every year. I just have a Party City costume, and they're expensive to buy every year.

If I could freely choose thou I'd prob be wearing and Alice in WonderLand-esque costume. Or Princess Peach from Smash Bros.
I'm probably going to be... a flying squirrel. Every year I wear my flying squirrel onesie, but I'm not sure if it fits anymore... ._.​
When we owned our home we'd get dressed up as a family every year and sit on the porch to hand out candy. One year we were breakfast. One year we were zombies. One year we were cats & dogs. We used to love dressing up & we were all adults. lol! Since we moved into our apartment we don't get any Trick or Treaters so we don't get dressed up.

If I had a reason to get dressed up I'd go steampunk. I already have a hat with goggles. Plus I just love steampunk.
I'm not going out or anything, but me and my co-workers are all dressing up in Christmas-related outfits at work. It was my idea. That's just my kind of humour :p
I am not dressing up, but I would like to be witch maybe? :)
Realistically I would probably wear a Halloween lolita coordinate even though most lolitas hate that. :rolleyes:
I don't think I'm dressing up this year, but I've always wanted to do a steampunk costume. There are probably a million other things I could think of, too, but all of them would be niche costumes that no one in my office would get. I doubt a lot of them would know what steampunk is either.
I never dress up for Halloween so doing it this year feels really exciting.
I'm going to be dressed as Annabelle with my house mate also going as the nun Valek, from The Conjuring films to follow the theme lol
Well I'm going to a Halloween party soon. So I'm going to be dressing up as someone from an asylum. Yup... that's what its come to!
I have a party to go to on the 30th and I work on the 31st. For the party, I'm going as a Beanie Baby. I have a cat kigarumi that I'll add a hang tag to the ear.
For work, I've been a witch for almost 20 years. Basically a black skirt/top and a hat, because its easy to manage. I have some cute cat ears though, so I might be a black cat. Honestly, as long as I have candy for my customers, they don't care what I am.