What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Today, I dug up fossils, watered flowers, found Melba a fruit beetle, and used Club Tortimer for the first time which I was able to bring back some bananas and plant some on my beach.
I have half of my town layed out for Citron and I'm working in getting a large order of bushes and flowers! I moved on flurry in an amazing spot and now I'm working on getting the rest of my undesirable villagers out.
Also I wasn't paying attention and spent almost all my bells on a white katana, which was over 36k bells. I almost cried.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Visited a dream town to work dreamer badge.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Visited Sakura to buy a painting from Redd.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Welcomed Clay to town. Forgot to mention yesterday that he successfully plotted in one of my designated plots.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Got a new emotion from Shrunk.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Watered my purple tulips to breed more.
- Had Cyrus refurbish a mama bear with purple stripes.
- Did some minor redecorating in my house.
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Today I:

- Watered all plants.
- Found all fossils/pitfall and fake rock.
- Got a new emote from Shrunk.
- Worked for Brewster, had a coffee with him after.
- Bought out Main Street.
- Conducted several trades on two different forums, even filled in a lot of my catalog, ALL RV/WA unorderables down !!
- Completed the daily meow coupons.
- Had my fortune told by Katrina.
- Organized EVERYTHING I own, and redecorated my house after weeks of not being able to use it !
- Had many, many things refurbished by Cyrus.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Did some diving and fishing to work on the badges.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got a new song from K.K. on both my mayor and my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Donated a new painting to the museum.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Got a new emotion from Shrunk.
- Watered my purple tulips to breed more.
- Got a new song from K.K.
Today I:

- Watered all plants.
- Found all fossils/pitfall, fake rock and money rock.
- Shook all trees.
- Got a new emote from Shrunk.
- Worked for Brewster, had a coffee with him after.
- Bought out Main Street.
- Conducted several trades on two different forums, got my villagers' outfits changed, and got the SP items !!
- Completed the daily meow coupons.
- Put Cyrus to work again, and then decorated my kitchen.
- Was serenaded by K.K., collecting a new bootleg for my stereo.
- Phineas brought me a Hosting Badge.
- Forgot to mention yesterday Shep suggested the Moai Statue.
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I pretty much just did these.
Remodeled my park by limiting the koi pond and adding more space.
Helped fix my house on a few things.
Changed the flowers around.
In TickTock, I gathered enough bells to finish another bridge, and I finished funding the Dream Suite. Then I visited my other town in the Dream Suite so I could find special stumps by cutting down every tree. I didn't find many.

In Eureka, I watered flowers, dug up some fossils, sold the fossils after having them assessed, caught a ceolocanth, and earned some medals on the island.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Found all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got 3 gold nuggets from my husband.
- Got Cyrus started on refurbishing my gold nuggets.
- Got the gold Dive Master badge from Phineas! :D

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Bought 4000 turnips from Joan.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Watered my purple tulips to breed more.
- Bought out all the shops on Main Street.
- Bought a silver teapot from Harvey and added it to my house.
- Got my last emotion from Shrunk, the Shrunk Funk Shuffle, and he gave me Dr. Shrunk's jacket. :D
Today I:

- Watered all plants.
- Found all fossils/pitfall and fake rock.
- Got a new emote from Shrunk.
- Worked for Brewster, had a coffee with him after.
- Bought out Main Street.
- Conducted several trades on two different forums, I think I have all the unorderable sets now !!
- Completed the daily meow coupons.
- Sent Katie to Derek's town !! She missed it though...
- Put Cyrus to work all day lol, my kitchen is really coming together !
- Did perfect fruit farming and managed to find someone to let me sell it all off.
- Sterling suggested the video screen pwp.
I opened by door and was then beaten ruthlessly by Resstti. Then I did some villager chores, celebrated my new metal bench, and caught a boat to the island. I'm trying to get my wetsuit so I can attempt to do the diving trick for PWP.

Other then that, I ended up discovering I reached Perfect Town Status! :D
*Lucky moved away, but he sent me his pic.
*Also got KK Slider's pic in the mail.
*Upgraded one of the rooms in my house (my picture room).
*Chops plotted in town (Only had 8 villagers, so he's my random 9th. Whoopie...).
*Reorganized a few flowers in my town.

Ill miss Lucky, but he was in such a bad spot in front of my bridge. :/
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Got the gold wall from Cyrus.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Visited Nocturne to drop off some clothing so Mayor Amethyst could pass Gracie's fashion check.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock, and got gems from the money rock.
- Completed both daily Meow tasks.
- Passed my first fashion check from Gracie.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Had Cyrus refurbish the baby bear to the violet marble design.
I sold my soul in Lilycove to Tom Nook for 20 million bells because I wanted to start over. Started my town yesterday and managed to pay off Mayor Ryoma's tent debt!
Finally, after years of playing and many MANY towns, Caught my first ever Scorpion last night just before time ran out. I rarely play at night so...anyhow, it put Blathers into instant panic mode.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Talked to Jack and got a mask for Halloween.
- Stopped Deirdre from moving.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Found all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Let my husband and Mayor Amethyst visit to sell turnips.
- Visited my husband's town to get a petition signed for Hans.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Talked to Jack and got a mask for Halloween.
- Got the piggy bank from the post office.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Visited Sakura to sell my turnips for an amazing profit.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
- Watered my blue roses to breed more.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Paid off my current home loan.
- Requested to expand my first floor room on the right side.
- Added some furniture to my house, including the violet marble baby bear that I picked up from Cyrus.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Cleaned up some excess flowers that had spawned.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Reorganized my furniture in my newly expanded room.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Found all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Added some furniture to my house.
I started my first round of perfect trees, which should be fully grown soon. Also tracked down Frita to return a pouch I found, and learned that I have finally achieved a higher friendship level with Alli (though I'm still working on Mathilda).

Oh, and donned my witch garb :D 'Tis time!