I participated in my school's walkout! Although I didn't do much except yell a few chants and hand out food, I think being there with a good reason is good enough.
Happy that it’s the end of the week, my classes are going well, the sports teams I like are winning still, and I’m getting registered for classes for next year. Things are looking up.
Finally able to catch the Spiny Robster in my 3rd town Lumina after constantly finding the time to dive inbetween chores for straight up 3 days. That was the last creature I needed to catch before changing the date.
And one more. Finally!! I was able to complete handing out some things someone needed! It was to say happy accident. She came in during the trade with the other person. Seems like she didn't know who's town it was but just randomly chose as her destination. xD And she gave me a wrapped up present. It made me giggle when I opened it after she's left.<3 Thank you, Daena.
I am still kind of ill, but on the bright side my new couch was delivered today at a convenient time.
Also, my partner just got me Stardew Valley recently and I have been loving every bit of it !
I have mostly just been clearing the farm and browsing mods; really excited to start working on it.
I finally passed this class with a teacher that kept telling me to switch career. It’s so stressful and that’s finally one thing I don’t have to worry about anymore
technically yesterday but defeated the final boss in monster manor/streetpass mansion and got the 2nd and final hat god know how long that took with one other new 2ds xl basically to sp with and so much coins @.@