• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Ken suggested a cube sculpture! I've been wanting this forever! I love you, Ken!! He's the first villager that moved into my town and the smug I like the best!

It's a pity someone moved their house really close to where I wanted it. Now I have to figure out where I want to put it...

Oh and another blue rose grew! :D
The usual. Didn't buy turnips this week cause the market crashed so badly last week. Just watch, now I'll have prices in the 500 bell mark :sigh:
Aurora Borealis in the sky tonight so I updated my dream address! I've been waiting for them to happen so I can do that.

Built another snowman. That makes 3 now. I'm only two spots away from a bingo in two different ways too which is amazing.
Today I organized tons of my flowers, I invited Margie to move in from the campsite<---- YAYYYYY, my dreamie! I swapped two of the rooms in my house (it was far too crowded in the main room with that specific furniture.) I customized two furniture pieces I've been waiting a while to do due to lack of ore. That's it so far. ^_^
Yesterday, Whitney moved in while I was resetting Genji. How fun~ though now I have to decide between her or Francine, I like both of them q
Did some landscaping and found Bonbon sick again and also found O'Hare sick..again in the other town.
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Today I finished paying off my boyfriend's house for him so he's now completely debt free (my character on the other hand.....) and then I also created a third person to be my "mule".

I was going to try to cycle Colton or Ruby out today but I'm lazy, who knows.
Well I just restarted last night so today I got Moe to trade me his laptop for my shirt.....yay?
Got Bunnie after two days of plot resetting, Sally moved out, and I'm two or three days away from getting the female hairstyles for my male characters. <3
Goose finally suggested a PWP after weeks of nothing. I have all the PWP's from my other villagers but I'm missing some jock ones. So when he suggested the torch today I was quite happy! Especially since it's something I might actually build, LOL.
Let's see. Had Saharah in my town today so got her to redecorate my room. Didn't get any unorderables this time round so sold them pretty quick to Reese.

Did some errands for my villagers and Portia gave me an alpine cart - I'm working on getting a customised alpine kitchen so that was a nice surprise! Wish I could put something on it though instead of the pot.

A girl on the livejournal comm that I'm a part of was asking for some items so I was able to give them all to her for free - I dropped them off quickly at her town.

Lily is camping!! She's my first igloo camper of this winter season. Plus she's moving in (after only a short time of convincing her) as I have a space!! So happy.
Well, I finally figured out how everyone made those giant clam shell music boxes (haha, I am so behind on the uptake) so I made one with K.K. Steppe in it. Yay!

I grew some black rose hybrids, which was lovely because I really want those. I'm still trying to decide on if I want to make pathways through my town or not. I'm still hoping to buy more shrubs regardless. I might need to hold a flower giveaway because I seriously have WAY too many flowers for me to deal with.

Monique yelled at me about wanting a red present. Question: does the previous request add on to the newest one (for example, Monique requested a doll a few days ago and now wants a red present; would I get her a red doll)?

I am sick of building snowmen so I'm good on that for now... and I really want a camper. :(
I can finally sit at my town tree! c: I also moved Penelope in, only 3 dreamies left! c:
I can finally sit at my town tree! c: I also moved Penelope in, only 3 dreamies left! c:

Yay!! I love sitting at the town tree.

Let's see. Today I didn't do much as I was at work for most of the day. Ran some errands. Made my snowman. Played bingo (I'm only one away from a bingo). Then came home and went to catch KK Slider.
I finished my little hedge garden, planted a tree, visited a lot of dream towns, completed the Bell pwp, bought a few items from Gracie, and reorganized my storage. ^_^
Caught four scallops before Pascal deigned to show up and give me the anchor, the last of his items, for my catalogue. Phew. Now the diving suit can go back into my closet until March, when the last missing thing in my encyclopedia appears.