What are your hobbies?

Over the years, I've picked up too many hobbies.

Reading and writing were my earliest hobbies since I was a child. I've always enjoyed them. But my best loved hobbies which I'd picked up as an adult are photography (I spent a year doing a 365 project making macros shots of mostly tiny subjects like ladybugs and jumping spiders), BJDs (I owned 3 and took photographs of them often but last year I gave them away because I no longer have time for them), polymer claying (making little colourful things and figurines I called my curly girls because their hair is curly :LOL: ), drawing (it's really more like obsessive doodling) and modular origami (specifically making kusudama which are made of 30 to 60 folded, interlocking pieces of paper). Here are some old photos of my hobbies.

playing,reading&investigating something suspicious.

Playing= I'm always playing at my switch
Reading= Comics&Newspaper???
Investigating something suspicious = when my friends are hiding something I'm investigating it!
- Video games
- Board games
- Crochet
- Rock climbing (I really really miss this a lot. Only indoor and I really trust other people enough to go to the gyms yet)

I had other hobbies that I stopped because of the lack of interest and/or time.
Animal Crossing and decorating/dress-up related activities.
I have always had trouble keeping up with other hobbies cause once I do one thing I get obsessed with it usually.
my main hobby is ofc video games, whether it be playing them, drawing art of them, or just reading and watching videos about them.

but I also like to draw, collect stuff (figurines, records, lava lamps, t-shirts, stuffed animals and plushies, etc), ride my bike, hang out with and train my dog, and listen to music.

I would list playing piano as a hobby but that's more like a profession than a hobby for me.
Sounds like me!
I like to write fanfiction, play board/card games, play video games, eat, build music playlists, read books/comics/fanfiction, go on walks, swim, and watch Youtube videos.
I've been getting back into painting and it feels so good. I also love to read a good book, travel, do long distance running, write and sing. Like many others I don't get a whole lot of time to do all of my hobbies but I always make sure I am exercising and doing at least one other hobby for some balance.
- Video games
- Board games
- Crochet
- Rock climbing (I really really miss this a lot. Only indoor and I really trust other people enough to go to the gyms yet)

I had other hobbies that I stopped because of the lack of interest and/or time.

I also miss rock climbing and I don’t trust others even if they’ve opened properly so I haven’t gone in months ): I have gone outdoor climbing time to time and it’s been fairly empty there 😊

mine are
  • video games (primarily rpgs)
  • embroidery
  • watching movies/shows
  • reading
  • climbing
  • snowboarding
  • camping/hiking (I suck at hiking though lol)
I’ve been getting back into drawing after years of not drawing but idk how I feel about it yet!
I've accumulated quite a few! Animal Crossing, learning, biking, writing, reading, researching, organizing, listening to music, talking to myself (sad, but true), spending time with family and watching black and white shows/movies.

I would count chess as a hobby, as I've loved playing it in the past, but no one around me likes taking the time to do it!
- reading, I mostly just read fanfiction and fantasy books these days, I used to be a more avid reader and read classics and stuff but unfortunately my attention span has declined lol
- video games
- baking
- watching YouTube videos, I tend to watch film/music/tv/book analysis videos and a lot of history-based stuff
- writing, I've only ever finished one short story though RIP
- music, I like both listening to music and researching more about certain artists
- listening to podcasts
oh I have quite a few!

-i make kandi (just started doing this recently, but its really fun!)
-i have a fairy garden named ethereal isle!
-i have a veggie garden! it was my grandpas idea and i really enjoyed it so im gonna do it again in spring or look for stuff to plant in winter! its getting time to mow up what i have :c
-im a big video game completionist/video games in general
-i collect toys
-im learning to play guitar and skateboard!
-i absolutely love to bake!
-and i like making list alot! that ones kinda hard to explain, but i love to do it (mostly for video game/toy checklist)
Reading, writing, painting, sewing, embroidery, crochet, video games, pen and paper gaming, cooking, telling my dog he is wonderful and has the handsomest boople snoot in the entire world...
I used to read history books like on the American Civil War and the Arab Israeli War, but I stopped since my concentration has been declining (couldn’t pass last two classes for history major) and the history was making me mad that I couldn’t do anything about so I have taken a long break from reading those until I get my mental health taken care of. I read some manga and watch anime but haven’t lately. I used to collect magic the gathering cards but didn’t have anyone to play with until relatively recently, when I no longer have a job or money :/. I suck at it so it is okay lol. I also used to post on my tumblr blog but now I rarely go on it.
Playing video games, playing board games and tabletop roleplaying games (mostly Dungeons and Dragons), reading, crocheting, and most recently, cooking and baking.

The first four take up most of my time. I need to crochet more but just haven't had the motivation.
I love all your hobbies! I used to bake a lot but have not been allowed since it makes a mess though I usually bake on the end of each year or every blue moon.

- Painting and creative writing.
- playing games [mostly switch and 3ds, taking a hiatus from rpg's]
- reading [ mostly philosophy and metaphysics/esoteric, It has been donkey years since I have lost myself in a good fiction book due to reading block though I have become a little too into manga about transmigration lately ]
- Astrology
- Journaling
- Staring into space, at nature, relaxing and Day dreaming, etc

- Gardening [ too cold currently though]
- Yoga
- Meditation
- book making
- sit in nature/ in the garden
Reading, writing, knitting, counted cross-stitch, and video games. Fairly solitary things, but I work with the public, so they let me destress and recharge.
I don’t have a lot of time for my hobbies lately because of school. I like to draw, watch anime, play guitar, running, baking, reading, and playing games. I’m sure there are things I’m forgetting.
I enjoy playing video games, creating and listening to music, reading, and writing. I wrote an epic fantasy novel and I'm currently in the editing phase.