• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What cute, punny, unique, weird, etc catchphrases have you given to your villagers?!

Originally, I made them make animal noises (except Olaf, 'cause what noise to anteaters make?!) but it got kind of weird when Avery started barking. :confused:
Milksnakes, cheesequake, peppertoni pizzaz, blombas, pencakes, bong paquito, spageen and meats, choice plate, not bones, humbungalo -- these are all from 'Twenty slightly incorrect names for food' which you can find on youtube. It's hilarious!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh and my all time favorite which Merry calls me, 'hard gay'.
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my cousin gave julian the catchphrase 'hair-bow' and then eveybody else started saying it so now all they ever say is 'hair-bow' and i'm SO SICK OF IT AHH
I usually just give my villagers dumb things because they ask to change it so much lol
Like, Kiki's is 'oi', and Fauna's is 'boy' : P
I typically like to keep my catchphrases the same unless I come up with something really really good that I can't pass up or if I'm trying to give them all catchphrases involving a certain theme. I usually end up disliking things I come up with though and then changing them back. >.<

Most villagers I like have cute catchphrases I don't mind at all, though Beau's might have to go....
*Slurp* because they suck up the ants? I don't know. LOL
That's a good point! Still, what if Hugh starts slurping? (Although he IS a pig...)

I have avery too omg XD
He is absolutely the coolest!

Now, since I live just over the river from Liverpool, England. I make them say Liverpudlian things. Can be a bit disturbing though, being greeted in the morning with "A'IGHT LAD!" or "S'UP MATE?!"