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What are you going to call your first Switch town?

I'm really hoping they increase the character limit, because I would LOVE if I could finally name an AC town Daguerreo.

Beyond that...I dunno. Maybe just recreate my all-bunny town.
now that i think about it, i don't really know... maybe shujin or something like that. maybe hope. something simple i guess.
Don't know. Will have to know the character limit first.

Regardless, I'll probably only decide once I start the game and get asked to pick the town's name.
At the moment I'm thinking Comfy. <3
that sounds so cute!!!! i really like simple words too!

This will probably be a boring answer to most of you, but I'm going to use Forest. I know it's not very unique, but I've been using it for every AC game, and it's become somewhat of a tradition for me.
even if it's not unique i think it's sweet having a tradition like that :D and it sounds nice!

i'm probably just sticking with what i named my new leaf town, nowhere. it's silly and i got really attached to it and i don't think there's anything else i'd like more!
I figure this thread could be moved to the new Switch area, but as it stands, I have a new idea...

I'm thinking Teacake!
I wanted something really cosy and warm and cuddly but I didn't think Comfy ended up being the name I was looking for. I think having afternoon tea is something really comfy though and Teacake is just a cute word. <3
I'm thinking Teacake!
I wanted something really cosy and warm and cuddly but I didn't think Comfy ended up being the name I was looking for. I think having afternoon tea is something really comfy though and Teacake is just a cute word. <3

Teacake is really cute! I like those kinda comfy, cutesy names as well.

I also like Forest as a village name. I wouldn't pick that for my town, but I always smile when I see someone who is going for that name. Always makes me think of good ol' AC for the Gamecube, back then the village felt really forest-y with not much customization in it!

As of now I have three ideas for my town.

One would be Cinnamon, which to be fair is maybe kind of... well... generic, as it'd just be the english translation of my main NL town's name ^^;; ... but I love cinnamon and oddly enough I also really love both the german and the english word for it.

My second idea is Faraway. That'd just be a fun name, and I just realized it's also kind of a (unintentional!) reference to the museum you had to send your fossils to in the Gamecube game to get them examined, the Farway museum.
But I'm not so sure if I would end up using it, because that's the name I suggested to my little sister when she started playing NL back when it came out. She ended up using the japanese word for it (at least we both hope we found the right translation), but the meaning remains the same. I wouldn't want to copy it. But regardless, I really like that one.

My other idea and the one I like the most right now would be Sercerezo (or just Sercerez depending on the character limit staying the same or not). It's the name of the spring area with cherry blossoms all year around in Rune Factory 4, one of my favourite games, and since I really like the cherry blossom time in AC that'd be a good fit. It's also just a really cool sounding/looking (made-up afaik) word in my opinion.
But then again, I might actually start a new town in NL while waiting for more news on AC Switch to be revealed, and I'm thinking about using that name for it already... Hmm...

I like names that sound sort of mystical or whimsical, I hope I can come up with a good one!
I really gotta start seriously thinking about this sooner rather than later, it always takes me ages to decide on these things.
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I have no clue right now, I usually try to avoid using the same town name again.

In The GameCube version I used, Villa.
In Animal Crossing: Wild World it was, Bluebell and an extra town called Teatime (?).
In Animal Crossing: City Folk/Let's go to the City it was, Lana.
And in Animal Crossing: New Leaf it's Vista (main town), Chocolat, Moonview, Flora, Ume and Tea.

I'm not going to use those names again.
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I think I'll call it Sunset like my NL and WW towns. I'm trying to find a better name, like a sort of nickname of the city I'm currently living in or something quirky and funny but everything I think off sounds unnatural. :'( On the other side, Sunset is very unoriginal and I feel that boring is worse than weird, so maybe I'll try something new
The only name I've thought of so far is Rainbow but that might change by the time the game comes out
Not sure, probably something more simple. My NL town is named Pn?vma which is pretty but yea I'll probably pick something cute
Probably the same as my new New Leaf town: Kaizen.
It means continuously improvement, it fit's really well with the game.
I'm unsure of what I'll call my new town. One of my biggest wants for the new game is really just.. let us have longer town names, please.

I may go with Aurora, since I used to have a New Leaf town with that name and I always liked it. Or maybe I'll go with something like Kamiki or Nippon, since Okami is a favorite game of mine.

Honestly, I'll probably wait to see what the towns look like and how we can customize them to get a feel for what I'm going to want mine to be like.
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I've got a few names in mind, one that is almost for certain, but it's a common word and I don't want to share it because it definitely could change haha.

I've never named my town the same as one of my older ones, I like to think of each game as a new start in a new place. I finally retired 'Stardust' in New Leaf and now I'm on the Gamecube in 'Kittn'. The switch will have a totally new name that I haven't had before.

RIP England, Italy, Seabring, Autumn, Aquarius, Stardust and soon Kittn
There are two possible options. I will stick to my AC:nl town names. So it will be either Merupuri or Kyaro (from my all time favorit suikoden II). Not sure yet which one I will pick