• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

  • Learned Spooky Lantern DIY (I should get my first pumpkin harvest tomorrow so I can actually start making the DIYs)
  • Went to K.K. concert (K.K. Groove)
I finished ordering all of the NPC posters for SillyPuppy.

Started decorating and adjusting the cliff that my alt’s house is on. Traded with LittleMissPanda for more Pagodas for the exterior and interior. Exterior is looking pretty nice - nicer than my main character’s lol.

Gave Dom up for adoption. A little sad to let him go but extremely happy he got a good home and that I helped someone out. I was going to let him go eventually though since there other villagers I want to meet :). Deciding which card to use was tough since I rather meet them on an island. I decided to go with Graham since I didn’t give him a chance or get his picture when he was here.

Now, I’m waiting to find out if it is safe to tt back one day since it says Dom has moved out on the door, so in the meanwhile, am continuing to work on my alt’s house. I think they really don’t need all of this space that I’m using to decorate since I want to put as many different ideas as possible on my island eventually.
Finished moving my flowers from my former entrance onto the beach
Gave gifts to all of my villagers. Got extras of Raymond and Pashmina's photos.
Bought my Ables and finished some sets
Bought out my friend's ables and completed a few more sets
Wished on stars tonight and hosted for a few people to get their wishes in
Caught a barreleye for the museum! Only took 20 baits. Going to see if I can naturally get more with bait for a model.
Got my extra characters and finished cleaning up the random items I have placed everywhere
Watered my pumpkins
- organized flowers (feels like that's story of my life...never thought there'd be the day I'd need an ordinance to stop flower growth instead of weeds)
- collected some more spooky recipes from balloons
- gifted out some more fall/colder weather clothes to all my free loaders er residents
- got rid of some trees (but isabelle still wants more gone so we'll see) -___-' So much for the animal forest days...these guys are getting too pampered
I harvested my first batch of pumpkins and replanted the yellow ones so I could get more. Then I crafted Spooky items from the 6 DIYs I only have to give myself a headstart for Halloween.
I paid off the loan for the second 6x6 room of my third house. I spent a few hours diving and selling everything to accumulate enough bells for the loan. Currently working on paying off the the third room. Thankfully I can plant 3 money trees everyday, so that's 90k bells/day, plus the fossils which rack in on average 20k.

I also harvested my first pumpkins. When I realized they were able to be stepped on like flowers, I planted more and covered my entire patch. Crafted some spooky fencing and started replacing some of the fencing in my town.
- Shook all the trees and got two tree items
- dug up fossils and got them evaluated and then sold
- did some slight terraforming with one part of my island. I demolished a natural ramp but will replace it with a different ramp tomorrow, and plan on having another ramp in the same area.
- gifted my villagers pressies
- harvested my pumpkins and bought some extras to plant also, watered all of them too 🎃
not me forgetting to post again💀

• checked the mail
• did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
• talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
• celebrated big top’s birthday!! i got him a green athletic jacket, which he liked c’:
• said goodbye to dobie ;w;
• checked the recycling bin
• collected my daily bonus nook miles
• watered my black roses
• built a zen bridge
• listened to k.k. slider & got k.k. oasis
• checked out able sisters & nook’s cranny
• bought candy
• able’s had the mage’s boots today!!
• only got 1 new spooky diy today which was the spooky tower
• nook’s was selling the spooky tower, too, which was a lil ironic :p
  • First harvest is here. I gathered a total of 58 pumpkins! I was unfortunately pretty unlucky when it came to getting rare colors. Only 2 whites and 1 yellow, the rest were all oranges.
  • Because of my bad luck I decided to plant another patch of pumpkins since I didn't feel like pulling up all the ones that turned out to be orange.
  • New recipe: Spooky Candy Set
  • More trying to farm for fall recipes; more having bad luck and getting none. 😔
whoops, here's yesterday's
  • changed by beach shack's floor from a custom design to the default wooden floor path to free up some design slots
  • put a custom design around my flowers to keep them from spreading
  • invited diana back to the island
  • crafted the libra scale to put in the pharmacy stall
  • got all my fossils in storage assessed - none of them were new somehow
  • took some trees out of the forest since it was too crowded and replaced them with cliffs and a small pond
  • broke another rock that was in front of my alt's house
  • can finally say i now am the proud owner of a villager portrait!
  • i don't care about any other progress i make today c':
Got Amelia's photo
Invited Diana to the campsite and asked her to move in
Poor Amelia is leaving
Paid to have Lucky's house moved
Dug up some orange pumpkins and replanted with green, white and yellow pumpkins to have a better mix of colours
Crafted my first spooky DIYs
• checked the mail
• did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
• talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
• my pumpkins were fully grown today!! i couldn’t bring myself to harvest them bc of how nice they look lmaooo
• returned a lost diary to big top
• checked the recycling bin
• collected my daily bonus nook miles
• watered my black roses
• demolished one of my wooden bridges
• went island hopping and found poppy!! she’s not a dreamie + having 5 normals might not be the smartest decision lmao but i still love her!! 🥜
• checked out able sisters & nook’s cranny
• bought candy
• able’s had the flashy pointy-ear animal hats today!!
• only got the spooky lantern diy today c’:
• nook’s was also selling the spooky lantern which,, once again,, was a lil ironic
Finished decorating the exterior of my alt’s house unless I decide to add more flowers or change some things. Today I added a mom’s plushie after customizing it to the closest thing that could represent a white fox. I tried some different flower combination (after looking up which flowers are Japanese since I made her exterior’s theme Japanese). Crafted a bamboo stool and bench and put a katana on it. Crafted another spooky scarecrow to represent another training dummy after adding a dirt path under it. Added two dala horses. Added two jukeboxes.

Finished cleaning up the posters from my catalogue event and all of the fences & furniture.

Greeted Graham and talked to him a few times.

Went to Harv’s island a few times to try to come up with more ideas for my interior.

Removed pipe organs from outside my house since i’m not sure if I liked how they looked with my house.

Might go back into the game to see if I can think of more ideas or tt to make sure I don’t have Label tomorrow.
Finished getting four of each pumpkin to put in a permanent patch behind Daisy and Cookies houses. :)

Now I never have to grow or water a pumpkin again.

Unless they bring back pumpkin pies!
  • Replanted my now fully grown pumpkins so as to have my desired layout for them.
  • Watered my pumpkins.
  • Started a whole new pumpkin patch near Annalisa's palace.
  • Costumized a few spooky furniture to decorate around my farm/orchard.
  • Roamed around my island to scavenge for wayward weeds and find fossils.
  • Assessed fossils and got 1 new one: the ammonite.
  • Took pics of areas around my island which look prettiest at night. Pics to come.
  • Tried to see if I could find Wisp but to no avail. That nook miles achievement is sure fun... 🙃
  • Had a camper. Cobb. Meh
  • Checked to see if any of my villagers were crafting a spooky item. Gonzo was crafting a pot. He was real proud, too.