What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

It is fishing tourney today in my town, so I got tons of pound smelts.
I also funded Katrina's shop but I can't have the ceremony today because of the tourney.
Not restarting. Naw Im only kidding, although not restarting really is accomplishment for me.

I completed my blue bench project today.
- While time travelling I realised my town, which is covered in hydrangeas, looks really nice during the time period when they are in bloom! Because I want to upload my dream town during this time, I added some blue and pink flowers to my town's colour scheme. Breeding all these flowers on my own made me go a little crazy. Pink roses were almost guaranteed to breed but it was a pain to try and get pink tulips to breed :'(
- Moved my PWPs around once again and was able to fit in a police station, which I was debating whether or not I should include in this town. I'm glad I did because I like how it looks in that spot. I had to demolish the lighthouse for it, but it's okay because it didn't match my town's colours anyways. Tomorrow I'll build the reset centre.
- Successfully got 2 of my villagers to wear my pro designs!! While the rest are still inflicted by the curse of the rally t-shirt...
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• Found a tricky pitfall seed in the police station today. More like a mischief seed, I'm wondering what to do with it.
• Got a new piece of music from K.K. Slider for my main room, and changed the song I had previously been using to my bedroom instead.
• All the winners in the fishing tourney were cats. Not an accomplishment exactly, but it was cool!
Main Town- Mayor got 1st place in the fishing tournament and won 2 fishing items.

PurlLand- Gave Genji a perfect apple and got his picture. 3 more to go. Mira pinged for a wooden bench. It's my favorite PWP.
Completed tasks for villagers and stopped Carmen from moving.

Spare/Casual Town- 2nd player dropped by PurlLand while it was raining. Caught the snail and bonus Giant Snakehead fish.
Dropped by the island for the first time and caught all the island fish and some bugs.
Paid 2nd floor loan using bells from her island catches and ordered the secret storeroom.
Opened gates for main town extra player so she could visit and drop off clothing/basic trash cans.
- Talked to all my villagers.
- Created a perfect Snowboy.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Got 1st place in the Fishing Tourney and a Puffer Fish TV.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Visited Jiyuu and pulled a few weeds.

- Checked his mail.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Got K.K.'s picture in the mail!

- Talked to all my villagers.
- Found a new plot for Curlos.
- Found all four fossils, had them assessed and sold them.
- Let Destani visit to pull weeds.
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I did an lot yesterday~

I got new rooms for my alt Minnie and I’ve expanded some of them
I’ve filled some of the rooms with furniture too. :)
I got Wart, Jr's picture! He's one of my favorites and he's been withholding it forever. I also placed tiles all over, as Cheri just pinged to move out Beantown. I don't have a Peppy in Whittown, and Cheri is adorable. I also don't want to pick up a rando move in for Whittown, which only has 9 villagers, so this will get me to 10. I'm pretty happy with my villagers (except I sorta hate Poncho, but I still need the solar panels) so this should be my last move in for a while, if not forever. Now to go learn about plot resetting, just in cases...

- - - Post Merge - - -

While the rest are still inflicted by the curse of the rally t-shirt...

Sympathies. Mine are almost all wearing the noble shirt. I haven't tried to get them to change yet, but they all look so silly. Especially Filbert. I love the squirrel, but he is not noble in any sense of the word.
I feel like my town is slowly coming together and my house is almost at the max. Now I need to work on donating to the museum more. ; ;

Yesterday was the fishing tourney as I mentioned before, and 3 of my alts got trophies and I got the anemone bed, the dab table, and another jellyfish chair. Not half-bad.
Today I finally celebrated the inauguration of Katrina's place and funded a street lamp. Lobo asked my samurai shirt and now he looks pretty cool.

I'm also a bit annoying that some of the starters I planted won't just grow! It is very annoying when they decide to wither and you need to wait until tomorrow and hope there will be the starter you want. I had to replant a blue hydrangea 3 times until it stuck. That one right next to Lobo? I think this one is the 5th attempt. But the cafe area is going to be so pretty in Spring, it is going to be worth it.
Paid off the down payment on my house and selected a green rooftop. Got oranges from Isabelle, which I planted along with my perfect fruit. Gwen is moving in.
- Bought turnips.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Created a perfect Snowboy.
- Rearranged a few flowers around my log bench.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Visited Jiyuu twice to pull weeds and also took the fossils to assess and sell.

- Checked his mail.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Got Paula's picture!

- Opened up the HHA and the ability to streetpass my main town.
- Greeted Curlos and talked to all my villagers.
- Found a plot for Frank.
- Time traveled one month ahead to let Destani pull weeds.
- Greeted Frank and talked to the rest of my villagers.
- Time traveled one month ahead to let Destani pull more weeds.
- Found a plot for Shari.
Today in PARADISE, I accomplished the following:

- Did my dailies
- Helped a villager find something they lost
- Updated my Dream Address because of this very gorgeous night sky I saw when I got on this evening: :D


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Yesterday was the fishing tourney as I mentioned before, and 3 of my alts got trophies and I got the anemone bed, the dab table, and another jellyfish chair. Not half-bad.
Today I finally celebrated the inauguration of Katrina's place and funded a street lamp. Lobo asked my samurai shirt and now he looks pretty cool.

I'm also a bit annoying that some of the starters I planted won't just grow! It is very annoying when they decide to wither and you need to wait until tomorrow and hope there will be the starter you want. I had to replant a blue hydrangea 3 times until it stuck. That one right next to Lobo? I think this one is the 5th attempt. But the cafe area is going to be so pretty in Spring, it is going to be worth it.

I think bush starts will not grow if there are 1(12?) or more trees/bushes connecting. I can't tell by your picture if that's the case. However, there are also such things as "dead spots" where bushes/trees whatever do not grow! I don't really understand the mechanics behind this, since like you said, I've also had instances where my dead spots worked like a whole season later when nothing else changed. The area in front of your cafe is looking great so far though!


Today I pretty much finished landscaping my 2nd town until I realised I wanted to change around some of my villagers. So after spending days arranging my hybrids in my foresty area of town, I have to now remove them and place QR paths everywhere to get ready for plot resetting. Until I get my amiibo cards, I am working on my residents homes. I upgraded both of my alt characters to give them secret storage, as well as expanded their bedrooms.
Main Town-Completed tasks for villagers and opened the gates for a clothing pick up.

PurlLand- Completed tasks for the villagers. Built and paid for the wooden bench.

Town Lolly-Sarah dropped by the spare town and found a large fish in the Lake. Spare town extra player caught it. It was the missing Gar that she needed.
Monkey went flea hunting with no luck but increased her friendship levels.

Save/quit and the mayor jumped to a new day. Got an early ping and decided to jump to Dec 11 to fix the grass/catch 2 bugs for the extra players. Stopped the mover and all players got their 2 bugs. Jumped back to the right time and was disappointed with the grass. It looked the same as before.
Mayor played for an hour and Monkey took over. The villager said she was gone for a month. Miranda had a flea and Monkey caught it.
- paid off the new fairytale bench PWP
- got some of my Lovely series furniture customised by Cyrus to pink and white
- finally got Gracie in my Plaza and passed my first ever Fashion Check - I got gifted the Gorgeous Bed
- talked to most of my villagers
- did a bit of landscaping
- picked up a shift at The Roost
- visited the Island to catch a few rare bugs