Soooo... I've fallen EXTREMELY behind on posting my reports, and I feel like a total dork for letting myself allow it to get so backed up. Admittedly, the cold weather hasn't been doing much for my mood, and so I haven't been keeping tabs on everything like I should be. (Not just in-game, but in real life too

Still, I have been taking screenshots this whole time to at least keep and write down later. So I'm going to try and post my missing reports in 5-day segments until I get it fully caught up again. I'm looking forwards to returning to The Bell Tree Forums again!
Without further ado, here's Missing Report Segment 1, December 21st-25th!
• There was a visitor at the campsite today; Shep the Dog (I considered inviting him to stay, but ultimately decided against it).
• Took the Bell Cricket model out of the mail. Also recieved an Ice Wall from yesterday's snowman.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a bwongoid! Shashi found another gyroid fragment on the brew beach, so I went and found a place to bury and water it.
• Chatted with Patty (crafting, gave me instructions for making a tabletop festive tree), Kitty (busy fishing), Pashmina (sweeping off her porch tiles), and Rhonda (hanging out in the plaza), but I couldn't find Pekoe anywhere...
• Patty warned me that Mathilda was sick, so I made sure to swing by the store and pick up some medicine for her.
• Failed to make another perfect snowman today (they get really passive aggressive about it, and it irritates me), but I still recieved 3 large snowflakes from the others.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Later helped Gayle resolve an arguement with Patty by delivering an apology gift in her stead.
• Later agreed to catch an ocean fish for Pashmina. I didn't know what I'd catch, bit I was going to make sure it wasn't a sea bass.
• Got to buy some new things from the Nooklings!
• Realized Redd was visiting, so I swung by; didn't get any art, but I did get some new furniture items.
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Got a fortune from Katrina (increased luck with friendship) and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved another gyroid fragment. Replenished some material stores and crafted things to sell. Caught a Football Fish, decided to bring it to Pashmina once I got home.
• Discovered the hard way that I actually
DIDN'T learn how to make the illuminated present
OR the tabletop festive tree despite getting the recipes for them... because
I'd mistakenly sold off both recipes at the store without realizing it.

(Sometimes, I can be so friggin stupid, I swear...) Always check your pockets, guys.
• Brought Pashmina her fish. Still no picture, but oh well.
• Crafted some more X-mas decorations and placed them around town. I was making sure everyone had a tree. (Was randomly given a bistro table by Harry in the process) Also put up a big tree in my back room!
• Popped a balloon and found instructions for making frozen fencing inside!
• Checked out some custom designs, because why not.
12/22 (snowing)
• Isabelle mentioned that someone had washed up on the beach, which told me that Gulliver had another spill. Finding his phone pieces went surprisingly quicker than usual.
• Dug up the gyroid fragments from yesterday; retrieved a bloopoid and a bwongoid.
• Chatted with Rhonda (crafting a tabletop festive tree; I made sure to learn the recipe BEFORE I left, this time), Pekoe (visiting Harry), Kitty (on walkabout, gathering sticks) Pashmina (enjoying the snow), and Patty (out for a stroll).
• Found a bottle on the beach, ended up learning the recipe for mushroom curry!
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and a gift will be arriving in the mail tomorrow.
• Hit some rocks, found a gold nugget!
• Later helped Pashmina deliver a gift to Gayle.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Plucky was thinking about moving away, but I was able to change her mind (no one's moving out this close to X-mas and New Year's, no way).
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Got a fortune from Katrina (increased luck with money), pulled from Redd's Raffle, and customized a few items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved another gyroid fragment, landed on an island with pumpkins. Found a gold nugget, and also a recipe for making tomates al ajillo in a bottle that had washed ashore!
• Decided to pick out and wrap gifts to deliver tomorrow (everyone's getting a hat for the weather).
• Put together some cold-weather gear and attended a group stretching session.
• Caught a sea butterfly for collectible specimen storage!
• Checked out some more custom designs.
• Started getting Toy Day gifts in order!
• Recieved a silk hat in the mail from Gulliver, as well as a frozen counter from yesterday's snowman.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a petaloid. Also found a xylophoid and a tremoloid that had popped up from yesterday's snow.
• Delivered the gifts! (Hopefully, everyone's heads will stay a little warmer now...)
• Chatted with Kitty (who taught me how to make an ornament tree), Pekoe (working out in her yard), Pashmina (walking along the beach), and Rhonda (out for a stroll), but couldn't find Patty anywhere...
• Removed some excess flower growth that had popped up from yesterday's snow.
• Caught a dung beetle for collectible specimen storage!
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Kicks was visiting, so I of course paid him an expensive visit.
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Got a fortune from Katrina (decreased luck with belongings; I agreed to the purification ritual), pulled from Redd's Raffle, and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved another gyroid fragment. Replenished some material stores and crafted things to sell.
• Began shaking the ever-lovin' heck out ihg the decorated trees to stock up on materials for decorations (I got an idea to make a Santa's-Sleigh-and-Reindeer set on the beach, and I needed AT LEAST 48 gold ornaments to make that happen. I was shaking trees for at least an hour or two). Also bought a lot of customization kits.
• Ordered the rest of the Toy Day gifts (I'd almost forgotten completely) and dressed up for tomorrow's gift-giving errands (beard and all, because I wanted to

