What Are You Happy About Today?

today my friend from my old school who i haven’t talked to for a year messaged me on instagram, we talked for a little bit and then i asked her if she wanted to hangout one day and she said she would love to. this is a huge step for me socially
I got to sleep in today and overall it was a pretty good day. My husband and I went to my Mom's to help her clean out my Dad's trailer. She thinks she has a buyer for it, so if she can get it sold that's one less thing for me to worry about. After dinner, I treated myself to a mint chocolate Klondike bar for dessert. Plus, I still have two more days off work thanks to the long weekend. In general, I'm just feeling more positive today.
I initially wasn't going to post here today because my day hasn't been terribly eventful but I'm here because TBT users are so kind!!!

-A big shoutout to @jiny for being so sweet!! The poptart egg in my lineup right now? Bought by her because she's so lovely 💕 I had been saying earlier in a different thread that I was going to start saving up for one and hoped they wouldn't be too tricky to come across because some collectibles can be. I feel so lucky 🥰 In case anyone sees this she's trying to find a ditto egg or a chao egg 🥺

-Knock on wood but I think my obnoxious neighbours have partied themselves out, even if only for tonight. They've been blasting music non stop for three (maybe four???) days straight and it's been making me so grumpy. Definitely glad for a break from that, hopefully they don't start it up anytime soon so I can actually get some sleep tonight 😴

-It's raining!! I love the rain so this is really nice to see. The weather has been all lovely and cool lately, I'm so excited for fall.

-I'm really hoping to start a new sewing project soon, I've just been so tired and grumpy the past few days that I haven't made any headway at all. I have some black fabric with orange flowers on it that I think will be really pretty for fall! I want to make a dress but I'll have to see how much fabric I have first and may have to settle for a skirt. Which will be an easier make so that wouldn't be all bad!
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My 2 rabbits have finally decided to love each other and can sit together without having an ultimate battle. For the past 5 years they have hated each other. They literally couldn't be in the same room with each other without biting and having a big fight. I always called it a hair tornado cause they would pull each others fur out and it would be everywhere. I had given up hope on them but now they just sit there resting their heads on each other 😭
I did it. I finally got my neighborhood (dream line up) in order:

Thank you to the people who made my dream a reality:

@guav@ For the final date trade
@BalloonFight for the original dark blue house
@hestu @SpaceTokki77 @Dio @will. For selling me the other houses

And a big ultimate thank you to everyone who has ever been a patron of my art or my Nook Shop trades; your tbt lifted me to this day!

My husband @MrJadetine says I've now beaten TBT, but I told him there's always New Game Plus. Lol! I'm so grateful!

It would be nice to shove that dark blue house to the top row (as in, find a 2021 version) but that's just frivolous.
Time to date trade these jellies and stars...
I've realized something about myself today. I may not be the strongest, but I'm good at finding my way around situations, and I don't give up. Just like the actual Gon Freecss. I'm in a better state of mind lately, especially with my medicine change. :D
- Worked out my core for 30 minutes this morning.
- Halfway done Radical Candor.
- Cleaned my bathroom.
- Tried out the new air duster I bought from Home Depot for cleaning my electronics. It's so powerful and sounds like I'm using a leaf blower! 😆 It's the XPOWER Airrow Pro Multipurpose Electric Duster & Blower, if anyone is interested.
- Had a really fun afternoon with my S/O. 🥰
- We got McDonald's (honestly, I think I prefer their regular chicken nuggets over the spicy ones, but I was pleasantly surprised that there was an ever so slight semblance of heat from them). Thankfully, we (I) didn't order too much food from McDonald's.
- We also saw a man outside McDonald's with his pet corgi, who had such a long tail. It was adorable. 🥺
- We finished up our date by going to the nursery, where I found a cute lil' succulent. I'm giving it a week or two before repotting it.
i’ve fallen a bit behind in posting since the past few days have been pretty rough for me, but i’m a survivor and i know that i’ll get through this, so no need to worry! on the plus side, some good things have happened to me over the past few days as well, which i’m very grateful for. :’)

thursday (09/02)
🎨 added 3 new clothing items to my acnh catalog!
🧚🏻‍♀️ posted a new island journal entry for the first time in quite a while.
🌿 read 2 new fanfics.

