What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

- caught a lot of fish for my museum
- caught some new bugs
- upgraded my mayor's house
- halfway done with my mayor's design

to-do list:
- redecorate
- continue to upgrade my mayor's house
- add new characters and fix up their houses
- work on my town's theme
- get pinged for new pwps
- start "bulldozing" the grass to make way for the desert/west theme
- finish the museum's fossil collection
- finish designing my mayor
+ a lot of crap
Today in PARADISE, I accomplished the following:

- Did my dailies.
- Talked to villagers and helped them with their tasks.
- Harvested blue roses for my thread in Re-Tail. :)
- Completed a piece of customized furniture.
- finally got two purple hybrid roses after repeatedly getting white roses every day.

- Graham moved out and now am awaiting a new villager.

- scanned in ?toile and got some furniture from her. (might move her in tbh.)

- and I guess that's it. I'm just glad I'm playing this before the imminent arrival of AC Switch.
Main Town- Stopped a mover, visit/hosted villagers and completed tasks.
Opened the gate for a flower pick up.

Town Crazy-Stopped a mover, visit/host villagers and completed tasks. Blanche requested the Hot Spring. Picked up flowers and drop them in Town Pokemon. Harvest perfect peaches and planted some cedar trees.

Town Pokemon-Stopped a mover and completed tasks. Removed and placed more Yellow/Purple Flowers. Added a Flower Bed PWP.
*Freckles has officially moved. She sent me her picture in the mail. I'll miss having her in my town. Sweet villager.
*Added a new item for my Nintendo museum.
*Got the bronze badge for diving.
*Did a few favors, primarily for Ankha.
Today was a bit of a slow day.

- Received the Tire Toy PWP, which I plan to build after I get the perfect town rating.
- Re-did some portions of my path, including near my mayor's house and The Roost.
- Did a couple favors for villagers, receiving two new clothing items.
- Bought five new items for my catalogue (furniture and clothing) on Main Street, as well as some flowers and hydrangea starts.
- Watered flowers that I hope will make hybrids. I'm working on orange and pink lilies at the moment.
- Dug up fossils, then sold them all.
- Got five MEOW coupons.
- Re-organized my convenience store and cafe rooms to look better and fit more items.
- Paid off a loan on my mayor's house.
Well, I usually spend precisely six hours a day gathering apples from my apple farm then spend the remainder of the day decking my villagers with shovels as they block my path to the buried fossils.
Well, I usually spend precisely six hours a day gathering apples from my apple farm then spend the remainder of the day decking my villagers with shovels as they block my path to the buried fossils.


- did a trade, got some new items and clothes for future housing/character projects
- moved in a new villager dubbed "fodder" bc he's goin bye-bye. he's just my puppet for "bulldozing" the grass, poor kid
- dug holes everywhere and ran rampant, trying to weaken the grass
- put a donation gyroid up for a water well
- opened the flower shop, proceeded to buy everything to get Leif's butt upgraded
- spent a lot of bells at Retail, got 3k back, wanted to cry
- enacted the Bell Boom ordinance
- stared at grass for ages, wishing it would die already

being mayor is tough work
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- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Refurbished the new trellis I ordered.
- Finished my bug-themed museum exhibit room. I called it: A Bug's Life.

- Logged on to get his mail.
- Got an exotic bed from mom.
- Antonio pinged to move and I agreed. I like him, but the sooner he moves out, the sooner I can fix my campsite landscaping and post a dream address. Yay! :blush:

- did a trade, got some new items and clothes for future housing/character projects
- moved in a new villager dubbed "fodder" bc he's goin bye-bye. he's just my puppet for "bulldozing" the grass, poor kid
- dug holes everywhere and ran rampant, trying to weaken the grass
- put a donation gyroid up for a water well
- opened the flower shop, proceeded to buy everything to get Leif's butt upgraded
- spent a lot of bells at Retail, got 3k back, wanted to cry
- enacted the Bell Boom ordinance
- stared at grass for ages, wishing it would die already

being mayor is tough work

How does an alt character help kill the grass? I want mine dead, too. The grass won't seem to die!
How does an alt character help kill the grass? I want mine dead, too. The grass won't seem to die!

Create the alt, place their house in a spot where you want to kill the grass, and go through all the steps to save. Then, delete the alt and repeat as many times as you want.
Mayor/main character
- Invited Hopkins to move in after ordering some items from his RV
- Moved a bunch of flowers to beach in order to put down tiles to plot reset (he moved in where I wanted him to, yay)
- Did more landscaping which I'm terrible at but B+ for effort yeah?

Second character
- Redecorated rooms in house a bit more for the billionth time
- Took a new photo for TPC (weekly initiative)
- Played Desert Island Escape (also for initiative)
How does an alt character help kill the grass? I want mine dead, too. The grass won't seem to die!

move in an alt and move them out after the grass around the house is dead! you’ll have to do this a lot but it’s easier than building a ton of pwps or running around forever
Main Town-Completed a petition and left Katie/flowers/artwork in the town. Completed chores.

Town West Donated the artwork.

Town Crazy-Played 3 days to get to July 1st. Completed tasks and visited Sable stores each day.
Player 3 had the catch a scorpion meow coupon on July 1st. At 330am she finally caught it and donated it to the museum.
*Found a new fossil for my museum.
*Got a PWP request from Alice, the fairy tale clock.
*Did a few favors for villagers+visited a couple of houses.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Found Katie and brought her to my husband's town.
- Took the opportunity to chat with my husband's villagers, including Sylvia who moved from my town.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy fortune cookies and furniture.
- Got my second white carnation.
- Worked on breeding more pink roses.

- Logged on to check his mail.
Finished my fossil exhibit, nearing completion of my mini-fossil collection. Only two or three more miniatures, as I recall. Other than that, got Katrina to give me her pwp so that's in the works.
- got the QR code scanner!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Finished my fossil exhibit, nearing completion of my mini-fossil collection. Only two or three more miniatures, as I recall. Other than that, got Katrina to give me her pwp so that's in the works.

thats p cool!!!
I chopped down some trees and moved some flowers around my town. Also... Erased some QR paths then placed some new ones for walkways and greenery placements. That's basically all I did for my town and hope I can continue again once my 3DS is finish charging.
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