What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Mayor/main character
- Completed a fruit request for Kiki and received her picture
- Completed a furniture request for Octavian; gave him a customized blue and black astro table
- Brought Marty over to my house for his first tour of it c: yay
- Hit money rock

Second character
- Received two badges from Phineas: seafood maniac (diving) and balloon hunter bronze
- Caught a stringfish
- Dug up gyroids to sell at Re-Tail
- Completed a furniture request for Marty; gave him a customized yellow stripe clock
- Hit money rock
It was Carmen's birthday today so I gave her a gift (modern wood bed) and put up the lloid for a campsite. Will go to the island after 8pm and hoard bugs to sell so I can pay it off perhaps.
I finally got a useful public works project today!! I ran a couple of errands for my villagers, worked on my hybrid breeding a bit, redecorated my house, and swapped some orange trees for perfect orange trees (and by doing so, discovered two hidden gyroids buried behind the trees, as well as a stray weed :0 ).
Paid the loans of two characters (and expanded their homes), redecorated and landscaped a little bit, caught four golden stags and completed the fossil collection at the museum.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Bought turnips for a very good price.
- Created a perfect Snowboy!
- Did a little bit of landscaping.
- Had Cyrus create a Marine Song 2001 music box.

- Checked his mail.
placed inkwell's house in a nice plot, paid for my campsite today! :D and got my campsite area fixed with paths and clovers :D
Main Town-Mayor got an early ping and stopped the mover.
PurlLand-Coco request the outdoor chair. It's one of my favorite PWP. Completed tasks for the villagers and bought one turnip for Town Lolly.
Town Lolly-Player 4 had catch a tarantula coupon. Completed that task. Player 2/3 caught their tarantulas.
Mayor stopped a mover and deleted the Zen clock by the train station. Garbage can PWP is going by the train station.
All extra players started working on their joke books and played with the villagers while bug hunting. They all got invites to sit on a bench.
*Reminded Gulliver of his destination (Germany)
*Beat Whitney and co. at hide-and-seek.
*Caught Filbert a bagworm.
*Visited Big Top and Filbert's houses as a favor.

Fairly quiet day, honestly.
I only played on my mayor today.

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Rearranged some flowers around Paula and Sterling's houses.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies and sell his perfect cherries since they were on premium at my Retail today.
- My husband gave me a gold nugget.
- Went to the island, ran a few tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Completed a daily Meow task and both weekly Meow tasks.
In Redwood, I made a perfectly built snowmam and she said she needed 3 snowflakes so I went around town to collect 3 snowflakes and I gave them to her and she gave me a ice wall. Shep wanted an oarfish so I went to the beach to attempt to catch him one and after several attempts, I finally caught one. I then went and found Shep, and gave it to him and he gave me a papa panda. While fishing, I managed to catch 3 more snowflakes and a tuna for the museum. I gave the snowflakes to the snowmam and she gave me a ice floor. I paid my current loan on my second player's house and upgraded the house.

In Tiramisu, Benjamin wanted any kind of furniture for his house so I gave him a range and he gave me a bread box. I traded the bread box to Bangle for her pink tartan tee. Ellie wanted me to deliver a package to Bangle so I found her and gave her the package and she gave me a jagged tank. I got the Insect Maniac badge
Kind of a summary of the last few days in Callisto xD

-Most important, I’ve confirmed i can have at least eight villagers down in the residential area! Meaning landscaping can begin in earnest now, I just have to be vigilant about plot resetting xD
-Set up the new picnic blanket
-With the help of several forum members, I’ve started the Great Callisto Cedar Forest, as well as laying out bamboo fence posts.
-Started setting up a fun surprise spot, and got a fitting stump pattern after only two tries!
-Fixed my construction pattern so it looks less ridiculous & blends in slightly more with the grass
-Planted long holly hedges around my mayor’s house! It turned out nicer than expected.
-Finally getting back on to breeding flower hybrids!
- Worked more on my dirt paths by running around and time travelling back and forth.
- Gave my mayor a bathroom. Bathrooms are my favourite rooms to decorate :3 (even though they usually turn out quite similar to my other ones haha)
- Maxed out my PWPs, meaning town landscaping in Borei is basically done - I just need to work on dirt paths.
- Participated in April Fools Day. Usually I skip events because I have other things I want to work on (plus I'm ahead in the year so I like to go back to major events and play them in real time) but I needed their photos for a room I'm working on.
I finally got all the items that accumulated around my town floor removed. It was starting to look like a garbage dump and atttracting the rafflesia.
Though I really like the look of rafflesias. I wish those weren?t associated with ugly messy towns.
Slow improvements but it?s something :)
Once again, I only played on my mayor tonight.

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Updated my dream address.
- Had Gala camping in my town today so I played some games with her and won the campfire and the smoker, both items I needed for my catalog.
-Added a new painting to my museum
-unlocked paths on a side character so I can finally get to work on building a pretty walkway
-bred some more blue rose hybrids which I need for my design idea for my town
- got a villager to move out that isn’t a dreamie so will be getting a dreamie in the near future
- finally unlocked Shampoodle on my new town
- expanded my basement
Mayor/main character
- Completed a fruit request for Kiki and received a broken post lol
- Bought blue zap pants from Able Sisters since it's not in my catalog yet
- Completed a delivery request for Chrissy to Hopkins; it was a shirt
- Shook a tree and got a dice stereo
- Hit money rock

Second character
- Completed a daily MEOW coupon task by hanging clothing on the wall
- Completed a furniture request for Hopkins; gave him a balloon lamp
Bug section has completed~! ( in Town オアシス )
Tangy asked for an orange, so I brought her a perfect orange. She gave me her picture in return. :blush: I was thinking that it'd be cool if she ended up giving her picture just now and then she indeed did, haha.