• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

Did a big ol' pumpkin patch! Spotted my villagers prowling about it a few times too-- Molly sat underneath a cedar within the pumpkin patch area and read for awhile!

I did a lot of tree moving, my peaches? Barren. My tummy? Stuffed. Hotel? Trivago.

Idled around my plaza as I wrote a paper, caught Pietro and Francine dueting K.k. cruisin'

Hornsby and Cookie got into a lil disagreement and watching them both walk away dejectedly with those purple swirls was adorable.
I didn't get anything new critter wise today. It feels weird, since I usually get a whole bunch every month. But October only has 2 new things (both diving) for Northern Hemisphere and I only dive until I find a scallop (having critters to look for incentives looking for scallops for me).

But I did buy a lot of pumpkins! I made 2 pumpkin patches, one by my farm area and one for a new seasonal area that I want to start that will have rotating things there depending on the season.

I managed to get 2 spooky recipes today and I bought the (orange) spooky scarecrow from the shop.
• checked the mail
• got big top’s photo!!! ❤
• did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
• prevented zucker from moving,, again ;/
• talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
• caught a fish for marina
• checked the recycling bin
• collected my daily bonus nook miles
• bought the new skin tones + eye colours
• watered my black roses
• finally bought and planted some
pumpkins!! 🎃 i have 12 in my yard + 8 behind my fruit orchard
• built a zen bridge
• checked out able sisters & nook’s cranny
• bought candy
• didn’t see any halloween costumes today;/
• new diys: spooky standing lamp
• bought the spooky chair - it’s super cute!
• helped wisp
• caught & donated the new deep-sea creatures for this month; spiny lobster & venus’ flower basket
Spent hours trying to find something to put on a table.

I ended up putting a pumpkin on it and then quit for the day.
  • adjusted the path leading to my alt character's house
  • organized my lily garden - I can finally sell the extras to the nooks
  • organized my little pumpkin patch / farm and fenced off an area that can be used as a second patch once we get more vegetables
  • spread some spooky lanterns around my forest
  • started decorating the seasonal beach - so far it has a spooky arch, spooky table, and spooky candy set
  • popped a bunch of balloons that were all either furniture or bells =/
  • added a path leading to my farms
I got the last stamp for diving and bugs. Those took forever. I finally got my DAL jacket yesterday. I made four pumpkin patches. I probably planted more than I need. I also caught a spiny lobster and the other new sea critter for this month. Forgot what it's called. Caught three yellow perch for my model collection, and caught a golden trout. That was a lovely surprise. And last but not least, I finally caught a Popeye goldfish to add to the other two I was saving for a model. That little critter took me months to catch.
Got my pumpkins planted. My friend gave me a spooky standing lamp, thank you so much! I'm still playing, but I've also gotten 10 of the spooky DIYs, most from balloons except for once.

Yeeeeaaah, I've been grinding balloons basically all day. I've gotten a LOT from it. It's been like... only bells for the past two hours but I can't complain too much!
• checked the mail
• got big top’s photo!!! ❤
• did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
• prevented zucker from moving,, again ;/
• talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
• caught a fish for marina
• checked the recycling bin
• collected my daily bonus nook miles
• bought the new skin tones + eye colours
• watered my black roses
• finally bought and planted some
pumpkins!! 🎃 i have 12 in my yard + 8 behind my fruit orchard
• built a zen bridge
• checked out able sisters & nook’s cranny
• bought candy
• didn’t see any halloween costumes today;/
• new diys: spooky standing lamp
• bought the spooky chair - it’s super cute!
• helped wisp
• caught & donated the new deep-sea creatures for this month; spiny lobster & venus’ flower basket

Wow. You got a lot done and a picture too! 👍 Talk about a rewarding day :). Had I seen this earlier, I would’ve invited you to my town. My town was selling the striped hats today. :(

Oh nice! I didn’t think we’d be getting the venus flower yet (i thought I caught mine on Hobowire’s island in the winter; I might be wrong since my memory is fuzzy lol). This is great news since I thought it was pretty and wished I caught more :). Thanks for sharing :). Maybe one day they’ll let us get sea creature models and maybe ones that show how some of them glow like the vampire squid 😊.
Wow. You got a lot done and a picture too! 👍 Talk about a rewarding day :). Had I seen this earlier, I would’ve invited you to my town. My town was selling the striped hats today. :(

