What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

I took a ton of items out of storage and brought them to Reese and Cyrus to refurbish today! I also unlocked some recipes and planted tomatoes I got from a trade. ^_^
2nd November
  • opened the mail - received a letter from Julian
  • placed some Nook Shopping orders
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • picked up the mushrooms around the island
  • collected a message bottle from the beach and received the Music Stand DIY which I already knew
  • found Gulliver on the beach and agreed to find his communicator parts
  • purchased a Train Set from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Cardigan-Shirt Combo from Able Sisters
  • popped a balloon and received some bells
  • caught and sold some fish
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Iron Frame DIY from Bill which I already knew
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks
Now that I'm not time-traveling anymore due to the new update, I'll probably be using this thread a lot more. :)

4th November
- Checked mail
- Had Kid Cat visit my home. He gave me an orange.
- Did calisthenics with Mabel, Saharah, Isabelle, Orville, Wilbur, Frita, Beau, and Kid Cat
- Bought all the upgrades using my Nook Miles, including the Construction License and the Decoration Upgrade (forgot to keep track).
- Hopped on Kapp'n's tour for the first time.
- Found Brewster and invited him back to my island.
- Started the Beautiful Island Ordinance, because screw weeds!
- Bought a bunch of rugs, wallpaper and flooring from Saharah.
- Bought 5 flower beds using my Nook Miles.
Terraforming and setting aside a permanent area for my campsite since it's about damn time I work on my museum area now that Pigeon Daddy is here. (Campsite was squished next to museum)
Forgot to post yesterday, my bad! >_<

• Decided to pick out and wrap up gifts for my villagers, and then promptly delivered them (I wanna make sure everyone stays warm this year)
• Found a lost book outside my house; after asking around, I was able to get it back to Mathilda, its owner.
• Chatted with Patty (chilling at home), Pekoe (Admiring flowers), Rhonda (out for a stroll), Kitty (on walkabout, gathering up sticks), Pashmina (Wandering around), and Mathilda (walking along the beach).
• Shook the ever-lovin' heck out of some trees to stockpile some pinecones and acorns.
• Caught a damselfly for collectible specimen storage!
• Began sadly taking down the Halloween decorations...
• Ran into Saharah after a while; as usual, I bought her out.
• Helped Gayle deliver a present to Harry (it was a red trenchcoat).
• Ended up clearing out a lot of storage space...
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.

• Was pleasantly surprised to see that part of the update had released early!
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Kitty (chilling at home), Patty (also staying inside), Rhonda (out for a stroll), Mathilda (getting some exercise), Pekoe (also hangin' at home), and Pashmina (wandering around).
• Blathers expressed his wish to open up a cafe in the museum, and has asked for my help in finding Brewster; the hunt begins! He's also sending me some posters for the exhibits that have been completed!
• Rhonda invited me over to her house for a visit, which was a first for me! I stayed for a while, and we chatted about all sorts of things. It was a nice change of pace. And at the end, she gave me a copy of K.K. Ballad.
• Discovered a tape deck in the plaza, and then the announcement on the bulletin board for group stretching sessions.
• Also, an announcement for Mathilda's birthday has appeared on the bulletin board!
• Leif was here today, but I didn't buy anything. (Beginning to wonder if I shoulda stopped by... )
• Deposited some bells into savings.
• Bought as many of the new things from the Nook Miles kiosk as I could!
• Put away a few more Halloween decorations...
• Harry stopped by my house as I was putting things away. He gave me an orange.
• Met up with Kapp'n and went on my first trip! Found Brewster right off the bat!
• Planted two gyroid fragments near the museum and watered them.
• Made my first dish: a Pear Smoothie!
I traveled with Cap’n to my first island and met Brewster to recruit for the cafe!
Also finally found roses, so I’m going to start breeding some to try and get black roses.
Still on the hunt for tulips!
When I stopped playing in July I was in the middle of a villager hunt, so I continued that today and I got Coco within ~15/20 tickets (who was the original one I was after back then) so I was really happy. Then the hunt bug got to me and I decided to do one more hunt and within 10 I got Sasha! The AC gods had my back today I guess. Looking forward to exploring the DLC with my new villagers :)
What didn't I accomplish today? So much going on. Actually I spent a lot of time working on a friend's island who is too busy to make it look nice. She wanted something gay so I made her island much gayer by bringing in rainbow items like the illuminated tree and soft serve lamp. I even brought on villagers whose houses in a row make a rainbow (Kid Cat, Tangy, Eloise, Big Top, Agent S, and Becky) and added rainbow pattern flowers. After that, I played the update, found Shino, unlocked Cyrus to customize items. I was so glad to not have to trade to get a matching set of plaza items. I just had Cyrus make all mine into the classic color scheme. And I love that later I could change my island to a different theme and have him make them all cool or cute or vivid. Perfect!
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When I stopped playing in July I was in the middle of a villager hunt, so I continued that today and I got Coco within ~15/20 tickets (who was the original one I was after back then) so I was really happy. Then the hunt bug got to me and I decided to do one more hunt and within 10 I got Sasha! The AC gods had my back today I guess. Looking forward to exploring the DLC with my new villagers :)

I hope I can find Sasha and Ione when I have available plots down the road. Right now the RNG on new villagers seems favorable. Hopefully, it won't worsen a few weeks out.
Finally have Shino, Sasha, and Ione! It took me 60 villagers in the campsite but they're all finally here aaaa
- Expanded my storage
- Went on a Kapp'n's Mystery Island tour and found wheat on the island.
- Planted the wheat I dug up back on my island.
- Went to Harv's island and got my fortune read my Katrina and coughed up more bells of Reese & Cyrus.
- Moved my last villager house so I can now concentrate on decorating and bridge placements etc.
- Cooked some of the new recipes and handed them out to my villagers.
- Decorated my pier which was inspired by Mistycove.Isle on Instagram (her custom codes are amazing)
- Checked my mail box for all my redeemed nook mile items and then bought some more.
- Got a new poster from Blathers who told me the museum will be closed tomorrow for Brewster's arrival.

