What Are You Happy About Today?

Woke up to a sunny Sunday~ almost forgot it was sunday honestly; my youngest cat was sleeping on my bed, waiting for me to wake up.

There was a fox in the back garden (I have no access to, which is torture), and I quickly threw out some sausages for them; they ate some, and buried the rest for later. It was so sweet to see. They went back to lay in the sun for the rest of the morning.
So, not to scare them I left the washing up for later, and had a lovely shower.

My mum came home from work, and we had breakfast, and I washed up.

Played on animal crossing kingdom, and found some more bugs, fish and sea creatures and gonna time travel later on since im like on 2nd of march on that island so I have a lot to do.
Antionio is gone, meaning I need to buy his photo from someone :/ But glad the story will get better. Plan to also terraform a lil bit and get the second players house somewhere else.
Planning to go back to Ataraxis today too.

Did a lil bit of video editing! I made two gifs of Milo Murphy! From my favourite song from the show: Rooting for the enemy~


Milo02-ezgif.com-resize (1).gif

If it wasn't for having to download more episodes from the anime, I would've continued my other AMV edit >.< Soon, Im sure.
i'm romaji subtitling my 'yujin & offmon's image song - slow starter'' amv on lightworks now!! : D

the most thankful i am is that i don't have to subtitle the ''jump, jump, jump, hello! jump, jump, jump up!'' parts & of course the ''slow starter'' parts

so hopefully, it won't take long to finish, considering i'm on the 2nd half now 🤗


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Family celebrated my mom's birthday today which was really fun! We pitched in for dinner and cake. The caked look great and tasted really good, and I know it's because my store really likes her and miss having her work there!

We also pitched in for an early birthday present for my grandma and got her a new mattress! She loves it! It's nice and firm and has a pillow top on it.
Happy to be feeling so much better than I have the past few days. Work was good just busy. We got some much needed rain today and the storm wasn’t as bad as they originally thought it might be.

Had so much fun playing among us with everyone. Thanks so much for letting me play with you all.

Finished my drawing that I started the other day.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and has a good week ahead. 💜
Got to see a couple more episodes of Demon Slayer season three this morning!! And we watched more of GeminiTay’s Impossible Minecraft video tonight over dinner, and we’re almost through with it now! c: We’ll probably finish it out tomorrow night.

I worked on some art today! ^^

Explored Sea Mauville in Pokémon Omega Ruby and caught Spiritomb!! Afterwards it was time for some legendary hunting, and throughout the day I was able to catch all the ones I could for now—Ho-Oh, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Heatran, Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf, Palkia, Cobalion, and Tornadus!! ohh my god I went through So Many ultra balls Hopefully I can also catch Virizion and Terrakion as they become available this week, and I’ll be crossing my fingers for Cresselia’s Mirage Spot to appear! ;v; There's also Reshiram ofc but I don't expect to meet the requirements for it to appear for a while yet heh

I haven't done much with the garden in Pocket Camp Complete, but I decided to start working on it tonight! I'm starting with the dandelions since they seem to be the easiest. 🌼 and while looking up hybrid breeding guides, I stumbled across some made by Mistreil! It's a small world 🌏