Here's part 3 of my missing reports--
and with that, I'm finally caught back up.
• (Today's outfit was a dress with a red skirt, puffy sleeves, and a black bodice; thank you Lola!)
• Chatted with Rhonda (out for a stroll), Pashmina (who decided I needed a wall fan), Pekoe (who asked if I could catch her a Violin Beetle), Mathilda (chilling at home), Kitty (shopping at Nook's), and Patty (doing yoga in her yard).
• Kicks was visiting, so I made sure to swing by and say hi. Bought a few things I didn't have yet so that I could catalogue them.
• Bought two dresses from the Able Sisters that I didn't have yet so that I could catalogue them.
• Bought some more candy.
• Ran around until a violin beetle showed up, then caught it and brought it to Pekoe. Luckily for me, it didn't take anywhere near as long as I was worried it was going to (it was less than five minutes, tops).
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.
• (Today's outfit is a goth dress with chains, belts, and purple accents; thank you, Ariana!
• Discovered the marigold decoration in the seasonal items on the Nook shopping app! I love that
Dia de los Muertos has something now!

• Chatted with Rhonda (crafting a pansy table), Patty (busy fishing), Pekoe (walking along the beach), Pashmina (chilling at home), Kitty (singing with Harry in the plaza), and Mathilda (shopping at Nook's).
• Rhonda warned me that Gayle was sick, so I made sure to swing by the store and get her some medicine.
• Ran into Wisp today; after helping him it, I recieved a camo wall as a reward.
• The announcement for Halloween Night appeared on the bulletin board-- almost spooky time!!!

• Bought some more candy.
• Label was back, this time with an Everyday-Outfit fashion challenge. I pulled out an outfit I'd used in November last year to get her opinion on it; I passed with flying colors. As thanks, she gifted me a Labelle hat.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.
• (Today's outfit is a two-toned, "spooky" ballgown with impressive detailing; thank you, Bibi!)
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Chatted with Mathilda (out for a stroll), Rhonda (getting ready to go fishing), Kitty (on walkabout, gathering sticks), Pashmina (chilling at home), and Patty (admiring the flowers around the plaza), but I couldn't find Pekoe anywhere...
• Gulliver washed up on shore today (...admittedly, this time, I smacked him with my net until he snapped out of his daze); luckily, it didn't take very long to find the missing parts.
• Found a bottle on the beach with a message from Camofrog inside!
• Bought some more candy.
• Decided to dig up some clams and make fish bait.
• Managed to catch Patty taking pictures of the Halloween decorations with her phone

• Started buying warmer clothes to give to my villagers later, what with late fall and winter on the way.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.
10/28 (raining)
• (Today's outfit features a black and purple balloon-hem with frills, ribbons, and a purple rose; being another Japanese design, I can only post the designer ID as credit. I hope they all know their patterns are awesome. )
• Ran back into the house to grab my umbrella.
• Noticed that Nook, Isabelle, and the others have donned some Halloween accessories! The spirit's rising!

• Recieved another candy-skull mask in the mail from Gulliver, this time in a color I didn't have yet. Should come in handy Nov. 1st!
• Chatted with Rhonda (getting ready to go fishing), Kitty (chilling at home), Pekoe (crafting a wooden-block bed), Patty (out for a stroll), and Pashmina (staying in today), but I couldn't seem to find Mathilda anywhere...
• Later helped Kitty deliver a package to Pekoe that had ended up at her house instead. Pekoe reveled it was supposed to be a gift for me; I ended up with a text shirt.
• Checked out some custom designs.
• Bought some more candy.
• (The rain stopped at 5pm sharp)
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow.
• (Today's outfit was an orange balloon-hem with black stripes, a dark vest, and a purple sash tied in a bow at the waist; thank you, Jenzi!)
• Gullivarrr was here today; I found the phone almost instantly buried near the Eastern safety nets
• Popped balloon and got five lumps of clay out of it.
• Chatted with Rhonda (crafting a natural square table), Kitty (exercising at home), Pekoe (chilling at home), and Pashmina (staying indoors today, she expressed her excitement for Halloween), as well as Patty and Mathilda (the two of them were relaxing on a park bench together and watching the clouds go by).
• Bought some more candy.
• Went home and changed my outfit for tomorrow
• (Today's outfit involves a dark dress and an orange coat with a long back, making me like more like a witch teacher instead; thank you, Eirah!)
• Recieved a red pirate outfit in the mail from Gullivarrr.
• Chatted with Rhonda (busy fishing again), Patty (chilling at home), Pekoe (stressing indoors today), Kitty (out for a stroll), and Mathilda (creating a palm-tree lamp), but I couldn't find Pashmina anywhere...
• Attended Slider's show; he played Only Me.
• Bought some more candy; I'm now more than prepared for tomorrow

• Went home and prepared my costume for tomorrow!