What Are You Happy About Today?

My Pearl and Marina amiibos came today. I was looking for them everywhere for quite a while now, ended
up order them from a shop in France, since any other shop I looked up didn't had them anymore. Really
happy about this. :)
Finally and eventually got my shirts, although had to pick them up at some mail terminal quite sometime away from me 'cause they sorted it wrongly :( And bought a pride flag, and a pride fold-able fan in town :)
Went with my parents to get my new phone. Then we went out to eat which was nice.
A buddy gave me a bootleg of a movie that isn't available in this country. The Magic Pudding. John Cleese voices the main character who goes around telling people to eat his face, then it grows back or some crap. Interesting.
I went to an exhibition about manga at the British Museum which I've been excited about for ages and it was such a lovely day! <3
It's Friday and my two co-workers who have been off will finally be back next week, so I'm looking forward to enjoying the weekend and having a little less stress next week. I also got my refund for a movie that I've had to return 3 times now to different sellers because it's been damaged each time I received it.
I went to my first horse show today and I got three 2nds, three 3rds and one 5th! :D I'm super happy to have done that well for my first show with only a few weeks of training.
It's been a pleasant weekend so far! It feels good to be able to sleep more for a bit, after having to wake up before 6am for work.
I got to sleep in today and enjoyed spending the day at home, watching TV, playing Animal Crossing and hanging out with my dog.
I feel a little distracted from my mental health for once and I'm enjoying the present.
i think i have glowed up a bit! i am usually super introverted, moody, awkward but over these few weeks, i've noticed a major change in that. i'm more confident, outgoing and i'm hardly in a bad mood! i hope for it to stay like that! :D
I just caught the tarantula in ACNL after weeks and weeks of looking. Now I am only two bugs away from completing my bug encyclopedia!
I got Anicotti to plot in the correct spot. I'm so excited to have her back since she was my best friend in the original GameCube version. :)