What Are You Happy About Today?

i finally got to download poke bank & poke transporter *not that i'll use poke transporter anyway.. i just needed bank*

& now i'm getting some new pokemon 3ds themes... :D
starting with this one
i think i love this one the most, though :love:

adventure partner theme.jpg

oh.. my.. god!... this one makes popplio & togedemaru make happy faces!:love:
& litten wakes up & then goes back to sleep.... :love: okay... it's that one :D... but i'm gonna keep the first one for right now :D

jirachi & floette move!! :love:


i had to be careful, though... i only had £10.51 left on there....
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- Headed to martial arts again tonight! 🥋

- Slept well again. 💤

- The Dallas Mavericks play the Golden State Warriors tonight. It will be on ESPN. Should be a good game. 🏀

- I currently have 5 gym badges in my Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke. I never thought I'd make it this far! 🎮

- The repairs on my bathroom and hallway are almost finished, and it's looking spectacular! 🤩

- I got recognized at work for going above and beyond to help others. This is what it means to go beyond. Plus... ULTRA! 🦸‍♂️


I'm happy because I started an ACCF city on my dusted off Wii U! I've been wanting to do that for a while and I like it! The nostalgia is hitting and I'm really getting that Animal Crossing expercience I lacked with NH.
I'm also maybe gonna be rewatching Fairy Tail after almost 10 years since I watched the first episode! I'm kinda excited about this since it was my first anime ever and I really enjoy it!
Today I'm happy because:

- Work finally calmed down a bit and I was able to complete a few tasks I needed to get done.
- My massage therapist cancelled today due to feeling sick, but that worked out fine because I was able to catch up on some work.
- I washed a bunch of dishes from the drawer that I'm reorganizing. I'm about halfway done now.
- I had yakisoba for dinner and it was delicious.
- I'm getting ready to play some more FFXIV before going to bed.
The past few days haven't been the best for me since I caught a cold, but I'm still gonna look on the bright side regardless. ☀️

I binge-watched South Park during the past week, I'm on season 21 now! Only 5 more to go, if S26 isn't counted. Anyway, the episodes have been... Very, very interesting, to say the least. Things really changed ever since PC Principal was introduced in S19, aha. But they were still good and had parts that made me laugh.

Watched some of Poofesure's recent videos that I missed and enjoyed them. His Wii Sports Resort cycling video was hilarious and I'm happy that he's reviving his Wii Party series with a new game mode, Globe Trot. (He also just posted another video of WSR by the time I make this post, so I'm def gonna watch it afterwards!)

Haven't discovered any new System of a Down songs, but I've been really enjoying their music nonetheless. B.Y.O.B. is a definitely a new favorite of mine - Obviously I've heard and liked the song before, but now it's like I have a newfound appreciation for it. 🎵 (Not to mention that it's really catchy and has one of my favorite lyrics ever: "You depend on our protection, yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth.")

My cats continue to get along with each other, thank goodness. I saw them licking (cleaning) each other's faces the other day and it was so adorable. 😭 I also got some more pictures of them. 🐱

- University went well, I went to both my classes and then stayed an extra 2ish hours to complete some work, and I got everything done!

- Even though it's been rainy all day, it's also been very sunny (weird weather 😅)

- Had a bath and washed my hair when I got home, then watched some YouTube and Gilmore Girls, then had a pain au chocolat with some protein chocolate mousse, so overall a pretty relaxing afternoon,,
I had a very productive session with my therapist today! she offered to give me resources to find support groups so that I can meet some people and maybe even make friends, which I appreciate because having an online community as a support can be so incredibly difficult and somewhat draining too. being able to talk to people and hang out in person will be fantastic.
she also mentioned something about my confidence and self-esteem. she helped me work through all my unhelpful thoughts, like "I'm using my disability as an excuse to not do anything," and she also said that when I'm alone and I'm really struggling she knows I have the ability to bring myself out of it and not fall back on others. and I honestly really needed that, I think sometimes I try to rely on others to pick me up too much, when in reality I need to learn to pick myself up and be my own person.
she said I absolutely have it in me to reach out and be friends with people, I just need to find that confidence in me. I think I've been distant from the idea of actually making friends because I've been depressed for so long, having new people to keep track of and truly befriend has been incredibly difficult for me. but I have the capability of pursuing meaningful friendships, I just need to have confidence in who I am and my own abilities.
needless to say, she really helped me a lot today and I'm very grateful for her work. 🥰