Yeah I think I've done more than enough for today (on my island anyway) but I can't wait to do more of it again tomorrow. 😈
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  • Designed homes for Eloise and Pekoe
  • Gave chocolate to Tangy and designed a vacation home for her
  • Got coffee and talked to Wilbur at the Roost
  • Went to an island with Kapp'n and got a gyroid fragment
  • Got my fortune read, got a haircut, and donated to invite Saharah
  • Designed a home for Vesta
  • Stretched
November 5 🍄

-Checked the mail, got a letter from Étoile
-Visited both shops but didn't buy anything today, sold a lot of unwanted items at Nooks
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Étoile, she gave me a parka and shirtdress
-Saharah is visiting so I bought everything she had for sale today
-Watered my crops
-Found the glowing spot and planted a money tree
-Gathered star fragments on the beach
-Did a bit of terraforming to fill in a pond
-Went on my daily Kapp'n tour
-Buried and watered a gyroid fragment
-Went over to Harv's to unlock another RV (Tortimer)
-Got my hair styled by Harriet
I went on some mystery island tours and found some vines,carrots, and gyroids
Today I :

  • Cleaned up my island of weeds
  • placed some flowers
  • placed some trees
  • brought some new items
  • unlocked areas on Harvs island
5th November
Any villager interaction I've described below, you could hop onto my island thread to learn more about them in details. ;) This includes my HHP designs. Will update the island thread later.

- Opened mail. Got a gift from Julia, a Green-Paint Flooring.
- Did calisthenics; Julia, Maple, Kapp'n, the Dodo brothers, and even Tom Nook participated.
- The Roost is now being built! Opening tomorrow!
- My two gyroids are ready after watering them yesterday! I got a pink Babbloid and an olive Sproingoid! Initially placed them on my front yard, but then I realized that the BGM is too loud and I couldn't hear their singing, so I've placed them in my living room instead.
- Ordered some more Nook Miles items, including the 4 Plaza Bench and 1 Plaza Clock. Hope these will go well in my two town squares. :)
- Then I realized I forgot to buy the Storage Shed and the ABD... lol Fortunately, in spite of the five-item limit, I could still purchase the Wooden Storage Shed DIY.
- Expanded my home storage further.
- Changed the Ordinance from Beautiful Island to Night Owl.
- Crafted the Wooden Storage Shed and customized it to brown. Placed it near the airport entrance so that giving things out will be much easier.
- Created a kitchen in my home for the first time.
- Went on a Kapp'n trip. Found sugarcanes, holly bushes, and another gyroid fragment.
- Planted the sugarcanes, Hollies, and gyroid. Have about 16 sugarcanes planted. It's also raining today, so I don't have to water my gyroid.
- Frita shared an interesting anecdote about bathing with Julia.
- Merry invited me over to her house because of a nightmare. She gave me her favorite song, Neapolitan.
- Started Happy Home Paradise. Received "Paradise Planner Photo" in mail.
- Designed Eloise's home! A relaxing reading room! Though I had to cut short because of a giveaway I did, she still looks really pleased! And I think it turned out pretty well.
- Bought an Owl Clock in HHP with my newly acquired Poki Coins. Ran out of coins though when I saw a really nice looking set of beach chairs...
- Designed Maddie's home! She wanted a Stylish Streamer Estate, so I made her room look like a disco club with a handheld camera and spotlights streaming her daily life.
- Earned enough Poki for my blue beach chairs with parasol.
5th November
  • Cheked the mail.
  • Dug up more fossils.
  • Went on 3 mystery island tours: I found Erik, Sandy, and Rory. I didn't invite any of them.
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- Did some landscaping! Lots of removing cedar trees and replacing them with palm trees for a more tropical feeling on my island
- Changed up my outfit
- Went to work at the HHP
- Paid off the Redd RV
- Got Punchy's Photo :love:
3rd November
  • opened the mail - received my Nook Shopping orders and a Geisha Wig from Gulliver
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers and picked up some weeds
  • picked up the mushrooms around the island
  • collected a message bottle from the beach and received the DIY Workbench which I already knew
  • visited Redd but didn’t purchase anything today as he had nothing new that I needed
  • purchased a Chessboard from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Straw Hat from Able Sisters
  • popped a balloon and learnt the Forest-Wall DIY
  • went diving and picked up a pearl from Pascal
  • caught and sold some sea creatures
  • crafted and customised some items
  • did a bit of island clearing up and redecorating
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Gold-Screen Wall DIY from Raymond which I already knew
  • completed some tasks with my second player character
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks
Today I bought coffee for the first time at the Roost!! I decided to invite Dom to my campsite since I got his Amiibo today and I don’t like my current jock. He asked me to make him the plain wooden shop sign which is a diy I have been wanting and never got from my other jocks( tank and Rory) I’m so happy and I can’t wait for Dom to move in!! He’s definitely gotten some brownie points!!