I’m happy because I (finally) loaded up my ACNL file after having not played for four months due to university, and thankfully everyone is still there (minus Diva, but she left while I was finishing my town back in the summer)! Also, someone new is moving in as well.
I got some more cool badges for my 3DS today! I got Super Mario icons for the camera, download play, activity log, and setting apps, and I got a Slowpoke and Slowbro badge!
I could've swore I had the music icon with Luigi but it's not on my 3DS at all so idk lol (rip weegee)
I've been very ill lately and have been on bed rest for two months because of it, but today I went out to London for the first time in ages as my doctor was pleased with my progress! Me and my mum went to an art gallery, had a drink in a really sweet coffee shop and went to look around my favourite Japanese superstore and bought a few treats. It was the best day I've had in a really long time <3
I told my partner that my therapist brought up it's been a year of me seeing her on a fairly regular basis. (Therapist said I have made good improvements and am not the same as I was during that initial session.)