What Are You Happy About Today?

I?m happy because it?s finally Saturday. Saturday is always a good day for me. :D

That, and I managed to get up earlier. :)
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I'm happy that it's Saturday and I don't have anything important to do today, so I can stay home, relax, and watch it snow.

Beat FFXIV: Heavensward today and picked up the first Danganronpa game on sale. :D
Also have a delicious meal and wine to look forward to this evening.
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I’m happy because I (finally) loaded up my ACNL file after having not played for four months due to university, and thankfully everyone is still there (minus Diva, but she left while I was finishing my town back in the summer)! Also, someone new is moving in as well. :D
I got some more cool badges for my 3DS today! I got Super Mario icons for the camera, download play, activity log, and setting apps, and I got a Slowpoke and Slowbro badge!

I could've swore I had the music icon with Luigi but it's not on my 3DS at all so idk lol (rip weegee)
I haven't seen my close friend (who moved away more than 2 years ago wah) in over a month and she's back to visit.


I'm also getting giddy because I can't wait to see her open up her Christmas gift too. :3
I've been very ill lately and have been on bed rest for two months because of it, but today I went out to London for the first time in ages as my doctor was pleased with my progress! Me and my mum went to an art gallery, had a drink in a really sweet coffee shop and went to look around my favourite Japanese superstore and bought a few treats. It was the best day I've had in a really long time <3
A-lo-la! I’m happy today because the sun is finally out again and shining and it’s a nice temperature outside. Not too hot nor cold here. :p
Got today and tomorrow off
Got the game I wanted plus a cool new shirt
Lot?s of cool songs released this week
I told my partner that my therapist brought up it's been a year of me seeing her on a fairly regular basis. (Therapist said I have made good improvements and am not the same as I was during that initial session.)

In response, my partner said he's proud of me.

Had a half day today, as did my Dad unexpectedly, so I now have plans with him. :D

Also my friend stopped by earlier when I was on break to say hi. Haven't seen him since before Christmas so was a nice surprise! :blush: