I have officially changed into my pjs (red shorts with snowflakes and a grey t-shirt) but earlier today I was wearing some blue jeans, a black tank top, and then this pink peplum top that has flowers on it and a pink cardigan
I showered yesterday so actually wore a nice outfit today (read: aggressively bright). These bright trousers and this pastel top. Yes I am Lucy and Yak trash >>
Wore a thin pink/white/gray striped sweater with black jeans to work today, and then immediately changed into an oversized college hoodie and plaid pyjama pants when I got home (my favorite).
I just walked my dog so I'm wearing an old pair of jeans, a light blue sweatshirt with a teddy bear on it, a thick green hoodie, and my cheap black sneakers.
Black saint seiya t shirt, jeans and adidas
Overall this is how im dressed every single day
I am always weating black shirts and most of the time they are references to some kind of band/artist, videogame or animenthat i love
Always with my blue jeans and with a pair of adidas
Sometimes when its too sunny i put a cap
But most of the days this is how i look