Oh nice! I didn’t think we’d be getting the venus flower yet (i thought I caught mine on Hobowire’s island in the winter; I might be wrong since my memory is fuzzy lol). This is great news since I thought it was pretty and wished I caught more :). Thanks for sharing :). Maybe one day they’ll let us get sea creature models and maybe ones that show how some of them glow like the vampire squid 😊.

aha, thank you! i usually don’t get this much stuff done in one day so i definitely feel a bit productive :p. and don’t worry! i’m sure they’ll start showing up for me, soon; still got a whole month ahead of me :).

according to the critterpedia, the venus flower is available from october to february (northern hemisphere) so it’s definitely possible that you did catch it during the winter! that + the lobster apparently are uncommon and they’re faster critters so i’m shocked that i managed to catch them both in less than 20 minutes aha. and i’d love some deep-sea models! i would have,, moon jellyfish and umbrella octopi models everywhere 😋
aha, thank you! i usually don’t get this much stuff done in one day so i definitely feel a bit productive :p. and don’t worry! i’m sure they’ll start showing up for me, soon; still got a whole month ahead of me :).

according to the critterpedia, the venus flower is available from october to february (northern hemisphere) so it’s definitely possible that you did catch it during the winter! that + the lobster apparently are uncommon and they’re faster critters so i’m shocked that i managed to catch them both in less than 20 minutes aha. and i’d love some deep-sea models! i would have,, moon jellyfish and umbrella octopi models everywhere 😋

You’re welcome :). Thanks for the info! I haven’t been looking at my critterpedia at all ><; catching critters has dropped in priority for me lately and not intentionally.

I realized that I forgot to share what I accomplished. I feel like I didn’t accomplish too much. This is kinda not in order.

Earlier I gave someone posters that I ordered them last night :). Later I visited Panda’s second island to complete a trade and catalogue some the Halloween items (I’d try collecting them myself but the dressing room and the lack of bulk buying is such a pita).

I come back and celebrated Raymond’s birthday with TheSillyPuppy, though I already gave him his coconut for the week (been slacking off on the gifts). Also gave her a small tour before she had to leave.

Another friend, the one who offered me Raymond visited me and celebrated Raymond’s birthday with me and I gave him a tour and let him shop. I really enjoyed both of their visits. ^.^ It’s funny that years ago, back in NL, the most I did was trade and back then before I met people like RedTropicalFish and JeffreyAC and Pepper, I was nervous about trading too. :)
I crafted four pumpkin lanterns, two pumpkin towers, two pumpkin lantern sets, two aries rocking chairs, a hay bed; more than half earlier in the day and a few later after my friend left my island (he visited and gave me helpful feedback).

I customized two wedding pipe organs brown and put them outside by my door one on each side. Not sure if it is how my friend suggested me to try setting it up but I think I like how it looks.

I also crafted a watering can to put on a barrel for decoration. Was going to put it on ironwood low table but it looks like it is about to fall off the table.

I customized my shovel after digging up some flowers and slingshot at random points as well.

I did some other trades and got a wreath recipe I needed to finish my cartographer’s room (just need to grow more of the flowers) and two kimono sandals I needed to complete my other character’s outfit 😊. Before trading I had ordered white tabi to go with them and a tin bucket to put with the aries rocking chair sheep thingies aong with the spooky lantern sets.

Also started ordering a few posters for TheSillyPuppy. Will be working on her order tomorrow (today) and tting.

For my new storage character, I paid off her loans and did her first house expansion. Going to try to get as much done while tting so I can start putting my posters away and then start thinking about a project that I wanted to work on after poster cataloguing event.
More of my daily bumbling about.​
  • Gulliver was visiting today. Here's to hoping I get something good in the mail! And not a hat.
  • Decided my pumpkin patch was not going to be enough so I went wild with planting single pumpkins on my third layer. I'm not going to be watering them since that would be a pain, but it should be enough to bolster my harvest by a good chunk even without the water boost.
  • New recipes: Spooky table, Spooky Fence. Really stoked to have the fence DIY since it was the one I wanted the most.
  • My storage is going to explode so I tried to get rid of some duplicate items I had but it didn't help much. I ended up planting some of the shrubs I had in there just so I can at least store my Halloween costume items away.
  • Went birthday gift shopping for Elmer. I managed to find a sweater that is going to look really nice on him.
After finding out wall spotlights now don't stop lighting up the floor when the camera makes them disappear, I moved them to the front of my basement music room to now pointing at the microphones.

Also, my upstairs room is going to become some sort of electronics room with server walls and my computers.

Though the pumpkin patches were made yesterday, (81 at the backside of my island, 25 in front of my house), they were watered today. (It rained yesterday so that wasn't needed.)

Lastly, I swapped out my bushes for the ones currently in-season.
I got all Halloween diys until Halloween night so I'm probably going to TT and get the rest with my Autumn character.
Went villager hunting and came across Marshal! I was planning on getting either him or Raymond to replace Klaus eventually so it was a really nice surprise. I've had him on one of my islands before and he's so smol and adorable ♡

Coco moved out yesterday and I actually bumped into her while island hopping today lol!

I also got my first spooky DIY, the lamp! (coincidentally, the lamp was also the item in Nooks today)

I decided to check out my storage today and it made me realise how much unnecessary junk I had.. looks like I'm a hoarder in-game, too! I really need to spend some time sorting through the flowers on my island (which seem to be multiplying rapidly..) as well as move my house. I've had the kit in my inventory for about a month now but I've never gotten around to finding a new space for it haha. Hopefully I'll find some motivation to do all of this soon!
Today I added a pumpkin scarecrow to my pumpkin patch, got the pumpkin candy DIY from Zucker, built a new bridge leading to Audie's house, added a pool to Audie's yard, gifted my permanent villagers some fruit, and watered my pumpkins some more.

Lucky asked to move out! I forced him to stay, of course, hopefully Curlos, Rowan, Norma, or Pashmina asks to move next...
  • finally found a better use for the fountain; made a nice little area near the airport that works as a decoration area to run into my cafe.
  • got as many spooky DIYs as i could; most of my balloons today were just giving me pink clothing :c
  • almost finished shari's exterior to her house and it's so darn yellow.
  • bought my candy, watered my pumpkins, and purchased the only halloween-y clothing pieces from mabel.
i finally started decorating this area (it was completely empty before) and will hopefully finish the rest tomorrow!
also did a few touch-ups and re-decorated about 6 smaller areas
  • Got the spooky DIY from Cherry
  • Cleared up furniture laying around from past trades
  • Actually gave most of my villagers gifts today
  • Finished planting pumpkins, now just gotta water a few more days
  • Redecorated my main room with the birthday set!
  • Asked Nook to change my house exterior to look more spooky
  • Added a frying pan to my kitchen and changed my microwave to a red one
  • Cleared some stuff out of storage since it keeps capping out
  • Finally cleared my mailbox out for the time being
  • Watered my darling pumpkins~
  • Spoke to all my residents.
  • Finally had the time to work on my Halloween costume (I'm working the Mage's hat and dress (orange striped), black impish wings, black mage's boots and orange horizontal striped socks. Skin is green and eyes are yellow. I look like a walking pumpkin :giggle:)
  • Went fishing for the pop-eyed goldfish and ranchu goldfish~ had to wait until October for them seeing as though all that kept spawning was the crawfish. Caught 2 of each, 2 for the museum and 2 for my aquarium <3
  • As I was fishing I was surprised when I got the Cast Master achievement lv. 2! I was really caught off guard but I'm happy I'm almost done with that dreaded achievement (sometimes I start to get nervous and pull the line too soon 😅)
  • Dug up some fossils. Got 1 new fossil to donate.
  • Bought candy at Nook's.
  • My brother sent me an orange mage outfit that I gushed over! I love it so much.
  • My villagers were not interested in pumpkins today, so I watered them.
  • Greeted Piper since she was out and about today
  • Bought a spooky item and put it out front of the Able Sisters
  • Layed out markers for villager yards and pathing
  • Moved Zucker's house to his new spot
  • Discovered that if there is a lost item laying around that you haven't found yet, the villager who is looking for it can have a thought by bubble and outright ask you to find it for them.
  • Finally finished getting enough streetlights for my cliffside!
  • Found the spooky fence recipe today! Can't wait for my first harvest!