12/24 (X-mas Eve!

) (also snowing!)
• Recieved a frozen partition in the mail from yesterday's snowman, and a mini dharma ferrin Katrina.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a tremoloid!
• Chatted with everyone as I ran into them.
• Hit rocks for more materials.
• Helped out Jingle with the wrapping paper! (...later on, that is, as I was still stockpiling gold ornaments at the time)
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. He wished me a happy Toy Day, which I hadn't been expecting! (So sweet of him! )
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Said hello to Katrina (didn't get a fortune today), pulled from Redd's Raffle, and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved another gyroid fragment. Landed on an island with shooting stars...and discovered that I could stock up on various star frags by hitting the rocks!

(made lots of wishes, too!)
• Helped Jingle deliver everyone's Toy Day presents! Ended up recieving extra gifts from Mathilda, Pashmina, and Rhonda!
• Used a Nook Miles Ticket to go and get more iron. Once I got back, I was finally able to craft all 8 illuminated reindeer I needed!
• Put together an X-mas decoration on the southern beach: Santa's Sleigh, pulled by eight illuminated reindeer, and a ninth reindeer with a red nose at the front! ❤ I got lots of pictures of it once finished
• Hung up the stockings that Jingle gave me (I forgot to check back on them last year, so I'm going to remember this time!)
• Wrapped up the rest of the gifts I had, organized them in my bag, and then headed off to do gift exchanging with everyone!
• Caught another dung beetle for collectible specimen storage!
• Made another perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
12/25 (Merry X-mas!

(Side Note: today, my grandmother helped me purchase the Happy Home Paradise DLC! My entries are likely going to get longer from here on out!)
• Nook called me today, saying he had a visitor at the airport that wanted he wanted me to meet. I went straight over, and met Lottie!
• Changed into some cozy clothing perfect for X-mas Day.
• Gathered some star fragments from the beach! Found both a Capricorn frag AND a large frag! (Found 16 frags total!)
• Opened up all of the gifts I recieved yesterday! (Yesterday, I decided to hold off on opening them; I'm glad I did!)
• Found a Paradise Planning photo in my mailbox! Also recieved a three-tiered snowperson from yesterday's snowman.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Rumbloid! Also found a Petaloid and a Sproingoid that had popped up from yesterday's snow.
• Ended up taking a break with the Able Sisters... but when I finally got back on (after finishing up with IRL merriment), I realized that all of the shops had closed for the night, and Slider had left!

• Removed some excess flower growth from yesterday's snowfall.
• Kitty showed me how to make tomato juice!
• Caught another dung beetle for collectible specimen storage!
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 3 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Took pictures of the tree in the plaza with Plucky.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Found Slider enjoying a cup too!