friday (09/03)
🌈 received some adorable art of fauna from the amazingly kind @Roxxy!! i wasn’t expecting it, but i genuinely love it with all my heart and it made my entire week so much better! thank you so much again, @Roxxy; you’re amazing and i appreciate you so much. i’m so happy that we’re friends. 💜
🎨 added a new clothing item to my acnh catalog and caught a golden trout! i hadn’t caught a golden trout since the one (my first) i caught last year, so randomly catching one was pretty cool!
🧚🏻‍♀️ tidied up my room a bit. everything that’s been going on almost put a stop to my efforts to try and tidy my room up at least once per day, but i’m persevering. 😅
🌿 found out that kate walsh will be in season 18 of grey’s anatomy! i’m super excited. ^_^
🌈 cuddled with my kitty. <3

today/yesterday (09/04)
🎨 read 5 new fanfics and really enjoyed them!
🧚🏻‍♀️ caught 2 gigas giant clams back to back and added a new clothing item to my acnh catalog!
🌿 started on and finished my entry for @/Koopadude100’s “tracking zipper” contest! i’m honestly pretty happy with how it turned out, even though it was my first time trying to shade aha. i also started on one of my entries for @/Princess Mipha’s ”tamagotchi design” contest as well!
🌈 tidied up my room a bit.
🎨 browsed through tumblr for a while and found some pretty cool posts!
🧚🏻‍♀️ had pizza for dinner.
🌿 my kitty meowed at me. <3
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It has been a long five years but it was worth it to see this this morning:

Screenshot 2021-09-05 at 08.12.50.png

Sandwich = refers to a year I took out from studying to gain industry experience. | First Class = highest degree classification. It means I got mostly A grades (>70%).
Figured out how to attach a zipper head to some zipper tape today. Then I started sewing a zipper opening for this tiny circle bag I'm making and it turned out pretty good. Also I think I finally understand thread tension in sewing thanks to a random sewing blog run by a local old lady. As soon as I saw a giant picture of her come up I knew I was about to get hit with expert advice
I had kind of a rough day. But, some good things:

I beat a boss I was stuck on in Luigi's Mansion 3, plus I beat a bunch more and am getting far in the game (it's my first time playing a Luigi's Mansion game)
Got some new music and have been thoroughly enjoying listening to it, music helps my anxiety
I watched Halloween tonight (the original), getting in the fall spirit :)
Today was an amazing day! The first I’ve had in a long while.

I got a small get together for my birthday (which is tomorrow) so I got to see a few friends. It’s been awhile since we’ve last hung out, so I’m happy to have been able to talk to them again.

I also just learnt that I was a winner of the raffle! It made me super happy and honestly it really brightened my evening. 💜
I won the five-piece Oarfish raffle and I’m honestly surprised! I didn’t expect to win with my unlucky number thirteen amount of tickets I used to enter!
I had the chance to try one of my new mango passionfruit water infusers, and it’s actually better than I’d imagined. It’s just the right amount of mango and it’s so refreshing to drink in the heat.
@S.J. unsolicitedly drew my chocolate buddy as an Animal Crossing villager and I love it. Thank you again. He looks so cute!
Today was another good day for me. The positivity I started feeling yesterday carried over to today. I slept in and had a relaxing day at home. I watched two episodes of Fumetsu no Anata e, the latest episode of My Hero Academia, and finished up Trese, so it was a big anime day. Plus, I still have tomorrow off work.
  • I watched the Formula 1 2021 Dutch Grand Prix. It's actually been the first time since 1985 that they last raced there in particular (is it safe to assume that many of us on here weren't even born yet?). Anyway, the race itself was fairly interesting with the strategy and all that. And the atmosphere is a sight to behold since there were soooo many people who came to watch the race today to cheer on Max Verstappen (who happens to be Dutch as well that was born in Belgium). When he finished the race in first place, the crowd was just going crazy with the cheers and orange smoke. It must be a great feeling to represent your country. Oh, and despite the championship rivalry between him and Lewis Hamilton, they still gave him respect which is what I'd like to see.
  • I managed to muster another car drawing, this time a Renault R8 Gordini. Ah yes, another 'boxy' car as I'm still getting a hang of it. I've applied quite a few tutorials along with the meme queen's advice (Mistreil) to trace the reference photo to get an even better understanding of what I'm drawing. I've also gone ahead and tried doing the front view of the vehicle for the first time, even though it ended up looking asymmetrical in the end. I should start dwelling a bit more on more cars that are fairly recent or else I'd sound like an oldie that hates modern stuff lol.
-Played some more DQXI S today! I took a little break from the Tickington quests for a bit and focused some more on the post-game story and a few regular side quests.
-Added a new desktop wallpaper to my rotation!
-Found a translation of an official short story about one of my faves! It was great ;v;