Not an accomplishment exactly, but I checked on my town after not having played for a while (I had bed hair). I mostly wanted to check that my villagers haven't disappeared, and luckily they hadn't. I especially wouldn't want Tangy to move so I spoke to her to find out if she'd been planning to move.
I talked to my villagers, did some tasks for them, had some items refurbished, paid off another home expansion loan, and did a bit of bug-hunting on the island for bells. Also changed up the town tune.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit to buy flower seeds and complete one of his Meow tasks.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Went diving to complete a weekly Meow task and work on the diving badge.
- came back after a couple of months
- got my hair done
- payed off a home expansion loan
- got a new dress
- started a public works project for a new bridge
- got tan
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Visited my husband's town to sell my 4000 turnips for a pretty good price.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy flower seeds.
- Went diving to work on the diving badge.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
Today I popped in while watching the new direct for the upcoming title and was greeted by Isabelle when I came out of my home. I knew it was soon but forgot exactly what day. Today was the 2 year anniversary of the town of Fiore's creation. So, I got my sapling clock today, chatted with everyone, and signed on out after checking turnip prices.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy flower seeds.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Checked his mail.
- Sold a few items at Re-Tail.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy flower seeds.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Went diving to work on the diving badge and got a vintage telescope from Pascal.
- Checked his mail.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
In Callisto,I got the backyard gardener badge. I put down some path and planted trees and bamboo. Phoebe moved into town. I caught a tarantula for the museum. I went to Yuka's house and she let me buy the regal vanity she had in her house. Phoebe asked me to deliver a package to Yuka so I agreed to take it to her. I found Yuka and handed her the package and, in return, she gave me a red tile wall. Bella wanted some furniture for her house so I gave her a lady palm and, in return, she gave me a kiddie table. Rodeo wanted an orange so I gave him a perfect orange and, in return, he gave me a pink velvet stool. Brewster was kind enough to offer me a job at the cafe. I successfully gave everyone the coffee they asked for and Brewster gave me some coffee beans as payment.
Today was the 6 year anniversary of Popstar! Although the mayor in that town is my brother, I participated by using his character anyway. The only other important thing I did was check if anyone was moving in both towns. I had to stop Anchovy, who seems to keep wanting to move most of the time I revisit Popstar.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy flower seeds.
- Visited my husband's town to get a petition signed for Mint and work on the host/visitor badges.
- Went to the island and found a sanshin.
- Completed a few tours and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Checked his mail.
- Sold an item at Re-Tail.
Recently reset my third town for a permanent map/name. So, I mostly accomplished just getting things staged.
Finished planting the palm trees on the beach, regular fruits around the town, setting up hybrids to breed in their typical spot, getting shops unlocked, donating 30 things to the museum, and constructing 2/3 bridges in the locations I'll want them. Otherwise, just saved a bunch of QRs lol for outfit purposes.
Other two towns, just quick check-ins to check on villagers and forward some items to new town (silver tools, fruits, hybrids, etc).
I found a really nice mosaic path, which took up four QR saved slots x_x but have been going around just creating a whole new path. it takes a crap ton of time but it keeps my busy which is something i needed in this game lol
when its finished i want to finally update my dreamtown :3
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Participated in the Bug Off and won first place.
- Attended the Bug Off ceremony and got my Gold Trophy.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy flower seeds.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Got a song from K.K.
- Bought 5000 turnips from Joan.
- Got a red carnation for Father's Day.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy flower seeds.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges, chatted with his villagers and said good-bye to Kody who's leaving his town.
- Sent letters and gifts to half of my villagers.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Checked his mail.
- Got a red carnation for Father's Day.
- Added the two new carnations to his storage.
- Pulled an item out of storage for my mayor to send to a villager.
- Sold an item at Re-Tail.
Made a list of the bugs/fish/diving things I've yet to catch and been trying to be more diligent of getting those. I managed to get a Dorado and a Coelacanth to donate to the museum this morning. Going to try to rework some rooms and I'll probably delete some of the characters that I haven't majorly started on for their houses and rename them to names less repetitive.