What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

It rained on Larkspur all day yesterday, so I went around the island and dug up any excess flowers. I also placed some items I ordered from the catalogue yesterday.

Also: holy cow congrats on the mahi mahi
Here's part two of my late report, along with the outfits, spanning 10/9 to 10/16.

10/9 (Fishing Tourney!)
• (Today's outfit looked more piractical than witchy, but it was so cute that I couldn't say no; I can only post the Design ID as credit, however, as the creator is Japanese)
• Collected star fragments from the beach; found another Libra frag!
• Returned to the rock spot from yesterday...only to discover it hadn't come back 😰 after running around the island, I wad relieved to find that it hadn't popped back up elsewhere, but I was still uneasy about the fact that it hadn't reappeared yet....
• Watered the pumpkin sprouts.
• Hit some rocks to replenish my material stores (I made sure I hadn't eaten anything, this time).
• I wasn't really able to chat with anyone today, due to the tourney--except for Pashmina, who'd decided to stay inside today.
• Participated in the tourney! I used some of my stockpiled bait to get fish to appear; ended up catching 9 total!
• Bought some more candy, along with some wrapping paper.
• Caught two monarch butterflies for collectible specimen storage!
• Did a LOT more decorating!
• Deposited some bells into savings.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

10/10 (raining)
• (Today's outfit came out of the closet again, being a black ruffled dress. I also grabbed a matching umbrella from storage)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 239,379 points! (It went up! :D )
• Was relieved to see that the missing rock was back in its original spot (huzzah!). That's the last time I forget about what I've eaten before working... 😅
• Cleared up the island-wide mess I'd made trying to get the rock to respawn. (During this, at 7pm sharp, the rain stopped)
• Chatted with Kitty (who warned me that Pashmina was sick), Patty (crafting a wooden-block wall clock), and Mathilda (attending Slider's show), but couldn't seem to find Pekoe anywhere...
• Hit rocks to replenish my material stores.
• Bought some medicine and brought it to Pashmina, wishing her a speedy recovery. (Also bought some more candy and wrapping paper while I was at it.)
• Later attended Slider's show; he played Space K.K.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

• (Today's outfit was one of my designs from the Monmusu Crossing line I did a while back, the Rachnera robe! It went well with the black witch hat and pointy shoes!)
• C.J. was here today with a Freestyle fishing challenge; which upon completion, I brought him three pale chubs for a collectible (although, my fishing rod broke halfway through the challenge, so I had to make another one).
• Gayle complimented my outfit, which made me pretty happy 😊
• Discovered a new Lily-of-the-Valley plant growing near some of the decorations I'd put up! (I've lost count of how many have grown on the island, and was pleasantly surprised to see this one pop up after so much time had passed since the last one)
• Chatted with Kitty (who decided I needed a dragon suit; she also complimented my outfit 😊 ), Patty (chilling at home, she reminded me that Plucky's birthday was tomorrow, and bought the sea bass I'd caught earlier), Pekoe (relaxing in her yard), Mathilda (working out yet again), and Pashmina (sweeping in the plaza, she complimented my outfit as well 😁 ).
• Ordered a birthday present for Plucky: a colorful striped sweater in her favorite colors. I hope she'll like it.
• Was surprised by shooting stars, made wishes whenever I could.
• Bought some more candy
• Picked more pumpkins, watered the sprouts, and made more decorations!
• Hit rocks and chopped wood to replenish my material stores.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

10/12 (Plucky's Birthday!)
• (Today's outfit was a version of the Florist Apron from PC; thank you, Julie!)
• Took the pale chub model out of the mail.
• Bought some candy and some wrapping paper for Plucky's present.
• Collected star fragments from the beach, found a large frag!
• Chatted with Patty (crafting a cherry dress), Kitty and Pekoe (the former was visiting the latter), Pashmina (out for a stroll), and Mathilda (walking along the beach).
• Watered the pumpkin sprouts.
• Redd was visiting today; I got to walk out with a Sinking painting!
• Attended Plucky's birthday party! (Marshal was there, too!) To my relief, she really seemed to like her present! 😁
• Caught a monarch butterfly...but ended up selling it to Pashmina.
• Deposited some bells into savings.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

