What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

In Redwood, I got the fish maniac badge. Erik wanted me to go get Stitches and bring him to his house so I went and found Stitches and took him to Erik's house and he gave me a super toilet. Ruby wanted me to deliver a package to Bianca so I found her and gave her the package and she gave me a banana. Marshal wanted any kind of river fish so I caught a dace and gave it to him and he gave me a blue tartan shirt.

In Tiramisu, Poppy suggested the lighthouse pwp. Bangle wanted a wharf roach so I caught one and gave to her and she gave me an apple. Kiki gave me a ranch chair. Etoile wanted me to deliver a package to Kiki so I found her and gave her the package and she gave me a team NTDO tee.
My second character caught a whale shark!
And my mayor got the silver gardening badge --- and then proceeded to chomp down the nearby tree because that what I was going to do.
Yesterday I was able to get the NEW 711 items and the Japan set.
Main town got an early ping. Catalog the items and than delivered them to my Guest Town.

Open Guest Town and picked up the items. It's been awhile since I played there and it was fun to be back.
Completed tasks for the villagers and cleared the closets, secret storage and the museum for all players.
Player 4 added the new 711 items with her old 711 items. It looks better. Completed tasks and caught up with the villagers.
Found a fossil and a statue in a locker for one of my towns.

Opened spare town and scorpions were running around. Lost 2 to the river cliff and caught the 3 one. It just sat by her feet. Got the golden slingshot after popping about 10 balloons.
Added a bench. A villager asked to leave and found a new house plot. Piece is moving in. I'm letting them come and go.
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I've been pretty busy irl so not much has been going on. I started my first public works project (a second bridge) and expanded my house. Other than that, I've mainly been digging up fossils, fishing, collecting fruit, and completing some requests here and there.
Oh! I do have my first villager moving out in a few days--Nan. I'm curious who will move in next!
Mayor/main character
- Completed a request for Lily to bury her time capsule
- Completed a request for Marty to bring Kiki over to his house; relay tank for her (and a laptop for me)
- Completed a delivery request from Tutu to Octavian; it was a gift meant for me from Octavian (dark polka tee)

Second character
- Completed a delivery request from Fang to Francine (a yellow-bar tee) and received a grass standee
- Visited Chrissy's house per her request; bought her pink-bud tank
- Bought 3000 turnips for a good price.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Had Cyrus refurbish a kotatsu for Annalisa.
- Planted a few bushes.
- Updated my dream address.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Did some diving and got the keg from Pascal.

- Checked his mail.
Yesterday I thought to buy island brief paper... But that was not what I thought it was. It was a membership for the island and those games, so you can play with people from all over the world or just from your own country. Well it seems no one from the Netherlands makes any use of it, but worldwide I did meet people. :D

I have tried it many times but did not have any good experience with it. It seems to be fun to stay afk on the island, so we couldn't play games. Another time, someone cut all the trees while we where bug catching. :( But I don't give up. Next time I go on another time, what means for me not in the evening (GTM+1). Ore maybe it was just bad luck.

But I did have a good laugh, I really thought to buy brief paper! :rolleyes:
Yesterday I finally finished paying off all of my house loans!
But all good things come at a price; Gaston is planning on moving, and I decided to let him go, to make room for any more dreamies. Shame, I wanted Miranda to leave first since she moved rIGHT IN FRONT OF MY DAMN CAFE
Went to the island at night to make some money.
I know that this game is supposed to be slow paced and calming, but oftentimes these insects makes me swear like a drunken sailor. Some start flying away when I'm 9 spaces away and after I caught my first shark I concluded that they are just dumber fish.

Other than that, I can't wait until Prince or Limberg decide to move away. The former overstayed his welcome a while ago.
Main Town-Completed tasks for the villagers and picked up fossil/artwork from other towns.

Lazytown- Added the yellow waiting sofa in the Campus College House. All players ordered office items for the front room.
Mayor completed tasks while enjoying the August sun.

Three extra players in Town Lolly caught some bugs. Spare Town caught some bugs/fish.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara.
- Updated my dream address.

- Talked to all my villagers, but only completed one request.
- Updated my dream address.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara.
man I haven't played ACNL in quite some time, but I really should get back into it before the new one comes out and I have no more interest in.... hahahahahahhahahaha amirite
- bought a few items in T&T Mart to help complete my catalog
- planted a few trees and bushes
- paid off my new streetlight PWP
- dropped off a present for Kidd from Beau
- visited Tangy’s house
- started work on the observatory room in my museum

it was a successful day in Moon Bay c:
- was finally able to breed two orange cosmos to make black cosmos. took foreverrrr to get black cosmos from two oranges though.
- over the course of 2 weeks of time travelling, Butch almost gifted me the entire space station set??? through letters, random visits, and just trying to sell me space related equipment. I'm confused and intrigued. Now I have a space station set up in my basement for fun.
- finally finished decorating my mayor's bedroom. has a regal zen feel to it and i really like it!
Mayor/main character
- Received Rudy's pic in the mail; he dropped by my house unexpectedly the other day and wanted to send a gift lol
- Completed a request for Lily to bring Tutu over to her house; she borrowed Tutu's clothing (I received a tabletop game after)
- Completed a delivery request from Rudy to Fang; he gave Fang an "A shirt" which he put on ASAP (I received a candy after)
- Completed a furniture request for Hopkins; gave him a laptop (I received a tennis table as a reward)

Second character
- Hit money rock
Did some random landscaping and played carrier for most of my villagers with the mayor.
Got a lil bro shirt from Wendy for delivering something as Hajime, sold it to Daisy in the very same screen. That was fast.
Remember how I said yesterday I wanted Limberg to go away? Today he told me he is leaving.