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What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Played Toy Day! Kyle has plotted in a great spot as well - right at a corner of a crossroads and he managed to only take out normal flowers with him (and a couple trees but I'll forgive him that). That means I can get back to landscaping around Al's empty plot which I'm very happy about. I might build a small PWP there.
In pretty much any game I play, from Animal Crossing to Skyrim, I'm obsessive about collecting items I'll never actually use for anything. In Animal Crossing, I have no issues with selling stuff I don't need as long as it's orderable... but I cannot make myself get rid of non-orderable stuff. I have all the patched clothes and pumpkin heads from Halloween... even a spare candy and lollipop. On my second character I started Toy Day but never finished so I could keep the Santa Bag (which, I'll probably actually use because it's an awesome held-item).

Anyway, today I spent a long time sorting out those unorderables I know I'll never use, from some Gyroids I don't care for to silver tools I don't need anymore, to the Snowman Series furniture I'm in the process of earning, and shoving them into the deepest, darkest corners of my Post Office storage. I even made a chart on my computer with the item names so I can find them again if I ever care to.

Storing items in the Post Office really is a godsend!
I set up my hybrid-breeding garden on my beach! I still need lots more white and red roses, but the lilies are alreadycoming along nicely.
I've been working on breeding purple roses for a section of my town and planning out where everything is going to go. It's hard because I only have 6 or 7 out of 10 dreamies, but I'm getting there.
Papi said he's moving on the 31, and I said over your dead body! Then, he said he wasn't a horse, just a lonely okapi, so I promised to spend more time with him, and he said he'll only stay if I stuck to that promise, so now I'm going to be hanging out with my new bestie Papi the okapi! Really, I just declined him from moving, and I have to admit 2+ years of the same villager denies can start to add up, it's tough keeping them all and not taking a break!!!!
Today I caught lots of fish and deep sea creatures, checked my catalog to update my need/wishlists, stopped Mitzi & Felicity from moving, and cleaned up flowers that didn't belong.
Got Merengue to move in from the campsite which I'm super happy about! TT'ing to get the qr machine(just restarted!) and working on paths. I transferred all of my flowers to my new town so I hope I can have a DA up within ~4 months C:! Just generally really happy about today ^_^
Bought a third game today, and I've been map resetting for HOURS because I wanted a south-facing waterfall, a pirate cove and pears as my native fruit (because between my other towns and my hubby's two towns, pears were the only native fruit we were missing.

And to top it all off, I got Lolly AND Broccolo as starting villagers. So I'm pretty happy with my new addition. ^_^
I stopped Fang from leaving my town and Snake moves in! Snake was camping in my town and appeared even without using the camper reset trick. My town is starting to keep it together now, since Snake is finally in my village I feel like I'm extra motivated in improving my town. Now 4 of my planned permanent residents in Archmell are living in the town, it feels so rewarding! And funny thing, whenever I try to do the plot reset trick (mind you, I did not load the game with an existing character before doing so) Snake always plots his house beside my mayor's house and it's too much for my heart to handle :3

Now all I have to worry about is to keep these four, find a place for my other villagers in case they leave, and think if I should get Zucker and Frita/Papi and Patty or not.
.-. fixed my path and added more flowers to surround the path, also finished a PWP (cute lil flower bed that Diana wanted), and added a bunch of fossils to my museum !!
Paid off some loans, finally got an axe so been chopping down trees in bad place, got campsite.. and Bangle moved in lol I kinda like her though, it's a mix between a ganguro and some african lady.. i kinda want bud now as well ahah..
It hasn't been long since I woke up, so I'll tell you what I did yesterday.

Which ended up being... pretty much nothing at all. I tried to make a start on my second town, but I just couldn't find the perfect map. I got very close at some points, but there was always something in the town that I don't want, like the wrong grass type or the wrong town hall colour. I'll probably try again at some point today.

And in my other town... well, I haven't been playing on it since I got HHD and my second copy of NL for Christmas.

And of course, I don't play WW often, so I haven't been in my WW town in forever.
The opposite of an accomplishment - Miranda moved out without telling me. First casualty of time traveling since resetting. I'd been pretty much excruciatingly careful and then... bye-bye dreamie. :|
Got the QR reading machine, store upgrades in progress, Static camping. Now please move someone :c
I accomplished getting a mild migraine.

The tedium of plot resetting makes me want to cry. Ankha moved into a perfect spot first try, but Ruby refuses to go in one of the two spots I'd like her. Instead, she likes to keep plotting in the middle of my fruit orchard ;_;
I Got Pashima and placed her in a really nice spot, Savannah moved out and gave me more space in my town and all my trees and bush starters have been grown where I planted them ^w^
Today I didn't do a whole lot, I did some dreaming and spoke to my villagers. Recently I've been changing a lot of stuff, I opened my older town for the first town in forever a few days ago and I was really unhappy with it so I removed all paths and cleared out a few areas completely ^^
Sooo I've been landscaping and planning stuff a bit. It looks really bad at the moment but I'm hoping that I'll make it look better soon enough ;;;;