Eventually got my jeans after DHL screwed them lol. And the lady at customer service was really nice from the store I ordered from so it could get sent out and stuff... Dumb DHL
Also going to a bbq party tomorrow at my co-worker's
I saw the cutest cat earlier and my friend got tickets for us to go see the Monet exhibit at the art museum later this year. It's still kinda far away but I'm really excited!
It's Friday and I had a relaxing evening at home. Plus, it wasn't raining in my town today! The rain makes me kind of depressed after a while, but today the sky was so pretty and the hibiscus were just starting to show their blooms. I took several pictures in different areas of my town.
Seriously. The ceremony was wonderful, food was delicious, I danced until I couldn’t breathe. Honestly more fun than I’ve ever had in my life. My brother and I have never been particularly close, but his new wife is perfect for him. I’m genuinly happy for them both. I’m truly grateful that I all had such a perfect night with everyone I Love together. <3 <3 <3
Today was a fairly good day. I can't really specify a reason, but I just felt better today than I have been the past few weeks. I got to sleep in, enjoyed some quiet time at home, watched a few episodes of a show that I'm really enjoying, played some Animal Crossing, and then went out and bought a PS4 (yeah, I know, late to the party). I wish I had more days where I felt this calm and relaxed.
Late last night I uploaded (live recordings of) my music demos on Google Drive for the dev team to look at. In case you don't know, I'm working with a development team on a game, and I'm the music composer. I was a bit nervous, but I have a lot of confidence in my music composing ability, so I wasn't really worried.
This morning I checked the group chat where I had linked the drive folder to the demos, and someone commented "these are absolutely incredible." Now my confidence is boosted and I'm super happy that they like my artistic vision for the music!
So later today I'm gonna start writing down the notes in Synthfont, so I can have a clean copy of the music. Hype!!!
It's Canada Day! I had a lovely dinner outside with my family and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Plus it's a time to remember how grateful I am to live in this country!
i volunteered today for canada day. it was kinda boring because i basically had to sit in a room to do first aid in case someone needs it (and no one needs it 99% of the time) but i had some good conversations with people there
I've been meaning to compile a list of my favorite villagers and I finally did it today. Also finally working on a new signature for here bc my old one was kind of boring
I'm happy that I don't have to go to work tomorrow. It's been a rough week with several people out for the holiday so I have been doing the job of 4 people all by myself this week. I desperately need tomorrow to recuperate.
Happy today because I got to talk to someone I really care about last night. Had a good amount of sleep and woke up at 8 a.m. Made some breakfast and did some chores while my family is gone. Then I watched some video game shows on TV and played some Fire Emblem at the same time, and had some good laughs. I may be going swimming later as well.
What I’m most happy about though is that I’m finally not pulling all nighters again. I’m getting good sleep lately.
My mom and dad BOTH made a huge feast for dinner this 4th of July. Went outside and got to see some fireworks... sort of (stupid trees surround my neighborhood) overall it was a pretty good day yesterday! It warms my heart to see my mother off of alcohol and actually doing stuff though.