I recently got NSMB2 on my 3DS so I've been playing that for the last week, I'm currently on world 3! I haven't actually played through this game myself, I played it a bit when I was younger but it was my brother's game so I didn't see much of it. but now I have a chance to play it and it's been great!

my back was really bothering me earlier today but I took some ibuprofen and it helped a lot so that's nice 😌

since I'm feeling a bit better today, I'm hoping to do some recording this evening. I definitely still want to do Wii Sports Resort, but I also want to record me playing SMB2: The Lost Levels at some point. I don't know which one I'll do first, I suppose whichever I'm in the mood to play. but regardless I would like to record them soon since it's been about 2 months since my last FOOL video lol

I'm learning to be more mindful and live in the present moment. I think too often I've used living in the past/future as a stress coping mechanism and I now understand that it's not a healthy way to live. so I'm trying to be more mindful and aware of what's going on now, just living in the moment, not stressing about the past and not worrying about the future. it'll prob be a really hard thing to do since I could so easily accidentally fall back into living in the past/future, but I'll keep trying my best because I want to actually live my life and not stress so much.

I'm still working on commissions and they're going well! 😁

I've saved the best thing for last! a week or so ago Flight Rising started showing these drawings which started with a shooting star, each day a new drawing would come out with the star getting closer until it almost crashed into a cliffside and revealed itself to be an Arcane spaceship. and being a newer member I didn't think much of it bc I've never seen this happen on site before. well apparently it was a teaser for a new ancient breed dragon, the Aether!

so first of all the new dragons come from outer space, which is already dope as hell, and they're from the arcane flight which is the one I just switched to recently (and @/Franny as well)! I first noticed their presence when I was in Baldwin's Brew and I noticed that some of the brew items had been shifted around, I was like "huh?" and I realized that they were shifted bc there were new items that were genes for a dragon called an "Aether," so right away I went to check it out. not only was there a brand new dragon breed, but they also gave each active player a chance to collect 2 free Aether eggs, giving them Generation 1 hatchlings (G1 basically meaning they have no parents and are the first of their kind).

I hatched both of my eggs and what do I see? LITTLE DRAGON MOTH BABIESSS SKDJFKSJDK

this was the first one I hatched and I IMMEDIATELY was like ah yep I'm keeping her haha. the other one didn't have a color scheme I could really work with so I sold him off, but this gal here I named Ariel and she is a permanent member of my clan!

you can't tell from the pic above but these are the first and only dragons on FR that have more than four legs; they have six to be exact! and ofc they're based on a fluffy kind of moth so they have lots of floof and these cute little fuzzy wings, and their genes (some of which are unique to them) enhance that butterfly/moth like appearance a lot. I used a scry to come up with what Ariel might look like as an adult and this is what I came up with:

(you can see her little second pair of arms here hehe)
first of all this color scheme is FANTASTIC, the secondary color/gene combo just happens to align with the primary color and her eye color matches as well! (the hatchlings had a random element assigned to them and Ariel has the Earth element).
second of all: LOOK HOW CUTE SHE ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ。・:*˚:✧。 the fluff tufts, the antlers, the tiny little feets (WITH THE TOE BEAAAANS), the moth wings, the cute little prickly teeth, the big eyes, I mean everything!!! I always said tundras were my favorite dragon but THESE HECKIN FLOFFY MOTH DRAGON BABS JUST FLUTTER INTO MY LIFE and I'm 99.9999997% positive they're tied for being my favorite dragon now!! I just can't they're so amazing OTL

so uhhhh anyways they now have their very own tab in my lair just like tundras do! I currently have 3 G1 Aether hatchlings and four other dragons I plan on changing into Aethers once I acquire the funding, I'll show them off here:

this is Petunia, a G1 I got from someone else. I absolutely loved this scry and I named her after my OC petunia, who is also grey and purple!

this is Forrest, yet another G1 I got from someone else. I liked the green and brown colors so I wanted to make him into a woods-themed dragon!

this is Cosmos, this may or may not be his final scry since I have like 3 other dragons with the same colors/genes (lol whoops, what can I say it's an appealing combo!!) but this is what I have for now and I'm quite happy with it! fgf

this is Emmy, the primary and secondary colors are different yet with these genes they manage to match so well!!!

