What Are You Listening To?

A cool power ballad from a rather-unknown late ‘80s power rock group from the Netherlands. It features guest artist Phil Collen of Def Leppard doing a guitar solo. Pretty underrated track.

Normally, I like old stuff from the '70s and '80s, but this is a newer psychedelia song from 2015 that I happen to like a lot. I simply love the whole vibe it gives off, and makes for an excellent song to end a game or film. In fact, I found out about this song through a Mario fangame called Terminal 7. It's one of the very rare post-2010 songs I revisit often.

At first, I couldn't get the song through Apple Music, but I found it on the service randomly a year ago alongside the rest of the album its on. I also just found out yesterday that Whitey released a song in 2005 that's on the Gran Turismo 4 soundtrack ("In the Limelight"), so that surprised me as well.

I'm usually not a fan of rap music, but I played this right before 2023 started and ended up having an amazing year. Ironic that the song focuses on the number "3," since that's what this year ends in.

I'm usually not a fan of rap music, but I played this right before 2023 started and ended up having an amazing year. Ironic that the song focuses on the number "3," since that's what this year ends in.
I love De La Soul...rap music I can really dig!