What Are You Happy About Today?

I'm thinking about meeting Kim Petras ldjgkjm
I can't believe I'm... like... gonna meet her, talk with her omg... I KNOW I'm gonna be a nervous wreck like... when I'm anxious my correct english accent dissapears and leaves me with a terrible french one...
I also have to look on fleek for her!!! I should really focus on having a clear skin, and I should also try to see when I could go a cut my hair + maybe do a little dye... I'M EXCITED.
I think the VIP price was very low for what it is honestly... I know Kim isn't that big yet but it's still low!
i went to get some korean fried chicken with my friend
and my new phone case just got delivered today n-n
it's been 2 years since i changed my phone case & screen protector so it's finally looking new again. the screen protector has been broken for a long time now x-x
Seeing my boyfriend in 4 days!!!!! I leave to go see him in 3!!! I'm SUPER excited. And probably will be until I have to go back home ;-;​
Knowing that I've put aside money towards a Switch and the new AC game.
I'll be hibernating for a few months next year
I just finished taking an exam I’m pretty sure I aced. I don’t even need to look at the grade to know that I aced it. I also just claimed Simon from Gurren Lagann in rolls in our anime server thanks to Gobby. I’ve definitely found my groove again! :D
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I'm happy that we're having burgers and hotdogs for dinner tonight. It's the dinner I didn't know I needed today.
My husband was in a much better mood today. Yesterday, he was having a really bad day, and when he's upset so am I. So I'm happy he's feeling better today.
Well, I went to my job interview today. I think I did pretty well! I wasn't really nervous as I answered the questions. The interviewer said that I should expect a call back from him, to hear whether or not I'll be getting a second interview. If I move on to the second interview, I'll be more likely to get the job. I'm just... worried. I mean, he said that the only thing that's against me getting the job is my availability. Since I have school and rely on my family on transportation, I can only work four days a week - after school on the weekdays, and morning to evenings on weekends. Blimey. I really hope I get this job.
Making nice progress on my quest chain in AQW... THAT AXE SHALT BE ME MINE.

Also surprised so many people like my HHD entry for the event... also surprise a bit myself how good it turned out *_* ty everyone for liking!
Today was our annual cultural fair at work. We got to sample foods from various countries and watch some traditional Indian dances. It's always a lot of fun.
Long time ago I lost all the pictures of my two rabbits together.. (one has passed away so I can't just take new ones)..
and I just found one back in my google drive trashcan.. I'm so happy that I found one T___T
I got to go to the park and enjoy the weather after work. O ther than that, nothing else haha.
Yesterday (Wednesday) was just a really great day, capped off by one of my favorite sports teams winning. :blush: