• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

Mucked around trying to terraform a river in a natural fashion, but haven't made much headway yet. Will probably need to move trees and flowers and things.
I've all but given up on smacking rocks lately. Don't really need materials all that much, as it's rare I want to craft anything. Still plant my money tree every day though.
I moved in flurry today!
i'm finally happy with my villager lineup, though i'm almost assuredly going to cycle out flurry eventually (& hopefully replace her with sherb)
but i would honestly be fine with it if this lineup ended up being how I ended NH :>
I learned the last reaction from Diana today, donated some new creatures to the museum, and started on a bit of terraforming in one area, moving stuff around and building cliffs. :)
  • Invited Zell from a mystery island after Merengue moved out yesterday
  • Caught a king salmon and donated it to the museum while doing my villager-gifting rounds
  • Got the acorn pochette DIY recipe from a balloon
  • Helped Gulliver
  • Visited Kicks and shopped at the Able sisters on my S/O's island
I went to the Island of Cookie and was amazed by all the exciting things in that Disneyland. I wish I could get recipes for moon chairs, space ships , moon, etc. Never get those. So, I'm using my dream suite today.
Went island hopping and found Carrie after only around 10 tickets. I wanted a kangaroo villager on my island and she'll be a perfect fit. I have vague memories of talking to her in Gamecube so it'll be nice to have her again all these years later.
I sold my turnips for 599 bells, my highest ever, and bought my savings over the 10 million mark for the first time. A nice big number, feels a lot more than 8.8 million somehow.
I'll be trying to be posting daily on this thread! I hope some of you do too!

Let us know what you did today! Even minor things such as plant new trees if you want! Anything is welcome!
Iptoday ive moved my museum and started to decorate outside! It was very showey with loads of spot light but I’ve now got for a more cottage/ wooded vibe! Can’t wait for it to be another finished area on my island.
I actually accomplished a lot today! I decided to remodel my entire orchard because I wasn't happy with how it looked, and now I'm really pleased with how my new orchard/farm area looks, very autumnal with a fruit juice stall for Tangy. Still need to grab some apples and pears though lol, it's only got three rows of trees rn RIP.

I also added a stargazing area with a telescope and a picnic blanket on the eastern-facing cliff, gave some of my villagers wrapped peaches, and did some fishing.
I've been finally rearranging my shop area for the first time since launch! I'm doing the whole switcharoo by paying 50k bells to move Nook's to some random spot, only to move it back where it was but 1 square over for 50k more bells lol.
- Got the final 2 acorn/pine cone recipes from balloons (and a few duplicates)
- Collected enough pine cones and acorns to build the entire fall season set (now just waiting for maple leaf season)
- Found Audie on my 25th mystery island trip (wasn't looking for anyone in particular)
- Received Stonehenge in the mail from Gulliver

All in all, a pretty good day.
- got my fossils evaluated and sold
- gifted all villagers whom I haven't got their framed photo
- did some diving to try get all the mermaid recipes (something I've been slacking on until lately), got a pearl
- moved the deck chairs on the beach together on each side of the palm tree
I finally got Amelia's picture.
I caught 3 pikes for a model.
Got my summer area redecorated for fall.
So I have been traveling for the past three weeks, and have fallen WAAAAAY behind in my daily posts. Today, I'm gonna post all 21 days' worth of events, as I still took screenshots of everything to write down later.
Without further ado, here's what happened on Shione Island for the past three weeks!

• Today's HHA S-rank put me at 199,051 points! I'm so close to 200k! :D
• Collected the magazines I'd ordered yesterday from the mail.
• Ordered Steep Hill from the Daily Selection.
• Ordered more magazines, as I still didn't have enough for the Manga-library Wall.
• Dressed up for firework viewing!
• After tracking down a scallop, Pascal gave me a pair of Mermaid Shoes.
• Replenished my on-hand wood supply.
• Isabelle gave me a flower bopper.
• Checked the message board and found out that the next Bug-Off was coming on the 22nd!
• Completed the daily bonus NM+ offers.
• Changed again, and went to sleep.

• Collected the magazines that had arrived and ordered a few more.
• Found Gulliver washed up on the eastern beach!
• Found Kitty napping under a tree near the Snack Shack on the western side of the island. It was adorable :)
• Recieved a pearl from Pascal!
• Ended up going on a treasure hunt with Gayle; I found the loot on the middle cliffs (aaaaand subsequently broke my shovel...).
• Took a picture in Island Resources; Isabelle made a funny face.
• Plucky asked me to catch her a big that crawled on flowers; I was only able to find her a stinkbug.
• Rex asked me to take a gift to Pekoe; he was really excited, but too nervous to deliver it himself. Pekoe was thrilled, and it turned out to be a green maid's outfit; the same shade as the chef's outfit Rex was wearing. Upon reviving the news, Rex decided grew needed to go and visit her to see how it looked. Now, I'm not gonna say anything, but...it was SO FRIGGIN CUTE!!! ❤❤❤
• Completed today's bonus NM+ offers.

• Collected the last magazines from the mail and FINALLY crafted the Manga-Library Wall!
• Redd was here...but ALL of the pieces turned out to be fake! 😭
• After finding a gold nugget today, I ended up with a recipe for a King Tut Mask.
• Maddie was thinking about moving away, but I was able to change her mind.
• Recieved a pearl from Pascal!
• Finished editing my first round of Splatoon hats!

• Another Lily-of-the-Valley plant grew in, bringing our total to six!
• Rex told me that Label was here! Label gave me a Fairytale-theme to work with. I decided to dress up like a witch, which she thoroughly enjoyed. I got a pair of Labelle pumps as a reward.
• Ordered K.K. Ska from the Daily Selection.
• Pascal gave me a pearl!

• Flick was here today! Later in the day, I brought him 3 Horned Hercules beetles so to make a collectible.
• Rex showed me how to make a mossy garden rock.
• Maddie apparently left something at Patty's house, and Party asked me if I could return it for her.
• Finally having access to the internet after a while, I posted my first batch of Splatoon hats to the design kiosk!
• Made the Purple Jellyvader Cap available on the design rack at Able's.
• Recieved a pearl from Pascal.

• Collected the Horned Hercules model from the mail.
• Took a ton of pictures of my assorted gardens to send to my mother at a later date, as a friend of hers was struggling with theirs.
• Marshall showed me how to make a pretty cosmos wreath.
• C.J. was here today, this time with a small-fry challenge! After I completed it, I brought him three Blue Marlins to make a collectible.
• Pascal gave me a pearl!
• Ordered K.K. Stroll from the Daily Selection.

8/22 (time to Bug-Off! )
• Recieved a skeleton in the mail... I'm a bit concerned...
• Finally found the recipe for a Pitfall Seed in a bottle that washed up on shore! 😆
• Participated on the Bug-Off, but only for one round, as I already had the trophies.
• Promptly crafted a Pitfall seed, buried it, and purposefully triggered it, all for the Nook Miles.
• Recieved a pearl from Pascal.
• Completed two Splatoon-themed shirts and one hoodie! :) (someone had already made one of them, but it didn't have the level of detail I wanted, so I did it myself)

• It's Sunday! I changed into my Firework viewing outfit.
• Today's HHA S-rank had the same score as last week-- which isn't bad at all, I just haven't thought of anything new to do to the house yet.
• Gayle apparently saw my work with the pitfall seed yesterday, as she asked me about it today.
• Watered some flowers!
• Saw some interesting cloud formations after 6pm!
• Pascal gave me a pearl.
• Cleared out a TON of storage space to kill some time before 7pm.
• Gifted Maddie and Patty with workout vests.
• Enjoyed the beginning of the fireworks with my residents 😊
• Recieved a star bopper from Isabelle.
• Went home, changed clothes, and went to bed.

• Marshall asked me to catch a killifish for him; it took me two hours and 25 bags of bait, but I still caught one!
• There are now seven Lily-of-the-Valley plants on Shione!
• Plucky left something behind at Kitty's house, who asked me to return it for her.
• Requested K.K. Milonga from Slider.
• Sable was very excited to tell me about Label's progress, and thanked me for helping her family out. I always feel happy when Sable's happy. 😊
• Posted the Splatoon shirts and hoodie to the design kiosk!
• Found some really cool designs online, and saved a few designers to my Favorites List!
• Added my Creator ID to my Passport.
• Managed to chase down and trap a Gigas Giant Clam against the border nets. I love that they can't swim past the nets anymore (get ready, lobsters, I'm coming for you! ).
• Recieved a pearl from Pascal.

• Marshall told me that Marina had gotten sick, so I made sure to grab her some medicine when I stopped by the store.
• Caught Rex sleeping while standing up right in his doorway. He does the darndest things, I swear.
• Plucky was thinking of moving away, but I was able to change her mind.
• Plucky then told me Leif was here today!
• Recieved yet another pearl from Pascal.
• Found Gayle dozing by the riverbank. I don't know why she's so cute, but she is. That smile just melts your heart.

• Ended up playing later than usual, as I was showing my grandfather around my town for most of the day.
• Apparently, Maddie and Plucky had a fight; Maddie wanted to make up, but was still feeling a bit off, so I decided to help out. It was a yellow Tropical Muumuu; Plucky was very surprised by it, and decided right away to both wear it and go apologize to Maddie.
• Found a recipe for an Iron Hanger Stand in a bottle that had washed up on the beach.
• Kicks was here today, but I never actually got around to seeing him... 😓

• Marshall told me that Sahara was here visiting!
• Found a recipe for a Pear Umbrella in a bottle that washed up on the beach.
• Completed my second set of Splatoon hats, a sweater, and a hoodie!
• Pascal gave me a pearl.

• Watered the purple tulips outside my house.
• Collected a bunch of coconuts to sell.
• Found Gayle passed out halfway through her morning workout. I feel that 😆
• Gayle also noticed I'd been in my house almost all day yesterday, due to me working hard at the design table. I kinda like that she likes to check up on me.
• Marina tracked me down to tell me that Gullivarrr had washed up on shore. She felt bad for not helping him first, but I made sure to go check on him and ease her worries.
• Found Patty napping under a tree in Harry's yard...
• Caught a bunch of bugs to sell.
• Completed today's bonus NM+ offers.
• Posted the second batch of Splatoon designs to the design kiosk!
• Found Gullivarrr's communicator in the southeastern waters, and managed to catch a giant isopod in the process.
• Recieved another pearl from Pascal.

• Recieved a gift from Gulivarrr in the mail: a Pirate Hat!
• Found Kitty taking a nap in the hammock near Gayle's house. She looked really comfortable.
• Ordered K.K. Bossa from the Daily Selection.
• Found a recipe for a Document Stack in a bottle that washed up on the beach.
• Did a cannonball flip off the Airport Dock for the fun of it (if only I were in good enough shape to do that for real... 😆 )
• Revived both a pearl and some existential "truth" from Pascal: "Ever feel like it's a tube-shaped world...and we're just ants crawling around on a roll of paper towels?"
• Requested K.K. Gumbo from Slider.

8/30 (I got on late, so not much got done)
• Today's HHA S-rank finally put me at 200,650 points! Whoo!!! 😆
• We now have eight Lily-of-the-Valley plants!
• Enjoyed seeing my residents having fun and enjoying themselves in 😊
• Ordered some white Rattan furniture for my house.
• Recieved a bulb bopper from Isabelle.
• Ended up blowing off both fossil assessment and scallop hunting, due to how late it was, and I was tired.

