What Are You Happy About Today?

A couple friends and I decided to hang out together and watch WrestleMania together. Only one of our group keeps up with the regular WWE product (I honestly only ever bother to check in on WrestleMania each year because the product otherwise is kind of annoying to follow) so my other friend and I relied on him to give some context for things but it was an enjoyable, albeit overlong, show. It was fun to hang out with my friends and do that since it had been a while since all of us got together to do something and the show itself was mostly positive; better than some of the previous ones in recent memory. Good way to spend an evening.
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I've won a lot of games in League of Legends a row today, yeay!
I'm happy that my favorite college team just won the NCAA National Championship game!
I was able to get a lot Sakura collectibles today and gave all but one away to good homes :D

Edit: And now I have 0 left
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I pretty much got my convenience store done in my alt's house. Just a few more additions ^_^ I don't think I'll be meeting the deadline for finishing my town but I've decided to let that go and just have fun and ever since thinking this way, I got a new wind with playing this game. I'm motivated again :D
I'm happy that my favorite college team just won the NCAA National Championship game!

And my favorite college team just lost the NCAA National Championship game. Woo.... :?)

Well, technically it?s my mom?s favorite and not mine, but I cheered them on anyway. I don?t really care about college sports one way or the other, just the pro sports. Congrats on winning though.


Anyway, not really happy about much right now, but at least my internet is fast again. :)
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I saw a grey pitter pat sleeping under my car today, so cute♡

I call cats pitter pats.
I saw a grey pitter pat sleeping under my car today, so cute♡

I call cats pitter pats.

That is honestly the cutest name for cats that I've ever heard! :blush:

I'm happy that the weather was warm and nice today and I got to go walk outside on my afternoon break.
It was a really nice day, and when we took the dogs for a walk, a really nice night. Everything’s blooming and it’s so pretty. I love this time of year.
I logged into my file on ACNL for the first time in a couple months to check on Port, and everyone is still there! Also got to see the Sakura leaves falling at night in the game, which look beautiful. :)
Instead of a freezer meal for dinner after I got off of work today, I was presented with the option to buy my own dinner at a restaurant with reeally good pizza, so ofcourse I chose that over freezer food. I also did a bit of shopping after work and got cheap makeup brushes for nail art.
God bless my sweet sister in law and her shared interest in broadway musicals. She cheered me right up. <3
The last of the snow finally melted where I live, and it's been pretty nice out for the majority of the week so far. I'm really enjoying the spring weather!
I'm happy about finally getting the calculation-based questions right and finished on my assignment whoop
The shirts as well as the statue I ordered finally came in the mail today, and I also picked up Injustice 2: Legendary Edition today. Also went to a restaurant with some friends today and we ate and hung out. Today was a pretty good day. :)