What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Visited a gorgeous dream town.
- Visited my husband's town and let him visit my town to work on the visitor/host badges.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours, and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Planted a bush. If I'm happy with everything once it grows in, that might be the last of my landscaping. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)
I was feeling very generous today, so I sent a bunch of letters with gifts attached to most of my villagers.
Also, it's raining right now, and I caught a coelacanth on my second try!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

...and i just caught another one on my fourth try! :eek:
- finally had the department store built today
- bought a bunch of items to add to the catalog
- watered the flowers in my town
- helped out some of my villagers w/ their requests
- talked to katrina
- donated a piece of art to the museum
Not a ton today, since I woke up very late due to not feeling 100%. Did a few things, though:

- Elmer has plotted his house in my desired location! I've been looking for him for AGES.
- Did some more tidying up around my town, planning out some locations for trees.

That's pretty much it, but it's something.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Walked around town to check how my most recent trees and bushes were growing in. So far, it's looking good.
- Went to the island, completed a bunch of tours, and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
- Got an impromptu visit from Mint while he was checking his storage.
- Left some stationary outside my mayor's house.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
Got a picture from pink squid gurl!!<3
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It took me 10 years to plot Stitches, but now he's in his place right beside Marshal.

About to upgrade my house, and maybe make an alt for my sanrio town? Maybe a pudding theme so I can use the Purin set.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the visitor/host badges.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Got a new song from K.K.

- Talked to a few villagers to complete a daily Meow task.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Started the lengthy process of cleaning up all the breeding hybrids from my beach and moving them to my alt's storage. I managed to get through everything except my large quantity of orange roses today.
Not much today~Talked to Sabel- I think tomorrow I FINALLYYYYY unlock the QR code scanner! Have also been trying to spot Isabelle sleeping at night to unlock the dream suite. Earned about 100k bells at the island!
Did some major landscaping! I finished the payments on the statue fountain and demolished the torch (can't wait until tomorrow!) I also started preparing all the holdables that I'll be using as gifts for dreamers. I have 10 days to complete everything! Will I be able to do it?? :O
I took my first trip to the island in my new town! Did a couple tours and collected some bananas and lemons to bring back home.
- sold a bunch of items to re-tail + made a good amount of money
- bought turnips from joan
- watered all of the flowers in my town + picked all weeds
- did a little bit of landscaping
- completed villager requests
- went to the island + went on a few tours
- bought some items for the catalog
Mayor opened her mail from Lolly and found a Blue Hydrangea start.
Completed a petition for Lolly. Got another men's toilet from Ed.
3rd player opened the game to clear the streetpass tag.
2nd player did some Spring cleaning and cleared her mailbox.
- bred my first black rose!
- found out that to get a golden one I need a golden watering can which will take me forever to get...
- got my approval rating to 79. It's never taken this long before but I won't give up!
- found out that Annabelle and Genji are friends :)
- donated a mole cricket and other fish to the museum
Ive recently started this town (it's my third), and today managed to collect all the signatures I needed for Club LOL, along with paying off the Dream Suite, which is one of my most favorite aspects of this game!
- Bought 5000 turnips from Joan.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Ordered a paper lantern because I'd like to try it in my house. If it doesn't work, it'll still make a nice gift for Annalisa.
- Planted a bunch of banana trees on my newly cleared beach.
- Sent letters and gifts to the remaining half of my villagers.
- Completed both daily Meow tasks.

- Checked his mail.
- Finished cleaning all the breeding hybrids off the beach and placing them in his storage.