What Are You Happy About Today?

Sometimes it feels like the world is falling apart and the rain won’t stop. But then I’m reminded like I am again today that I’m friends with some of the most awesome people there are, that I have a family that loves and supports me, and that I’m friends with people my family is friends with as well. That, even though I’m taking a full set of classes, I should give myself permission to be stressed because others in my situation already would be. One friend in particular steals my heart away every time I talk to her. <3

But most of all, despite my flaws, I should be happy that I’m turning out to be someone my younger self would be proud of. :blush:
I was about to rank down in LoL and I still risked it just before Season end..
holy **** I was sweating I was so nervous the whole game. My team praised me so much
for carrying and all. Thank god I won :D
The weather was pretty nice today. I love the early fall temperatures. Not too hot, not too cold.
It's Wednesday, which means it's soon Friday so my bf is back soon. :D
I am so happy how I played, that I made a gif
out of it, haha. My ADC was very pleased. :3
(I'm the fish that stunned both of the blue team)

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Traded collectibles for one I really wanted, ily and u kno who u are <3

Also meh day at work but hopefully class will be good :3
I've earned "food guy" status with my birds, I almost always give them a treat when I walk past their cage and today one of them noticed I was eating something and lept towards me to check it out. I have no treats for them today though, he'll just have to deal with that.
I'm just absolutely enjoying the playing experience from Dragon Quest 11 S right now. In fact, it's probably going in my top 5 favourite games of all time. It's $90 well worth spent. That's in Canadian dollars mind you.
After the new screen of my boyfriends phone got cancelled, I at least get the full refund.
Thank god, for once something is just simply smooth and doesn't has me end up calling
about 10 times in one week. YESS
I get to leave work early today. We're having a team bowling event. I'm not much of a bowler, but if it gets me out of work, I'm all for it.
Happy because the weekend is almost here. I really want something new to do, so as the remaining weeks go by, the closer I finally get to playing Pok?mon Sword. I'm literally excited! ^o^