this is Cocoa, he's a positively pink bab and I love him very much♥️

and lastly (not for long tbh) this is Lila, she's honestly prob the one I will gene first because, I mean just look at all that purple!! I love the purple! :love:

anyways yeah that's my rant abt Aethers haha I was having a **** day yesterday and they just made everything so much better and I absolutely love them <3333
I saw my favorite person today and when I was with her, someone said that’s the happiest I’ve been all day. That… actually makes sense. She’s a perfect boost for my mood. <3
She also hugged me and words cannot express how much I needed that hug. I also had the chance to tell her about my upcoming trip. I have a gel stress ball that I was telling her I likely couldn’t take it on the flight and she told me I’d have to settle for her name tag. Which is still superior to the ball in my eyes anyway, haha. I loved the joke, lol. But she knows I never leave the house without it.
I could never.
I made a sale on some sodas I’ve been trying to sell for months.
I had a short and easy day at work today, and I was also paid.
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@xSuperMario64x your new mothy dragons are adorable!! I especially love that swirly/starry pattern that Lila has, that's such a pretty detail 🥺

I didn't post last night because I wasn't feeling too well (better now though!) so for yesterday:
Helped clear out some junk and found some more things that we can donate!
Started working on another art request!
I watched SmallishBeans' new episode of Empires with my family! It was amazing ahahaha
And I got to play Rune Factory 5 some more too! I've finally unlocked Co-op Cooking and Tandem Smithing, so that's fun. ^^

And today!
I helped my mom sort through a lot of my old childhood books! We've kept a small handful, but otherwise filled up two boxes to donate, so they should hopefully be going to some nice new homes soon.
Also straightened up my bathroom cabinet! It's so much neater now and I shouldn't have to dig around to find anything anymore.
My parents and I got to watch some Youtube and see fWhip's latest Empires episode! I love his builds, they're always incredible.
And I had some more fun playing Rune Factory 5 today! Did a little decorating and I'm looking forward to the Tricky Treats Contest next time.
Watched Poofesure's latest WSR video and enjoyed it. My favorite part was when he got really excited about seeing Abby when he would otherwise get angry and insult the other Miis. 😆 I decided to watch some Animal Crossing videos afterwards (from different YouTubers), which I thoroughly enjoyed as well.

I decided to boot up AC:NL again after not playing it for 6 months and I got a lot of things done! I might start playing it regularly again, so I can't wait! 🍃

I'm still sick, but I'm slowly recovering. I'm glad my parents let me stay home, as I got some much-needed rest. 💤 (I literally slept for 8 hours, and paired with the 7 hours I got last night... A total of 15 hours of sleep. I'm shocked.)

I made a dish of leftover meat and rice for tomorrow's lunch but my brother wanted it, so I gave it to him and made a tuna sandwich instead. I still had some tuna left over, so I made another sandwich for my step-mom's lunch. I feel pretty good about it. 🥪
Today I'm happy because:

- I got to bed a little earlier last night.
- I cuddled with my husband this morning before getting out of bed.
- I made it through another work day and I got a decent amount done despite having a full day of meetings.
- It felt like early summer outside today, so warm and sunny.
- I'm glad I started doing some yoga. It's definitely made some improvements in how I feel.
- My mom stood up for herself again when my brother was rude to her. It upset her a lot, but I told her she's doing the right thing.
- I finished washing almost all of the silverware.
- Tomorrow is Friday and then it will finally be the weekend!
It's been a while since I last posted in this thread!
  • Feel free to skip this point. While I was on my way to drop off my sister at school, it made me happy to see the Honda S2000 with my own eyes again. 😊 Mind you, this was during rush hour, so I was surprised to see it at all in the middle of traffic! This particular one is in silver. The other colour variations I saw in the past were white, yellow (which fits the car the best), red, and orange (which is one of the rarest colours for the S2000 if I'm not wrong). I wonder if there's a blue one that exists in my area because that'd be great haha. This is going to be a huge ask since I'm only in Canada but I hope one day I'll see its predecessor, the S800!

  • I did a quick errand and made a short visit to the dollar store. I managed to get another good find of a Hotwheels toy, featuring the LB Super Silhouette Nissan Silvia (S15)! It's been a little while. 😅
Nissan Silvia S15.PNG
  • Did some textbook reading.