• There was a visitor at the campsite today; I finally met June the Cub (as I only knew of her beforehand thanks to a meme) .
• After my white Rattan furniture arrived in the mail, I got to work rearranging things in the main room. It looks much better, coordination-wise! It fits much better with the other furniture and wallpaper.
• I also rearranged a few things in the basement. Hopefully, this will boost my score a bit!
• Marshall showed me how to make a wooden double bed.
• Recieved a Mermaid Princess Dress from Pascal
• Kitty, Maddie, and Plucky were enjoying popsicles outside Resident Services, and Patty was exercising.
• Flick was here today, and I brought him my stashed Giant Stags to make a collectible.

• Discovered that Isabelle had swapped out her roses for some pink cosmos. She also sent us all a recipe for a Tree's Bounty Little Tree.
• Collected the Giant Stag model from the mail.
• Changed my outfit for cooler temperatures, and took my hair out of its ponytail.
• Caught a bell cricket, a (regular) cricket, and a red dragonfly!
• A package that was for Plucky ended up at Marshall's house, so I agreed to fix the mishap.
• Found my first pinecone!
• Ordered K.K. Fusion from the Daily Selection, as well as a grape-harvest basket.
• Earned a pearl from Pascal.
• Managed to corner a Gigas Giant Clam against the safety nets.

9/2 (it rained)
• Collected my orders from the mail.
• Found a recipe for a leaf campfire from a balloon.
• Agreed to catch a river fish for Gayle; it ended up being a black bass. I would've given her the Dorado I'd caught, but I needed the bells... 😓
• Found my first acorn!
• Gulliver had washed up on shore again!
• Recieved a pearl from Pascal.
• Harry was thinking of moving away, but I was able to change his mind.
• Discovered that I didn't need to but anything at Able's today, as I already had each of the day's selections catalogued.
• Finished three more Splatoon shirts!

• Shione was in for a meteor shower tonight! Due to wonky internet, however, I was unable to share this with anyone else 😭
• Recieved a cushion in the mail from G. Mom! I still have yet to figure out where to put it.
• Harry asked me to catch him a saltwater fish; it took me a while, but I eventually brought him back an ocean sunfish.
• Plucky had lent something to Rex, who accidentally kept it so long that he felt awkward about returning it; naturally, I agreed to help.
• Accidentally got stung while looking for acorns and pinecones, and Plucky came to my rescue with medicine!
• Someone left a book in Marina's yard; Marina said she thought Gayle might've dropped it there after visiting and forgot it. Upon asking her, Gayle was thrilled to know I'd found it.
• Poor Harry had fleas! 😥 (it's been a while since anyone's had fleas, come to think of it...)
• Caught an umbrella octopus!
• Recieved yet another pearl from Pascal.
• Label was in town, and she asked me to help her with a "comfy" theme; despite what I thought counted, I don't think I got it quite right... Still, she seemed happy!
• Made three more Splatoon shirts! (One of them didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped)
• Made a ton of wishes on stars!
• Managed to find Celeste in town! She gave me a recipe for a Virgo Harp!
• Completed today's bonus NM+ offers.

• Went through my mail and cleared out some space.
• Collected a ton of star fragments, and found one Virgo fragment!
• Redd was here today, but unfortunately, all of the art pieces were fake 😭
• Caught a Soft-Shelled turtle, a salmon, and a pike!
• Earned a pearl from Pascal.
• Rex showed me how to make a matryoshka!
  • Got the Moai statue in the mail from Gulliver
  • Did two delivery quests for my villagers
  • Demolished the incline that might be preventing my last rock from spawning where I want it to be
  • Shot down balloons and got two more autumn recipes
  • Bought some new clothing from the Able sisters
  • Requested Forest Life from K.K. Slider
  • Caught all the new September fish with my S/O :3
  • Farmed balloons and got a couple more autumn DIY recipes -- I think I have three or four more to collect
  • Shook down two stacks of acorns (at the cost of the "A" button on my S/O's poor Pro controller...)