What Are You Happy About Today?

I bought the tickets so my favorite person and I can go see the new Super Mario movie. We’re going to the late showing on April 6th!
I had a very short day at work followed by my favorite person relieving me. Plus, she was incredibly sweet as always. I love being hugged by her and being able to leave work afterwards. She’s just so unpredictable, like she picked me up last night and carried me across the dish room, lol.
My dish partner (the Autistic one) did so well by himself today! It was only for a half hour because I was cleaning the restrooms but it got real busy and he did amazing staying caught up. I was surprised because he typically gets overwhelmed with lots of dishes but he did great. I told his helper how proud I was of him.
I did a bit more research on relocation and I’m feeling better about it! Although I am dealing with a particular problem related to relocation, I figured out there’s an option for me. There really are workarounds if you put the work in and do the research. My biggest downfall has been lack of research, so I’m glad I’ve been looking into every possible thing.
I picked up a new travel accessory! It’s definitely not a need, but it does make sense for me since most of my money unfortunately does go towards laundry. The price tag of this wash bag will pay for itself with the amount of times I wash clothes, lol.
@MiniPocketWorld Nice seed starter collection! Have you ever planted potatoes before? Watch out if you haven't. They get these 'potato' beetles. Every time I handled them, they burst into orange goop. Matt Damon never had to deal with that.
Nope. This is my first time. It's something I've been wanting to do, and this year is just as good as any to start. The potatoes are in thede cloth bag things with a flap to reach in. Others are gonna be in pots and bottomless troughs. I have some other seeds I haven't started yet. We will see what works and what doesn't.
We are going to put netting up to help with bugs.
I wasn't able to play Minecraft today because I was experiencing a recent glitch where the loading screen would freeze at 66%, but it was patched later this afternoon, so I'll be good to go next time! ^^ With the extra time I had though I decided to play Pokémon Legends: Arceus for a while instead, so I still had fun.
I'm very excited for the Saint Patrick's Day raffle! It's been nice reading everyone else's lucky stories too. 🍀
I was able to finish @/Foreverfox's art request today!
My parents and I watched Grian's latest (and very unorthodox) Limited Life episode! It was actually hilarious and I can't wait to see some of the other POVs.
I made another rubber band bracelet!
And I wound down for the evening with Rune Factory 5! Had a fun little outing looking around for meteors after the star shower, and planted my first starfall seeds afterwards! 🌟
Today I'm happy because:

- It was another easy day of work. I got some incidents out of my queue and started prepping for next week's work.
- I got my car inspection and an oil change done, so I don't have to worry about that again until next year.
- We have a working basement door again. In fact, I think it works better than it did when we first moved in.
- I picked up some salad supplies and some more Cadbury Creme Eggs at the store. I can enjoy eating healthly and eating sweets.
- I had a nice, relaxing shower this evening and put on some fresh pajamas.
- It's Friday which means I can sleep in for the next two days! I've been tired all week.
A couple more additional happies to end the day!

- Buzzer beater three by Maxi Kleber for the Dallas Mavericks to defeat the Los Angeles Lakers tonight 111-110!!! 🏀 🔥 🤩

- New episode of MHA coming out soon, the penultimate one for the season. 💚

- Earned my first gym badge in my Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke!
My cats, Caramel and Wookie, have been getting used to each other quickly! They wouldn't even go near each other at first (or they would but also end up fighting), but now I see both of them sleeping on my bed every day and it's so cute. 🥺

One of my online friends wrote a couple fanfics that I really enjoyed! I'm also writing some of my own that I'm probably gonna publish once I'm done. 📝

I baked oatmeal cookies the other day and they were really good! 🍪

Watched some South Park, I'm on season 18 now! I'm honestly pretty happy that I finally got to see Princess Kenny, aha.

Did some drawings for my art challenge! I'm not quite finished catching up, but at least I had some interesting Miis to draw, like Miguel and Greg! 🎨

I haven't discovered any new System of a Down songs I like, but I've been having a blast listening to all my favorites. I also found a video of their Armenia 2015 concert, specifically of them singing I-E-A-I-A-I-O! (One of my top 3, so that's extra cool!)
The way Serj says "WHY?" is fricking hilarious though. 🤣
- Celebrated Mother's Day today (it's tomorrow, but my mum is working all day tomorrow). I got her a card, some flowers, and took her out for afternoon tea with my siblings, I think she enjoyed it :) Everything was pretty delicious, especially the cakes and scones!

- Also happy I wore a cute outfit and did my makeup
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept well last night and got to sleep in this morning.
- I had a nice day at home with my husband and my dog.
- My neck was sore yesterday but it's feeling a lot better today.
- I got some laundry done and we cleaned up part of the basement. We took out a full bag of trash, filled up most of the recycling bin, and I have a full bag of never-before-worn clothing to donate to Goodwill. I also found a few shirts that were gifted to my husband but he didn't want them. I like them so I'm going to keep them.
- I had a good lunch and dinner plus a chocolate milkshake for dessert.
- I enjoyed my shower this evening.
- I got FFXIV installed and I've almost completed my character creation.
- I get to sleep in again tomorrow.
- I won a Spring Shamrock in the St. Patrick's Day raffle! I need to come up with a line-up for it. 🍀
daily happies: 💌

🍻 going out for st. patty's yesterday was, frankly, a nightmare. but i got to spend time with some people that i think are genuinely amazing, so i'll take that as a win. making myself look cute (aka not wearing sweatpants for once), eating a delicious dinner, and having drinks with the girlies was definitely the right choice last night.

