What Are You Happy About Today?

- I had an awful day yesterday due to…. Organisational errors? Basically I attended a work meeting that was not intended for me (it was for senior leadership) and the person I was meant to go with was poorly so I was on my own and WAY out of my depth. I had a debrief with colleagues today about it which made me feel a lot better as I was feeling so stressed after the meeting yesterday.

- it’s children’s mental health week in the UK this week and to celebrate we had a carousel of activities today focused on wellbeing. I was making mandalas with all of the students and watched inside out (and made puppet characters) with my own class. Moments like this make me realise what I worked so hard for. ❤️ there was also cake in the staff room!

- I haven’t had time to focus on leveling up my new genshin characters but I’ve been doing my dailies and using condensed resin to farm mora/exp materials. I have quite a lot saved (more than I’ve ever had) so hoping to maybe put it to use this weekend!

- I’m also playing Pokémon shining pearl and beat Fantina last night. Love that my playthrough has coincided with the new Pokémon cards on PTCGP!
  • I’m grateful for this thread because it’s a positive space that’s not triggering to me when my country is currently going to hell with the current leadership. Having this space feels safe and reminds me that there are still things to be grateful for and there’s still good in the world even though it sometimes doesn’t feel like that lately. Sometimes I get sick of Facebook and any forums I’m on because it’s a collective bombardment of panic and breaking news and I just can’t handle it it makes my mental health which is already not good significantly worse. So I’m very glad this thread is here. It makes me so happy reading through all the stuff everyone is happy about ❤️