• (Today's outfit was simply the black mage's robe I had in my closet)
• There was a visitor at the campsite today; Lucy the pig! It was good to see her! (As she was one of my starting villagers back in New Leaf)
• Took the sinking painting out of the mail and brought it to Blathers.
• Also revived a thank-you gift in the mail from Plucky (a box-skirt uniform) . I'm truly glad she liked her present. 😁
• Chopped wood and hit rocks to replenish my material stores. (My axe broke in the process, though, so I had to build a new one.)
• Crafted some items to sell with the excess materials.
• Chatted with Kitty (chilling at home), Pashmina (also at home, enjoying a chocolate donut), Pekoe (checking out clothing at the Able's), and Patty (out for a stroll), but couldn't seem to find Mathilda anywhere...
• Bought some more candy.
• Gullivarrr washed up on shore again; I found his phone lodged under a rock near the southern safety nets.
• Picked pumpkins, watered the sprouts, and made more decorations. As a joke, I went and asked Isabelle about our island rating; it's still a solid five stars, surprisingly 😆
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

• (Today's outfit involved the visual-punk dress, boots, and mask that I pulled out of my closet)
• Recieved another black sea captain's coat from Gullivarrr.
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Pekoe (crafting a log chair; she also decided to give me a pair of moccasins), Pashmina (chilling at home), Mathilda (doing stretches in the plaza), and Patty (on a shopping spree at the Able's; she also complemented my outfit, which made me feel pretty good).
• While chatting with Pekoe, I learned that Rex gave her a set of paints, and she was so excited to use them. (they're so cute! 💖 )
• Watered the pumpkin sprouts (my watering can busted about halfway through, though, so I ended up having to build another one).
• Bought some more candy.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

10/15 (Raining)
• (Today's outfit was a version of the orange spiderweb dress from Pocket Camp; thank you, Iris!)
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Pekoe (crafting a peach chair), Pashmina (chilling at home), Patty (wandering around the plaza), and Mathilda (shopping at Nook's).
• Helped Pashmina deliver a package to Harry that had ended up at her place by mistake.
• Marshal was thinking about moving away... this time, I finally decided to let him go through with it. Hopefully, I'll find someone willing to take him in...
• Bought some more candy.
• Picked pumpkins (and since it was raining, I didn't have to water the sprouts) and made some more decorations.
• Checked out a lot of custom designs, trying to find more "spooky" dresses to wear with my plethora of witch hats. I did find a few!
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

10/16 (Marshal's Last Day)
• (Today's outfit was an overall-dress with a spiderweb motif; than you, Jay!)
• Visited Marshal, bade him farewell and wished him good luck. Only now do I realize how much I'm actually going to miss him.
• Chatted with Kitty (gone fishing), Patty (out for a stroll), Mathilda (attending Slider's show), Pekoe (admiring the museum's butterfly exhibit), and Pashmina (dancing in the park).
• Watered the pumpkin sprouts.
• Hit rocks to replenish my material stores.
• Discovered that both Pekoe AND Rex were exploring the Museum's bug exhibit (ooooh, date night???) 😆
• Attended Slider's show; he played K.K. Chorale.
• Bought some more candy.
• Checked out even more designs!
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.

22nd October
  • opened the mail - received a Dartboard from Raymond and an Evening Bag from Rosie
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • collected a message bottle from the beach - received the Magazine Rack DIY which I already knew
  • purchased a daily Candy and a Pet Bed from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Flashy Kimono from Able Sisters
  • popped a couple of balloons - received a Down-Ski Jacket and a Plasma Ball
  • visited Redd but didn’t purchase any art as there was nothing in stock that I needed
  • spoke to my villagers - stopped Wolfgang from moving
  • agreed to trade the Plasma Ball with Molly in exchange for Cowboy Shirt
  • picked up the Log Stakes DIY from Raymond
  • gave Bill a gift and received some Octagonal Glasses
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • completed some trades
  • crafted and customised some items
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks
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Turnips were priced at 91, so I bought some Turnips.

Visited Zell as he is unpacking.

Bought candy.

Did some minor cleaning.

