What Color are the Festivale Items in your Shop?

I've got the orange one. My least favorite one haha. I can't wait to customize them when I get some feathers.
Mine are green, I think. I haven't been buying them because so far I havent found any I like.
For some reason I thought the default was green for all the shops. Also cause isn't green the non-customized one? That may be why I thought that.

But anyway my shop sells green versions. I kinda like the rainbow version better thou.
Mine are green and I hate it. I want the pink so bad 😭 A friend of mine has pink though and has offered to trade with me so maybe you can find someone who is willing to trade if you don't like the color you have? I actually hate the way they've chosen to do this.

I wonder if it's based off your airport. My airport is green, too.
Mine are the blue ones-- I'm not a fan of any Festivale items, but the blue is okay. I'm purchasing them all anyway, because aren't they customizable with feathers when the event comes around? That's the impression I was under.
-_- for me its Red. I had to go to other islands just to get the blue and green variants of those items by trading on Nookazon.
Guys please don’t worry no need to trade you can customise them later!!!
Mine are green and I hate it. I want the pink so bad 😭 A friend of mine has pink though and has offered to trade with me so maybe you can find someone who is willing to trade if you don't like the color you have? I actually hate the way they've chosen to do this.

I wonder if it's based off your airport. My airport is green, too.
I guess we’re opposites.lol I was hoping to get green but instead the game gave me the one I was least interested in, which is pink. I guess it gives me something to do during the event, which is to turn all the furniture I collected green.
Mine is orage or red lol, i can't tell. I've only played twice since the update. I do want to collect all of the variants though!
You should make a poll, I'm interested in seeing what the majority color is! The festival items are green on my island
Guys please don’t worry no need to trade you can customise them later!!!

Yeah, I know you can customize. But so many of us are setting are areas up now, so I think trading just helps get that done faster so we can enjoy it longer =D