What Are You Happy About Today?

- It's a bank holiday which means a three day weekend.
- It's also payday.
- Season 5B of Lucifer is out on Netflix.
- I had a wonderful conversation at work with someone about our shared anxieties over lockdown restrictions easing and honestly it was just nice to know that I'm not alone in my thoughts and feelings about it all at the moment.
  • Please don’t judge me for this, but I’m watching Friends for the first time. I’ve binged a full season in one day lmao. I never used to like it but think I missed out on a lot of character building episodes - the reunion ep last night inspired me to see what I’d been missing! I really like it and it’s a nice show to have on in the background.
  • The weather has been lovely today!
Just the other day, I was thinking about how awesome a collaboration between Dr. K and Dr. Mike would be. Lo and behold, today, Dr. K's channel uploaded an interview between them. I'm almost halfway done listening to it, and the entire conversation has been so fascinating.
I have been hearing back from my best guy friend a few times this week. He upset me a little yesterday since it seemed like he didn’t understand how I don’t choose to be anxious and dwell on the stuff. But today he said he understood and just said as blunt as ever that i shouldn’t be letting this bother me for as long as it has. He still missed the point of what made me upset, but at least I know he doesn’t hate me for my anxiety or think less of me even though he is always like “omg stop being so dramatic.” He exasperates me but he makes me so happy too (when I hear from him).
I'm happy about a couple of things today.

- My aunt contacted Social Security since I was having trouble getting in touch with them and found out they have finally approved my brother's third party payee! This means he can start receiving his own money again and I can stop paying all his bills and expenses so it's a huge relief! I still have to call the payee next week and make sure everything is straight for them to take over, but I'm in the home stretch.

- I had another chiropractor appointment today and my back is feeling generally better. I still moments of discomfort but it's not as bad as it used to be. So the doctor moved me into rehab to start strengthening my muscles. Oh my God, it was so hard! I didn't realize how out of shape I've gotten. But I'm excited to start building myself back up and maybe lose some weight in the process. The chiropractor also thanked me for being such a nice client. I don't know if she was just having a bad day dealing with difficult people, but she couldn't stop talking about how unusual it was to meet someone nice lately and she really appreciated it. It made me feel good.

- I got some more work cleared out of my queue today. I think I've left my work in fairly good shape for the next week while I'm off.

- I am off work until June 7th! I have all of next week off to sleep, relax, and spend time with my husband for our anniversary.
Converted our spare room into a closet!

Today's been really nice 🥰 It's my second birthday during the pandemic so it was another quiet one (I think our lockdown this year is even tighter than it was last year honestly) but it was still lovely.

-My dad surprised me with some chocolate and he got me a wired controller for my switch! He said he got it because he'd noticed I'd been playing Mario Kart more (😔 I'd been trying to practice for the event and still always came near last lol) and somehow he heard about joycons having drift issues? So he was worried I'd break my joycons by playing Mario Kart so much. It was really sweet of him to do and I honestly wasn't expecting it! I also got to speak with my sister today which doesn't happen tons (busy life and she lives far away) so that was a really nice surprise, too.

-I painted my nails! I mean I painted them last week, lol, but I redid them and made all of them pink and sparkly. It just feels more appropriate to have sparkly nails on my birthday 🥳

-People here on The Bell Tree have been so kind! I don't have my birthday on display but I still had some really lovely users come and write happy birthday on my page it was so incredibly sweet. And a special shoutout to @Newbiemayor for giving me some extra birthday cupcakes after I only managed to get six from the birthday celebration in New Horizons, lol. I felt bad and was genuinely ready to just not give any villagers cupcakes because I didn't know how to pick which six deserved them more ksdgkjghskj

Overall I'm just really happy with how today went! A lot of my days are quiet at the moment but today still felt extra special. I'm so lucky to have so many kind people in my life and days like today remind me of that. 🥰
today was,, incredibly boring and i’m running on very little sleep but i still had a fairly decent day. 🥴😅

• completed an area on my nh island!! i honestly haven’t done much decorating due to how low energy and uninspired i am most of the time but that just makes me appreciate my accomplishments even more, no matter how small they may be. ☺️
• heard back from the counseling program that my social worker referred me to and i now have an intake session scheduled for the end of june. i’ll likely be stuck on their waitlist until next year but hoo boy do i need counseling. 😅
• messed around with picsart + photo editing for a few hours and i honestly had a lot of fun with it!
• posted a new island journal entry!
• after spending almost 3 weeks in the hospital, my mom was discharged today and is now home. she seems to be doing better and is in high spirits but i also said that after her last two hospitalizations so 🤷🏻‍♀️. i just really hope that she stays well this time. i’m happy that she’s home, though. she also brought me home a few treats which was nice of her. :’)
this isn’t today, it was about a week ago lol but shh 🤫

so, i got my eyebrows and arms waxed for the first time :0 i’ve always been self conscious about my arm hair and unibrow thing (not rly a unibrow but there’s hair in between my eyebrows) so i was happy i could get this done. surprisingly, it didn’t hurt which was a plus!
This is sort of a carryover from yesterday but I got (ever so slightly) belated birthday drawing from @0ni and it is so wonderful oh my goodness 😭 It's another picture of me and my gf because I never ask for anything else and I love it so much! I will try and come back to update this thread as my day goes on but I just wanted to gush about how amazingly talented 0ni is 😌 I am so thankful to have them as a friend and I will continue to be in awe of their talent!


I know that it's May and we're heading into summer but I do Not like summer so I asked for a fall picture instead. I love it so much 😭 This is absolutely something that I am happy about today 💕