Called Ankha's Amiibo to get her to come camping again. 2/3 visits until she offers to move back in again.
didn’t manage to play that much today, but I did finally remember to get on and buy turnips - and promptly visited another island with a high turnip price to sell them all. and therefore managed to pay off the top floor of my house, while still having some decent savings!
I finally got my main island back to a 5 star rating. I had to chop down soooo many trees. But I figure that it's probably a good idea to have it at 5 stars for the update and new DLC, just in case island rating matters to anything.
October 25th

-Checked the mail, my HHA score was in there as well as a gift from Peewee (a garden gnome!)
-Talked to my villagers
-Skye gave me the DIY recipe for a peach dress which was a new recipe for me!
-Harvested a fully grown money tree
-Visited both shops and bought some candy at Nooks
-Ordered a Marigold decoration from the Nook shopping app
-Took down the little fishing area I built behind resident services (making lots of room for new things with the update coming out)
-Found Flick wandering around the island so I sold some bugs to him
-Completed a bunch of nook miles tasks
Started moving all my villager's homes to what very little beach space I have open in preparation for the 2.0 update. Otherwise, I'm just casually playing to pass the time. The usual.
23rd October
  • opened the mail - received a Graceful Painting from Bill
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers and picked up some weeds
  • collected a message bottle from the beach and received the Cosmos Crown DIY which I already knew
  • purchased my daily Candy and a Gas Range from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased some Rain Boots from Able Sisters
  • popped a couple of balloons - received a gold nugget and a Cute Wall-Mounted Clock
  • completed some trades
  • caught and sold some fish
  • went diving and picked up another pearl from Pascal
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Stone-Lion DIY from Julian which I already knew
  • gave Bill a gift and received a HMD
  • crafted and customised some items
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks
  • attended K.K.’s concert, along with Rosie and Raymond, and received K.K. Aria
i did some trading, i want to finish crafting every item before 2.0 and i need gold nuggets and star fragments for that. then i cleaned up a bit, a few days ago i moved over a hundred flowers to the beach but i'm thinking about getting rid of them because my beaches are getting way too filled up.
Today I built a community garden for my villagers. I was inspired by the one i was a part of when I lived in Boston, It was super fun and cute.
Received photos from a few villagers over the past few day so I began inviting a few new ones. Phoebe I had for awhile then reset before I got her photo so I invited her to my newest island. I like her so much! Reneigh and Muffy are my fav sisterlies, but Phoebe may be joining that group. I also invited Boots, a cute jock, and Cole, a lazy bunny. Once I have their photos, I'll try to invite some new villagers. Maybe I'll have new amiibo cards series 5 by then. (Here's hoping.)
Not quite on my island, but the idea of demolishing everything and rebuilding is making its rounds through my head again. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to put my ideas to the test and started planning on the Happy Island Planner website. Still trying to stick with the canal city theme that I already love so much. I can't say that I don't like the map that I came up with. It might need some tweaking here and there, but there's a lot more room for all the new stuff getting added to the update. I also can't say it's 100% accurate to my map as I believe my RS was slightly more to the right of my airport than the default map's location.

The only problem is that I'm trying to save up bells for the update so I'm not flat out broke by Nov 5th. Also scrapping my island and redesigning it is a massive, daunting undertaking that I am only partially motivated for... *sweats* If I do go through with this (this will be my 5th time redesigning), I hope everything magically works out.
Redd was here today!… and all his real paintings were duplicates for me. But they WEREN’T dupes for a friend, so I invited them over to buy one (and pick up some flowers while we’re at it, since they reset recently.) I’ll send the other over afterwards.

I think my island is about Maximally Pumpkined, but we’ll see if I want to add anything else when the next harvest comes in tomorrow. Decided to use flimsy watering cans this month just to go through some more tools for the DIY achievement, and it’s making a dent.
i paid lloid to build a bridge to connect the piece of land from an island area and where al and sprinkle's houses are as they've been partly stranded, bought a real famous painting from redd, and moved agnes' house as i plan to eventually move nook's and mable's (when i unlock it) in the general area where her house + sly's (who is incredibly adorbs) are !
I invited a few more new villagers whose cards were in amiibo packs I purchased: Gonzo, Pango, and Wade. <3
Today i've been grinding out the June wedding event stuff and collecting those items.....I also plan on creating a cool yard for Cherry.
been too tired and busy to play the last couple of days. 😅

october 23rd
checked the mail; received a letter from fauna and the honeybee model i commissioned from flick
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials (including a gold nugget!)
found and hit my daily money rock
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
got a natural garden chair diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
talked to all my villagers
gave a pre-caught napoleonfish to raymond and got a wall-mounted phone in return
crafted a bunch of items
did a few trades
shot down 2 balloons and got a red pull-up bar stand and imperial decorative shelves
threw some stuff away
harvested my pear trees
caught some deep-sea creatures
received a wooden-mosaic wall diy from margie and added it to my spare diys pile
put some stuff into storage
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
listened to k.k. slider perform “i love you” with audie and raymond
checked the shops; bought candy from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements