What are you hoping to see on Valentine's day?

Honestly do you think that there will be a new NPC for Valentine's?Not sure if they've ever had done that for previous iterations and knowing Nintendo, it won't happen, but I think a character that looks similar to Cupid would be pretty cool :) This is just some random brainstorming of course.
what i hope: a valentine themed furniture set with matching fence
what we will probably get: nothing or just one item in nooks shopping

just being realistic tbh
Valentine's Day is not a huge event in the series. It just involves getting letters and chocolate. So I'm a little uncertain if we'll even get it on the update or not.

In New Leaf, Brewster is involved. If we get Brewster, then I expect something similar to New Leaf: getting a hot choco from him.

Honestly, I think this would be a great time to get the Sweets furniture set back.
I would love something like how they do Valentines day in pocket camp: a special item to give to your favorite villager, and they give you a special item with a message in return!
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I think possibly a valentines card from Mom 🙈 hopefully you will be able to give a valentInes gift to your favourite villagers and maybe get something in return? In reality possibly nothing but it would be sweet if it was some kind of mini event 😍
I'm not expecting much. maybe a letter from Mom or Dad and something from one of our closest villagers like they did in NL. but like others have said it's never been a huge deal. however, a small part of me is hoping to see Brewster return aha.
I would quite like to just go round delivering cards and gifts to villagers and maybe get little gifts or chocolates back ☺️ like most people I'm not expecting much but something little to potter about and do would be nice!
Honestly, I don't like Valentines Day that much and I'm not sure what they gonna do. Perhaps there will be one or two VD themed items at the Nook Shopping section available for a limited time. Who knows, maybe they gonna turn Valentines Day into a one week long event where you can collect VD themed DIYs etc. and also bringing back Reese & Cyrus for this. I mean, it's not such a huge event, however they may turn it into one for NH now. Everything is possible at this point imo.
Ooh I haven't done much thinking about Valentine's day so far but it would be a really good time to release some new content. Here's my thoughts...
  • Another event, possibly Reese and Cyrus come back and there's something similar to the wedding event but with a Valentine's day theme.
  • New letter themes available to send to villagers/friends at the airport. Probably love/heart themed
  • New items for sale at nooks or new craftable items with a valentine's theme
  • Additional "special items" for sale on the nookphone app, possibly food or maybe even valentine's day chocolate related
  • A few additional clothing items that are wintery and possibly cutesy for valentines
I'm hoping Brewster gets added too but I didn't add him to the list since I think he may actually arrive earlier than that. Or knowing the developers, may never arrive at all. 😂 In any case I am hoping for an event and/or a few small items to go with the theme. Valentine's day is perfect for my all pink island and I'd love some new furniture/item options!
yesss i totally agree with all your ideas!! I feel like it would be so cute to have craft-able food items like chocolates and cakes or something that we can give to our villagers and friends! I also am def hoping to see brewster sooon
I don't know if they plan to do a Valentine's Day event, but I did like it on NL. It wasn't a huge event and all you got were letters in the mail with chocolate pieces from the other villagers who you were best friends with. It was still a cute little thing to check out on.
Those items would be nice, I just want new items lol. I was just thinking the other day about wanting a new fountain because we only have the one big one and then the small shell one, so a statue one would be really cool. Also some candy or something would be cool too since it is Valentine’s Day. And if Isabelle wore a cute red and pink sweater that would be a nice touch
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I'm not expecting much. Valentines has never been a big event in Animal Crossing and I doubt Nintendo will suddenly change their mind about it now. At most, I expect we might get some chocolates in the mail or a few themed items for display. I highly, highly doubt they'll introduce a new NPC or seasonal minigame.

While I don't believe it would happen, I think it would be a good time to bring back the Sweets furniture set (like someone above said). As for Brewster...I think it's a bit of a reach. I would love to see him back, but I don't really see a connection between him and Valentine's. If anything, I would've expected him to show up earlier in winter. If he does come back, I hope he won't be regulated to only tending a stand or a seasonal NPC that only shows up once every year. I hope Nintendo brings him AND the cafe back!
a card from mum and a cute chocolate heart or like a plate of brownies will be good enough for me. but like, its a great chance to bring back my boy brewster
I'm not a fan of the holiday but I'd love to see a different color fence and a box of candy.