I think I've finally settled on Starlune as the name of my island, but then I am quite fond of the name Crescent as well ♥
I may switch on the day itself depending on how I feel about the maps given.
The only thing that comes to mind right now is Konpeito > < all my past games I?m pretty sure the town names were Pokemon related and now it?s been ~7 years since ACNL and I don?t know what to name my island :?D
Isle Delfino was one I kept mentioning to my cousin but it wasn?t a serious suggestion ;;
Oh man, I have no idea. I always named my towns "Cooltown" cause that's the stupid name I came up with as a kid and it holds sentimental value. But if "Cooltown" is a dumb name you bet "Coolisland" is even dumber, so I don't think I'm going with that
If all else fails I'll just pick any old word and run it through a foreign language, can't really go wrong with that method
I think I'm going with Lilac Bay, which is a change from my usual solar-themed town names (Star in ACGC, Celestic in WW, Galaxia in CF, and Luna in NL)
Fairhaven. There were a lot of words I was playing with that I wanted to incorporate into my town name (Mist, Dusk, Veil, Mere, etc) but Haven was always one that kept coming. And I have a small family-bound obsession with the Fair Folk, so. Fairhaven just sort of happened. I wanted a place that sounded welcoming and comfortable, but also a bit mysterious.
I thought I would go with a real geographic name like I've always done in the past (named my towns after cities I liked), but since this is an island, I think I'll do something a bit differently. The name I came up with is Nimitz after the WWII admiral in the Pacific. Has some special meaning for me too
Not to be a downer, but my grandmother died recently and I plan on naming my island as a memorial to her. Either her maiden name or something significant to her memory. If the latter, it'll probably be something that sounds kinda mundane like "Firefly" or "Rubye" but it'll have meaning for me.
She didn't play Animal Crossing, but she's watched me play a couple of times and has always loved interior design.