  • I wrapped up the shading to my drawing and finished it after working on it over the past few days!

  • While I initially started it a couple of days ago, I got to play New Super Mario Bros. for the DS again after not touching it in years. I got nostalgic playing through the game and bringing lots of smiles to my face. The best part is that I can play as Luigi even on a fresh save file. Luigi deserves to get some spotlight, and I love it when he says "Yay for me, Luigi!" whenever I clear a level haha. I've just begun to progress into world 3 at the time of this post!

  • I cooked food for dinner and it tasted really good. Even my parents say the same and it made me feel happy on the inside. 💙

  • I made some stuff on Inkscape and traced over the art I finished so I could use it in Gran Turismo 7.
  • I saw my mum last week, and also saw her cat, as well as a fox outside (it was evening)! The fox was really cute and graceful.
  • This afternoon I walked my dog to the park and back, and she had a great time. 🥰 There are some new-ish dogs on our street and it was her first time seeing them too.
  • I’ve been taking some time to read (though I’d really like to spend some more time drawing too!).
  • I’ve played a little bit of ACNH yesterday and Wednesday. 😊
  • @/Bluebellie made me a cute photo roll signature! 🐷💖
  • It’s been an interesting and busy work week. I had some downtime on Thur/Fri (today) that I could have filled, but I have work I need to work on this weekend anyway.
  • I won a Spring Shamrock in the St Patrick’s Day raffle! I am so thrilled with it, and definitely felt lucky! 😊🍀
  • Today is my two year join-date TBT anniversary! 🌟🎉 I received some seashells yesterday, so that was a lovely surprise too. 🥰🐚
  • Last but not least, it’s the weekend! 🎉
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
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Finally. FINALLY
After dour months my dream shoes have made it to London from Spain and they are absolutely beautiful and make me feel so happy. I never in my life thought Id ever be able to afford these shoes and yet here I am stood in 9 inch platforms that make me feel like Im the coolest person in the world - and apparently the young folk of Croydon have noticed my shoes too because while Ive been here today a number of kids have made out loud comments on the shoes. I dont care, I love them !
I adore my partner very much and he went to such lengths to secure me those shoes, so he has my upmost admiration now and forever !!!!

sorry for the bathroom pics, I just really wanted to show them off !!

- Today was sunny and pretty warm (despite some quick rain showers)! I'm the type whose mood is really affected by the weather, so dry, mild weather and sun puts me in a good mood

- The deadline for one of my assignments got expanded, which means that I don't have two weeks to finish it!! (originally I would be on vacation in Japan for the deadline, so had two less weeks to finish it), super relieved and happy about this. Funnily enough the deadline is now on my birthday, so I'm hoping I finish it before then :ROFLMAO:

- Went to all my scheduled classes, got a lot of work done in the library, and ate a nice sandwich for lunch

- It's Friday and a new season of a show I like starts airing tonight! :)

- Made plans yesterday to meet my friend for lunch on Monday! So glad because we haven't seen each other in ages
  • It's Friday, after a long week!
  • I met a lovely couple when I was out walking Blossom, and they were absolutely delighted to see a Basset Hound. They started asking me about her as they previously had a Basset Hound until it passed away and said they've never seen one since. You could see the delight in their faces when they were petting and talking to her, that really gave me a warm feeling. 🥺
  • I bought Blossom some dog friendly Easter Eggs. I couldn't wait until Easter and gave her one today, she absolutely loved it!
  • I got my pre-order Elton John Honky Chateau 50th Anniversary CD back a day early!
  • Finally got time to play the newest batch of Mario Kart DLC tracks. Think Singapore Speedway is my favourite!
  • Played some Wreckfest.
  • I ordered WRC Generations yesterday, it also arrived today and got some time to play some test tracks.
  • Hopefully I will manage to play some Animal Crossing tomorrow, I need to see my beautiful Buck!
- i've really been on a roll for my classes lately. just yesterday and today, i've gotten 100% on some of my assignments! :)
- my college has received my application! i'll probably come back to this thread to celebrate if i receive good news but in the meantime.. we will play the waiting game (aka. applying for a crazy amount of scholarships)
- it's the weekend and i'm feeling tired.. i will probably sleep lots now.
- i got some coffee and donuts for my little sister and she seems really happy! :D i love doing random nice acts for my siblings sometimes.
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