What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Succeeded having Marina decorate her table with a Fairy Bottle.
It looks nice in her room~

Finally got my cafe and I got the lighthouse suggested! I also started with gardening.
Also, i customized the alpine set (well, it’s a WIP!). Im still not sure with which fabric I should go, basically I have to decide between red and mint green/brown. I want my mayors house to look sorta rustic so I’ll see which custom furniture will work better.
Oh yeah, and it was April fools day and I totally cheated with the answers :D
STILL waiting for sable to give me the dang QR code scanner! I'm sure it's been over 10 days.. Other than that, I got a few picture frames of my villagers and I can't wait to get them all and such :)
I completed the mermaid home exterior set, and finally x-pollinated a white carnation! 10 year old me would be proud.
I beat Blanca at every turn, I squeed at Melba?s silly face while Blanca was impersonating her, and I continued to fail at creating blue roses. All in all, it?s been a fine day in Moonwood.
For me I:
Reset the town and got a new set of starting villagers.
I cleared the April Fools event
I decided to keep Fauna since she came with the town
Ankha is staying forever
finally got my approval rating to 100% yesssss... thank u Blanca without u this would have never happened
Completed April's Fools Day. Fake Tutu dream job was Kitty White.
Sydney told the mayor that Lolly is thinking of moving. With the event I have to wait till tomorrow to stop her.
Decided NOT to take part in April Fools, as I want to earn my villager's pictures the hard way.
Today I managed to go ahead and catch all the fish that are available in April! Tomorrow I'm going to go for the bugs and the diving creatures. But, I also managed to pay off the second floor of the museum for Blathers, and got the QR sewing machine in Able's!
- Talked to all my villagers and completed the April Fool's Day event.
- Got all of my villager's pictures, including three that I didn't already own.
- Put the three new pictues in my Memories room in the museum.
- Ordered an extra classic buffet from my catalog since I ran out of table space for pictures.
- Got my paper lantern in the mail and put it in my zen garden room. Played around with the furniture until I was happy with the layout.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold a shirt at Retail.
I only wanted Aurora and Sprinkle’s pictures today.
Of course Aurora just haaaad to be the last one pranked.
So I ended up with everyone’s pictures XD
My left room expansion was done today, so I could decorate the room more since it had felt pretty cramped for a while. It's a plant room so adding the honeybee chest my friend gave me once feels really fitting too. :)
Now I'll just have to pay for that expansion.
Yesterday, I started my second town~!
Mayor Misha of Fernweh~

I've never reset for a town map either, my first town I think I just picked out of the four. But it did take a while to find a map.

Today I went back on and finished the little things you do when you talk with Isabelle, like catching stuff and giving her a shell etc
I'm gonna add my second player today! :3
It's been a while since I've played any AC.

•Scanned some QRs to landscape monster island
•Made Yusha, a path holder and hero of the town. I wanted to make her later so I could use her spot as a personality reset space, but my other 2 characters can't hold the QRs for the future path, despite the fact that both of them hold minimal town designs as it is.

•Transferred 15.8mil bells from Ingrid to Yusha, to help pay off her soon to be castle from Rune 4, and to get Secret ready for a restart.

I haven't played in Luminosa or Moriyo Village yet, but that'll change later.
Today I finished designing an outfit for a character from this one tv show. I couldn't find it anywhere so I decided to just make an outfit :D
Main Town
Stopped Lolly from moving and completed all tasks for the villagers.
Got an invite from Iggly to sit at the campfire. It was a nice way to end the night.