What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

I changed my Town tune to a Disney themed one and I planted a perfect apple tree because my fruit has apples~
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I passed my final fashion check in my newest town, so I'll have the department store soon!
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Rearranged some flowers.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Visited a couple of dream towns.
- Let my husband visit and he gave me a gold nugget and 2 new gyroids.
- Attempted streetpassing my husband's 3DS for the first time. Keeping my fingers crossed that it was successful.

- Got a new song from K.K.
Ah oof I got the golden axe the other day! I've done some minor landscaping & been getting new PWP suggestions at the same time, though I haven't built any new ones yet.
Today I caught a new bug & donated it to the museum. I also made a checklist of which fossils I have/don't have and turns out I'm only 1 away from completing the fossil exhibition! Tomorrow I'll be getting the very last emotion from Shrunk, and probably TT so I can experience the countdown to the new year. Many exciting things to look forward to!
Caught the string fish, very randomly. I was super lucky, I wasn't even hunting for it!

Also, this is the 999th page of this thread. Keep posting boyz!!!
Main Town- Completed tasks for villagers. Spent sometime in the museum and the bathroom/spa needs to go. Need a place to store different size furniture for future villagers gifts.

PurlLand- Unlocked the Fairytale clock and removed the Zen Clock. Completed the tasks for the villagers while getting furniture redone. Ordered music with Rabbits on it for the Rabbit picture room.

Town Nutty-Unlocked the chair sculpture and built it.
Cataloged a LOT of items, and finally got the silver catalog badge for filling 50% of my catalog! (rip it took me so long to get to 50%, don't want to think about how long it'll take to get to the gold badge)
I cleaned up some stray flowers, did some shopping to try and get kicks open, put up a new pwps, fixed up some paths.
Cataloged a LOT of items, and finally got the silver catalog badge for filling 50% of my catalog! (rip it took me so long to get to 50%, don't want to think about how long it'll take to get to the gold badge)

I sold my old town of Carnival in 2016 to make Clover. I kept my catalog, so I immediately got the silver badge for the catalog from Phineas. It still took me ages to get the gold badge. Buckle up because this is a long ride. It isn't terrible if you don't mind waiting and break it into sections. Maybe collect all the K.K. songs first, for example, or all of the stationery. Then move to another category. Rinse, repeat. I'd recommend buying out the Able Sisters and Kicks shop supplies as well.

Congrats on getting the silver!
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- Bought turnips this morning.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Celebrated Hugh's birthday and gave him a present.
- Dug up a new gyroid.
- Let my husband visit to drop off Katie and he gave me 3 gold nuggets and a new gyroid.
- Got Cyrus to refurbish the gold nuggets into a Golden Screen.
- Found the Papa Panda that I gave Sterling in Retail. Yay! That was the worst of the gifts and it's already gone from his house.
- Updated my dream address.
- Did a little bit of landscaping.

- Talked to all my villagers.
- Celebrated Hugh's birthday and gave him a present.
- Updated my dream address.
I cut down and removed all PWPs from the northern part of town to relandscape the whole area. Laid down some QR pathways to indicate where my dirt paths will be for the northern forest area. Time traveled a bunch so I can stock up on bush starts and cedar trees, as well as breed hybrids. My first town was all natural forests but ever since I started working on my second game, I experimented with QR codes to make a more modern organized town. Now it’s so hard for me to plan a natural forest, gah.
Another fairly quiet day.
*Added a K.K. Slider song to my Jukebox.
*Caught and sold a bunch of beetles to Re-Tail (Going to be doing more expansions soon!)
*Caught a Coelacanth (Not my first, but it was still nice to see)
*Did a few favors for my villagers, notably Big Top.
I was time-traveling until now. When I first got my game, I set the clock back a couple months and was doing 24h-ish jumps until reaching the present date. idk if it is considered cheating but I'm stopping doing it now that I got to the present time.


- Paid the loan with all the three characters and expanded, they'll start the year with a brand new loan! yay
- My 2nd character, Hajime, got a diving badge. This is his 2nd diving-focused badge
- Did a little landscaping, going to build a fountain
- Watched K.K. Slider's concert and got his song
- Truffles moved away
- Got Daisy to move in from Maruchan's giveaway
- My third character, Chiaki, finally got to use the QR machine and change her eye colors.
In Redwood, Stitches seemed to be obsessed with the pill bug so he asked me if I would catch him one, so I caught one and gave it to him and he gave me a twinkle tank. Shep wanted any kind of fruit, so I got him a perfect apple and gave to him and he gave me a green pantry. I tried to make a snowboy but failed to get him perfect.

In Tiramisu, I realized that I had forgotten to sell my turnips so they spoiled. I found Katie wandering around town so I took her to another town. Agnes pinged me saying she was moving but I asked her not to go. Ellie wanted a pear so I gave her a perfect pear and she gave me a corn plant. Poppy wanted something to replace her tea set so I gave her a horned elephant and she gave me the tea set she was using.
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Today has been quiet so far! I bought a new hat and dress for New Years, finally starting planting roses on the left hand side of my town's river, updated my Dream Address and I'm planning an island trip later to hit one of this week's initiatives.