What are you hoping to see on Valentine's day?


May 2, 2016
Green Christmas Stocking
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Poptart Easter Egg
I'm really hoping for a fun event that takes a while to get finished and with more than just 2 or 3 items or DIY's like Christmas :/
I don't think it'll be something big since carnival which takes place after this already got announced, but who knows, hope I'm wrong.

For this event I'm hoping for some new stuff such as:
- A new fence, preferably white
- More food items
- Brewster, maybe? Since he was present in past games' Valentine's
- The flower arch we had back in NL
- The statue fountain from NL or something similar
- A new furniture set
- New lamps
- New shrubs, flowers or at least potted plants with flowers
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I hope there'll be themed letters that I can write to pals. It'll be like elementary school days when passing out cards but more aggressive.

I haven't really thought about V-day honestly. Give me a heart shaped bed, lol.
i don't play pocket camp much anymore however i think i remember a valentines event where u could get earrings
so yeah it'll be pretty cool if they brought that back, i love dressing up my character and i always enjoy getting more outfits 😁

honestly though i'm just hoping for a better event, so far the only events i enjoyed was mayday, the wedding in june and halloween (even mayday was annoying but i was just happy to see rover)
toy day was such a let down for me, in fact i preferred the easter event to toy day

and i would also like the white fence from the trailers lol
I don't really want anything for valentines I guess specifically.
But, if I had to think of something, it would be nice to maybe have the introduction of Brewster's and he could offer the limited time hot chocolate that he did in past games.
I agree with everything in the OP! I know Brewster isn't likely to return in the Valentine's update, but to be fair, he was more likely to appear in the winter updates, and he didn't. So, at this point, any update is fair game! I could even imagine this soonest update having him in it, as a generic mid-winter warm up. I just really like Brewster. I didn't even necessarily go to him every day, I just liked the idea of having him there!
I hope there isn’t an event. I hate valentines day in real life, so I would rather not be reminded of it in game.
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Probably won't see anything. Maybe villagers will ask you to deliver letters to other villagers.

We'll find out for sure in the January update trailer, most likely.
ooooooooooh i forgot about that for acnh!!! one of my fav holidays aesthetic wise!!!!!

maybe angel wings? that would be cute and fit the theme i think. maybe you could give your villagers' valentines like you'd do in school? that would be soooo cuuuuute!!
Going to be honest and hope there isn’t an event for Valentine’s Day...

I don’t mind if there’s an event in February that is but I don’t see the appeal for it when acnh hasn’t highlighted any couples. Aside from Cyrus and Reese or unconfirmed Flick and CJ if any.
Cute pink and white clothes. Heart shaped furniture. Hopefully it'll be easier to obtain diys
I had completely forgot that we still have Valentine's coming up!

I like OP's ideas. Really anything useful to decorate with (like a white fence or something cute) would be appreciated :lemon: I'm getting tired of seeing the same items over and over
i really hope there is a valentines day event, even when i was single i really liked v-day because i love hearts and the color pink lol

i would LOVE an aggressive v-day notes event like school like pyoopi said, i would find it hilarious. i would also love a heart set (i would love the lit up heart from acpc to take pics with) and brewster
i think it'd be cute if we saw reese and cyrus return for the valentine's day event!
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A cute item at the Nook Shopping seasonal tab.

I don't want a forced male villager gives female villager or viceversa, so I'd prefer to just see it referenced with an item or an Isabelle announcement highlighting the magic of friendship.
I was thinking that maybe Brewster would return as well because of the previous Animal Crossing games and Valentine's Day. Sweets series returning would be cool.
i honestly,, completely forgot all about valentine’s day LMAO 💀. i don’t really have any expectations for it nor do i think that it’ll be a huge event but if i’m hoping for anything, it’s definitely for brewster and the sweets set to come back i miss them. but any sort of new items or clothing would be nice; maybe some candy items or even the illuminated heart from new leaf? i’d love to see some new plants and fencing, too! :’^)
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I mean I at least hope that there will be SOME sort of a celebration. I always feel kinda bad they leave it out. It's a holiday but it's not the most popular holiday around the world I guess so maybe it's just not as popular but it would be really really cute if there was maybe some sort of little gift or candy exchange events, or maybe just some cute little love/heart series of furniture that you could earn somehow.