What Color are the Festivale Items in your Shop?

I got red. I am hoping for purple (pink), but that's alright. I am looking forward to the rainbow ones!
I have the blue ones which im okay with, thankfully they're the ones that I wanted
I got the red/orange ones. It's not bad, actually some pieces looking quite good in this color. Still, I wish I would have got blue or purple.
I read on the AC discord the colors are based on your airport color.

Blue Airport - Red Festivale
Orange Airport - Purple (Pink) Festivale
Yellow Airport - Blue Festivale
Green Airport - Green Festivale

It's right for me anyway, I have blue airport and red festival items.

Yup, my airport is orange and I've got purple items 💜
Thanks for sharing, @Junalt
I didn't realize they were color locked. All my stuff is pink.

This whole "towns get different colors" thing is getting old, tbh. Not everyone feels like trading that much.
I have blue items! They’re okay. I think they look nice with the snow but I am also in the crowd of being frustrated by items being colour blocked and not being able to customize the set until the actual festival.

I think the little confetti cannons are my favourite though! I can’t wait until I get enough feathers to customize it and can make it all rainbowy 🥰 I’ll need another set in red/orange for the fall too! But the rainbow seems like it’ll be good for winter, spring, and summer so that’s good.

Not too sure how I feel about the set as a whole just yet. I’ll have to wait till I have all the pieces to decorate with.
I have blue, which is terrible because I have a purple outfit. Oh well. Anyone need blue?
Mine are pink so far, but I'm glad we'll be able to customize them with the feathers we get on the day of the event 😊
The first time I got a green drum. Then I travelled 60 years into the future and back to the present and the itmes since then have all been pink.
It's different for everyone, but I have blue. I'm just trading with other people to get all green stuff because it fits my island so nicely.
Stuck with blue here (my least favorite of them all XD ). Waiting for the event so I can turn it all red and green.
I have the pink set, and I'm planning on customizing them to be the rainbow color.
I have green. Which is alright. I guess it adds nicely for end of winter looking forward to spring vibes. I just need to figure out how to utilize this set, as it's not one that I want all over my island. This is definitely more of a outside RS single stage area type thing.
Annoyingly both my islands have an orange airport so mine are pink, but as I understand it you can customise them so I've been buying both items everyday so I might end up with a few of each colour :D
The furniture is customisable with the feathers pave gives out during the festivale 😊

I honestly didn't know this. I bet it was in the video and I just didn't see it. 😅
Thanks! I will have to TT backwards and get all the items and customize them on the day of Festivale. (I'm in March, I missed the green grass lol)
I have the blue set, which I think is quite pretty. The lamp looks really nice at night.

I'm getting the pink costumes which I think will go well with the blue items.