What Are You Happy About Today?

FLUFFFF!! I need to find one!

I'm happy about having good coffee for the first time in almost 2 weeks. I've been slowly dying without it. It's been painful. Tried drinking the terrible coffee and just couldn't. Tried dressing it to the nines and it was still too terrible.

It's the Mini Poodle Moth from Squishable! Heads up though, they're still being sold on preorders, so you might not receive them right away. It took this little guy 2 months to get shipped out to me.
Searched for at least 2 months for a commode that was already used, but of course in good condition to save some money.
Problem is, they are sold so fast.. .-.
But today I was finally fast enough and managed to get one!! 65€ instead of 140€ new, can't complain :)
This technically happened yesterday sooooo... I got in some more parking practice at a spacious parking lot. When we arrived, we saw a rabbit! Apparently, they appear there regularly for some reason. Anyway, while I still do make a few mistakes, I'm getting even more comfortable that it's almost becoming second nature to me thanks to the mirrors. Even though there were very few cars parked, I treated it as if it was full of them. There was a cool breeze while moving around because of the cool temperature.

I also had a little fun revving the engine a bit. I got it somewhere up to 4000 RPM which was fairly loud. I'm not really used to hearing the car revving up that high (aside from my dad trying to drive up snowy roads during winter), so I feared that I might put a strain on the engine despite being roughly halfway to the redline which is at 6750 RPM. Not gonna lie, I was tempted to do other things, but I thought better of it as I do not want to put myself, my family, and the car in jeopardy. I'd really love to drive on a race track, but the one nearest to me is a few hours away haha.

Finally, if you're curious about what cars I saw on the road, I saw a Toyota Celica GTS and a Chevrolet Camaro, the same car that's used for Bumblebee from Transformers.

Oh yeah, and I got a very good sleep once I got home as well. :)
listening to dance music from my childhood always puts me in a good mood :)

also starting to find my gratefulness again, I guess it was hidden under my depression for so long. I found another plushie that I really want but it's a little pricey and it made me realize I'm so grateful for the plushies I already have. I especially love the big arctic fox plush I have, he's so soft and cuddly and he and the others are just perfect 🥰
One more day until the Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood collab. I am so stoked in spite being frustrated with the f2p crystal situation. I hope I’ll get lucky and have enough to pull again on another banner that is still going on.

Talked to a friend last night about not being able to play genshin on my phone and he told me me about it being on ps4, which I forgot and that I won’t need ps plus to play. so I am kinda excited about that; still need to hook up my systems (been unhooked since my room was painted).

Feel a little better after talking to @Roxxy earlier :).

Relieved that my dad got my gray cat in to the vet tomorrow; she has been hiding in the closet when she normally sleeps in the kitchen so I was a little worried she wasn’t feeling well.
Went shopping today and got some air drying clay since I can't use the oven hardening clay. Plus, I can use this whenever I want (my parents are annoyingly weird about things). I've wanted to make a mini Goddess Satue and the horned statue from LoZ: Breath of the Wild so hopefully it'll come out okay! I bought alot of clay incase I messed up. I've never used clay for a serious craft project before so hopefully all goes well.
I'm halfway through the work week and I slept pretty well again last night. I'm also happy that I have all three of the scavenger hunt items for today. I only had two items the past two days and I was worried things would start getting more difficult. I really want that Cocotryoshka collectible. Plus, more chances at the raffle are always welcome even though I don't expect to win anything.
I didn’t realize this until today, but I received a message yesterday saying my first choice company wants to interview me! I’m beyond stoked for this and definitely going to do my best in the interview. I also have a couple new possible job leads and I went to martial arts again tonight and had fun while there. I also got better sleep the past two nights and I’m starting to feel more like myself again. :giggle:
I'm really happy that I ended up getting an 11% raise at work! Even happier still that it sounds like there is a chance I can remain working from home even once most people return to the office, which is really good considering that I was fully expecting there would be no chance of that happening.
I took the bus to the grocery store to do my shopping. May not seem like a big thing but I'm working on getting over my agoraphobia so it was a very big accomplishment for me!

The guy at the deli counter was very nice, and so was the cashier and bagger at the checkout lane. I got everything on my list.

The only problem is the 1/2 gallon of milk started leaking in my backpack while I was waiting on the bus to go home, so I had to throw that away before I got back on the bus, and I'm missing 2 avocadoes I bought, not sure what happened with those, the rest of my groceries were fine. But despite all that it still was a good day!

I ordered some of my favorite cappuccino mixes on Amazon earlier too. So I'm happy about those coming. I'm trying to eat healthier so those will just be like for special occasions/and rewards for making progress on my mental health issues.
@Autumn247 That stinks about the milk, but at least you had a nice day and were able to get some chores done! It's possible the avocados were in the bag with the milk?

Thanks for reminding me, I have to repot my avocado tree because it's getting too big for the one that it is in.

@Dunquixote Glad to hear that your cat was able to make it to the vet. I know you said they were having urinary issues or something of the such. I had to take my kitten to get a growth removed from her head not that long ago.

I've checked out that game, as it does look interesting. It kind of reminds me of a game I used to play, Phantasy Star. I have such a huge backlog of games, I should probably finish them first though lol. I hope you enjoy it when you pick it up!

I should really get back to playing Persona 5. I picked it up since Joker made it into Smash, but I'm really not that far.

@Shellzilla I don't know if you're interested in it, but I know someone around me who has one of the old Model-T Fords that you have to hand crank. I'll share a picture the next time. I just notice that you mention all the vehicles on your walks/drives and thought it might interest you.
Broke out my depressive slump to go get my hair cut, beard trimmed up nice and neat, and I took the trash out of my room.
My hair and beard were really affecting my self-esteem as of late, I looked so scruffy and unkempt, and the trash was making my room smell horrid.. So I'm really happy with myself for being able to do the small things today. Depression is tough but I'm going to be tougher. 😤
Booked the venue 2 days ago on my birthday.

But today finalized the date. Officially getting married on 10/16/22 🥳

That’s so exciting! Congrats! 🥳

I’m happy that I made it to a stream; felt more comfortable this time though I think the group seemed more chill and less hey I want attention than they were for this other VA I like.