🍛 ate a SCRUMPTIOUS meal of spicy chicken dolsot bibimbap + yuzu flavored soju yesterday. plus my friends were there and we weren't stressed out as usual. good as it's going to get :p

☁️ woke up feeling awful this morning, but my partner was there to commiserate with me. and by that, i mean listen to me recount the night and complain. they're a gem.

🧼 decided that i wasn't going to do anything today on account of feeling so ill, so instead of studying i cleaned my bathroom, took out the trash, did laundry, and ran to the convenience store to pick up some home supplies. it's tough to balance "house" productivity with "work" or "school" productivity, but i'm much happier with a clean bathroom.

🐝 my partner and i started watching the (very new) show "swarm", and we're obsessed. i think we only have two or three episodes left (and they're short episodes). i have no idea how it's going to end, but so far i am RIVETED. i haven't watched a genuinely *good* show that makes me want to immediately watch episode after episode in a long time. the premise: a really, really obsessed beyonce superfan goes off the rails. horror-thriller. lots of celeb cameos, excellent acting, gorgeously filmed (the color palettes are insane). and the whole thing was created by donald glover! that man's mind... we're definitely going to finish it tomorrow.

🧋 my roommate bought me boba. bestie... you know the path to my heart.

☎️ chatted with my mom and one of my best friends on the phone. it feels nice to connect with people and i should do it more.

🕯 it's the one year anniversary of me meeting my partner! (not us dating, mind you, but our first date). it's funny because my partner was like "it's march, it's going to be a year since we met!" so i checked the date of our first date from a selfie i took on the same day. lo and behold... it's been exactly a year. it's been a wonderful year. :')

✨ there's a lot i have to do tomorrow and i am of course *stressed*, but today was calming and full of love and i'm at peace with how things have turned out. thanks for being a cozy place for me at the day, bell tree homies. have a good night!
My family and I watched Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Fairy Tail this morning!
We also watched GeminiTay's new Empires episode later on! Very curious to see what's going on with all these mysterious happenings on the server. 👀
And I spent most of the rest of today playing Rune Factory 5! I was finally able to capture the last of the wanted monsters too, and I'm starting to make some good headway on requests again!
I woke up early this morning, which was a nice surprise. Usually I wake up at 12 PM-1 PM on weekends, but I woke up at 10:30 AM instead! 🌄

Made some progress on a fic I'm currently working on, I'm already at 450+ words. 📝

Finished catching up for my art challenge! I also made another post about it in my art gallery. 🎨

Found some more System of a Down songs I like! This time I got Dreaming, CUBErt, and Innervision! 🎶

I had steak, vegetables, and onion gratin soup for dinner and it was delicious. 🍲

I'm so happy to have Caramel in our household again. She mostly hangs out in my room (either on my bed or on my windowsill) and I enjoy petting her and just having her around in general. 🐱
- I got to sleep in, which was very much needed. 💤

- Groomed myself and practiced some self-care. 💅

- I earned my second gym badge in my Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke, and also defeated Team Galactic in Eterna City. I also have a Crobat on my team now. 🎮

- The Dallas STARS defeated the Calgary Flames 6-5 in overtime IN CALGARY!! Jason Robertson with the OT game winner, baby! 🏒 🔥 🤩
🥐 We had Croissants for Breakfast because why not?

🫂 it’s Mother’s Day today and my mum loved the card I got her

👶🏻 I’m seeing my baby Nephew later

🍝 my brother is cooking us spaghetti bolognese for Mother’s Day

🏰 I’m going to play some Acnh later

📺 me and mum are going to watch 2 episodes of Sherlock later
My mom wants to take me to Florida at the end of this year (all paid for by her). I haven’t spoken to her since I texted her “happy birthday” back in July. We aren’t exactly on the best terms since I don’t think she wants me to move away from this city because she’d miss me, but everything keeps coming out wrong and she’s making it sound like she doesn’t think I can do it or that it won’t work out for me, and that’s not the energy I want. I think she wants to use this trip as bonding time, so hopefully it goes well?

I just hate planes but I can’t really complain because it’s free. I also feel bad for taking this trip because we really don’t speak but maybe it could be good. I’m still contemplating it but chances are I’m going, because I don’t want to keep her waiting. I know she has to book everything and I don’t want to hold her up.

I had a comfort character letter written a little while ago. I was putting off opening it until I felt lonely enough to need it. This morning was when I felt like I needed words of encouragement, so here we are. It was one page, front and back. I only pulled a portion from the back in case the whole thing is too much, but character was on point, as well.

If it weren’t obvious, this is Hunter from The Owl House. He’s my favorite character from the series and I’ve felt like I can relate to him at various points in the show.

My vacation is about to officially begin! I'm just waiting for my first train on my trip to arrive and I can't wait. But I guess I was so excited I forgot to eat lunch before getting here...
I love, love Amtrak and I cannot wait to see pictures of course! I hope you have lots of fun on this trip! Trains are the best.