What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Main Town-Completed tasks for villagers. Ordered more basic trash cans from Digby RV.

Lazytown- Completed tasks for the villagers. RV items arrived in the mail. Player 4 added the office items in her main room. Moved a few items around in the library.

PurlLand- Unlocked the metal bench and removed a yellow bench. Plan on adding the metal bench today.
Mayor and 2nd player caught some summer bugs and donated them to the museum. Completed tasks for villagers.

Spare Town-Caught a few bugs/fish for the museum. Dropped by PurlLand and caught the firefly.
2nd store is now opened.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Created a perfect Snowboy.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies and get a petition signed and he gave me a gold nugget.
- Wrote letters to the remaining half of my villagers.
- Went diving to complete a weekly Meow task.
- Completed both daily Meow tasks.

- Checked his mail.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- paid off my latest loan from Nook
- started construction on and paid off a new fairytale streetlight PWP
- went to the island and caught a few bugs to sell at Retail
- bought a few things from Leif’s store
- stopped Tangy from moving out (aka my worst nightmare, I love her too much <3)
- got Mitzi a cherry when she asked for it
I completed my bug encyclopedia today by catching both an ant and a fly. I decided to do it since one of my perfect orange trees died yesterday so getting the rotten orange meant that I could go for an ant (after I cancelled the beautiful town ordinance of course). And since I had turned the ordinance off, I just fished a piece of trash and used that to attract a fly too. :lemon:
Haven't played yet today, but yesterday I got a lot done on my main town (which is in early November, because the fall semester got too busy for me to keep playing. I've slowly been playing catch up.) Caught the bagworm, tuna, spiny lobster, horsehair crab, bitterling, football fish, and sea cucumber (the snow crab and red king crab still elude me, but they'll be more common next month so I'm not too worried but man I HATE diving), and collected most of the needed resources for the Harvest Festival for my mayor.

I only need the dung beetle and 7 or 8 more fish/deep sea creatures for the museum.
  • Changed from my retro polka dot outfit to a leather jacket & hairbow
  • Delivered Julian a Vegetarian Shirt from Tammy ? he hated it
  • Made a few online island trips hunting for the Silver Axe
  • Ordered some furniture from Nook's catalogue
  • Planted a tree
  • Fertilized & watered hybrid red roses, fingers crossed for blue
  • Mailed Wolfgang a letter with a joke and a Modern Sofa
  • Made a bank deposit
Main Town-Completed tasks for the villagers. It was very quiet. Moved some clothing from the museum and placed some in the mayor basement. Nice to have the Sanrio clothing in one spot.

PurlLand- Completed tasks and added the metal bench. Wished the colour could be changed.

Spare Town- Mayor caught some bugs and the missing 3 sharks. Donated those to the museum and unlocked the 2nd floor museum. Paid for it.
Added a 2nd player at the bottom of the map. Went bug hunting and caught 2 tarantulas, other bugs and fish. Picked up items from my main town and decorated her house.
The town may change to a casual town. I like to grow some weeds for a few players that are close to completing their badges.
I moved Felyne in Secret, and his house is woodsy enough to not be like 'horrible, move out'. Also I'm not sure if I told her to, but Marcie moved out. Now I can maybe build a bridge there and have all 3 bridges.
I got a NFC reader and a card for Etoile so I can finally have her in my town. I’m so excited I talked to her today so she should be moving in tomorrow, she has been one of my top dream villagers ever since I found out about her so I’m really happy about that.

Also chadder is moving out because of that and even though I feel bad saying it he is one of my least favorite villagers in the entire game and I have been trying to get rid of him since the start so I’m very happy about that.

Also I unlocked a new public work project today so yay!!!

I caught my very first ever Coelacanth!!!!!!!
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- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Created a perfect Snowboy.
- Made a wish on a shooting star.
- Updated my dream address during the meteor shower.
- Planted a few bushes.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Got the Gold Catalog Maniac Badge! FINALLY! :D

- Checked his mail.
- Talked to a few villagers.
- Made a wish during the meteor shower.
Main Town- Found a missing statue for Town PurlLand. Completed tasks and found Katie in my town. She's been there for 4 days and I tried to drop her in another town. She dropped her ticket.

Town PurlLand- Mayor received Coco picture, stopped a mover and donated the statue.
Donated bugs and waiting for July for the last 2 bugs. The museum will be complete.

Spare Town- Mayor caught some bugs/fish. 2nd Player caught her scorpion and some bugs/fish. Caught a flea from Monty.
Store closed for another update and August fireworks start tonight.
The second bridge was completed today--so handy! Nookling Junction will be closing tomorrow for remodeling and the garden shop opened yesterday. Completed several requests and had Portia and Hamphrey over. I'm also starting to work on my house. I finally have a nice little collection of furniture and general "stuff" that I can start decorating a bit.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Stopped Mint from moving.
- Created a perfect Snowboy.
- Sold my turnips for a small profit.
- Let my husband visit to sell turnips and buy fortune cookies.

- Checked his mail.
- Chatted with a few villagers.
I finished my hotel cafe on my mayor and now I’m working on Snow White’s the seven dwarfs bedroom and I’m also expanding Minnie’s house so I can make it a castle. :)
The two wilted black roses I watered yesterday had turned into golden roses today. They're my very first too! Since I still have the beautiful town ordinance turned off, I could try and make more.
I had a very busy day today in the game. I started by creating a new town on a 2nd cartridge. It will be a very casual town for now with the main goal of helping my main town's mayor complete her weeding, streetpass, and host/visitor badges.

New town (Jiyuu):
The new mayor, Hanako, arrived and greeted all the villagers. I actually started with a nice set...Flurry, Jay, Blaire, Punchy, and Tabby.
- Placed my house in a nice corner of the river.
- Completed all the tutorial stuff with Isabelle.
- Bought a shovel and fishing rod.
- Completed several Meow tasks.
- Sold enough seashells and fruit to pay off my down payment so I'll have a proper house tomorrow.
- Found a gold ore and the money rock.
- Found my perfect apple and planted it near the train station where it will be protected from new villagers plotting.
- Located all 4 fossils, had them assessed and sold them.
- Opened my gates to let Destani visit and pick up the gold ore. Then, realized I should have gone to Sakura to increase my visits, so I did that too.

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Visited my 2nd town to pick up a gold ore.
- Opened my gates and let Hanako and my husband visit.
- Bought a brown pot and had Cyrus refurbish it to look cracked for my underwater room.
- Tweaked the landscaping around my log bench to make it look more like a secluded nook.
- Completed a daily and a weekly Meow task.
- Went to the island, did a few tours, and caught fish/bugs to sell.

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
*Added a new K.K. Slider Song to my Jukebox.
*Sold my 4k turnips at a semi-nice profit.
*Completed Grace's fashion check (4/4 whoop)
*Bought the Perfect Painting from Redd.