What are you being for Halloween?

Tired af part-time worker and procrastinating uni student :D

I have a paper due on the day after soo yeah XD
I'm not going to parties or doing anything other than staying home answering the door to Trick or Treaters, so... nothing. But I will be wearing my t-shirt with a cute lil' ghost on, my bat earrings, and I'm tempted to get a cheap cat ears headband. I love Halloween :3

me 2

i don't go out bc i have no life outside the house like.... at all, but if i were going out, i'd want to be a cute witch with a big poofy skirt. that's my only requirement, a poofy skirt. also i've never been a witch for halloween because i grew up in one of those households that was super religious lol.
This year I'm gonna be the guy who gives out toothbrushes and apples.
I know most people on here are adults who don't dress up or just people who don't like to dress up, but if you could, what would you be?

i'm being an angel with my other friend who's being the devil. we like to keep it classic. :cool:

My coworker and I are doing the same duo costume! I'm being the angel.
I'm wearing two costumes this year. Going to a party on October 30 (The Crow) and going out on October 31 (Jack Skellington).
Nothing. I'm just going to chill at home playing Luigi's Mansion 3. I'd dress as a devil though, since that's what my mom calls me.
I've no plans for Halloween. I'm travelling to England the next day so partying that night isn't on the agenda!

I'd go as either a nun or a priest though.
Witch. I've always kind of been one every year when I was younger, but definitely a witch this year. Sadly the party I went to last year is not there this time, so the Halloween dress and witch hat I bought last year won't be worn this Halloween. :/
It's less than a week until Halloween and I still haven't decided, so in all honesty, I'm probably just going to walk into a dollar store and hope for the best.
...I think this is the first year I've forgotten to think about it...oops...
Uh...I guess I'll figure out something...? ': D
I wanted to be my bitmoji but prob nothing.
I plan to carve a pumpkin tomorrow though maybe haha.
Flo from the Progressive commercials
Past few years, I've been being the classics. This year, I'm gonna be a vampire!