Alrighty, here's my birthday report!
11/1 (Day of the Dead

⚘/ My birthday!

• I had dressed up for Día de los Muertos last night (if I spelled it wrong, I apologize), so Patty ended up getting greeted by a candy-skull mask

• Was treated to a surprise birthday party! Gayle and Rex were in attendance once again, but this time, the party had ultimately been planned by Patty!
• Made a wish on the candles and blew them out, beat that piñata half to death, and then enjoyed my time with the three, taking tons of pictures in the process.
• After returning home, I checked the mail; I had recieved a Dream bell voucher from Luna, a homemade cake from Ingame Mom, and 9,999 bells of interest from the bank.
• Shared my cupcakes with everyone I could.
• Started vigorously shaking trees to begin stockpiling some acorns and pinecones.
• Found the first mushrooms of the season in the park area next to the museum!
• Was surprised to see Slider in the plaza, as I've only ever seen him on Saturdays and Sundays; I didn't know he'd come and visit to give you a show for your birthday. I attended the show with Harry, and as K.K. Birthday was played, I read the messages everyone had written for me. I smiled so much I got a cramp in my cheek

• Eventually went home, put my gifts into storage, changed out of my current outfit, and called it a night.
This is what I wore! Once I can figure out what I did with the creator code, I'll post it!