What Are You Happy About Today?

I managed to read about 40 pages of my book last night and I think I have enough information from the book to at least answer the questions which are due tomorrow morning :)

I also sent my piano prof an email early this morning explaining that since I had to move back into my dorm, plus my theater and history professors have been throwing stuff at me to read, I didn't have time this week to practice my new piano piece. I went to the music hall to practice last semester's pieces anyways in case he wanted to review them (since I'll be playing them in a recital in April). but he told me it would be fine if we didn't have a lesson today, that way I would have another week to work on the new piece. he wasn't upset at all, rather very understanding. I'm so grateful for that.

also also our wind ensemble rehearsal will likely be cancelled this evening cause we're supposed to get another 4-5 inches of snow before nightfall, which is a little upsetting but I'm happy cause that means after my class ends at 3:20 I can just head back to my dorm and get all cozy in my dorm with my dog :3
I’m so happy that the hand cream I bought for my dad is actually working! He has really dry and cracked skin to the point where I’d feel his hands and they kind of felt like sandpaper 😅 they were getting worse with the cold weather and everything but he didn’t really like using my hand cream since it smells super sweet.

Anyways! Even after getting him to try my hand cream it just wasn’t seeming to help so when I went to the pharmacy to get prescriptions I also got him a new hand cream. He still complains about the sent but he’s using it at least! His hands feel so much better and I’m so happy about it 💕💕
Hahaha, I'm having the time of my life! Not too long ago, I went down to the laundry room to wash some things, and I made some small talk with another freshman. Well, I asked her if she was willing to teach me how to make snowballs, and she agreed - and so we went outside and made snowballs and threw some at each other. Cool gal.

Afterwards, I walked over to the cafeteria to get some lunch. Slipped on my ass only once LOL. It's still snowing out there. It's so pretty.
...And now I'm just listening to "Piano Man" back in my dorm. Earlier it was "Don't Stop Believing", and I wonder if the people next door heard it.... :unsure:
I got on my work laptop today just to get a few things prepped for my return to work tomorrow. Now I'm feeling a little less stressed.

Also, I fell on the ice twice on Saturday and have been really sore since then, but today I'm finally starting to feel a bit better. Now, hopefully I can get comfortable enough to sleep tonight because the pain has been keeping me awake.
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Finally beat a challenging part Yakuza: Like a Dragon. For the sake of spoilers, I won't say what. I mean...I only failed once in the past...but, I knew I needed to experience grind so I could try again at a higher level. Today I tried again after leveling up a bunch and, yeah...finally past that.
Well, attended some of my classes, wrote on my dry-erase calendar, had my job shift tonight - night is still young, so I plan to do some work. :)

I'm thankful it doesn't snow where I live.

I'd probably walk into oncoming traffic if it did.

I'm happy the vile, insipid, depressing snow will be gone soon in AC.

Meanwhile, earlier today I slipped and fell on my ass in the show LOL. Fun times.
sorry for the low quality, this was from my sister's phone

lol i'm just so happy about this haha
This was yesterday, but my dad said my grandparents got there second part of the COVID vaccine. ^___^

yayyy!!! my grandma got hers recently and i never knew how much of a relief it would be but when she told me she get her first one and her second one scheduled i broke down crying because i could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Today i am happy about getting a snow day from work!
I discovered that you can post in what ever color you want!

I'm happy that my family and I are well fed, cared for and happy during this terrible pandemic we are all facing! I'm also happy that I get to spend my days with the love of my life, and on animal crossing. We are both gamers and spend a lot of time together on various games s we live a sea away from each other and can't visit with this covid.
i got enough done today for school. i have a lot of work ahead of me but still, getting some things done feels good.

also, i managed to get out of bed at 8:30 am today, which is early for me, and i felt so productive getting things done and finished before i would usually even get started. i took a long lunch break to play animal crossing but i don't feel bad about it because i had fun.