What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

So far today, I have:
๐ŸŒŸ Opened my mail
๐ŸŒŸ Talked to all my villagers
๐ŸŒŸ Made a two-storey vacation home for Coco. She is so cute. Maybe I should invite her to my island? ๐Ÿ˜
๐ŸŒŸ Bought up the items at HHP
๐ŸŒŸ Checked the message board
๐ŸŒŸ Talked to Zipper!
๐ŸŒŸ Dug up earth eggs and fossils
๐ŸŒŸ Checked Nook's and Able's
๐ŸŒŸ Removed my second plaza area, to make way for Pinky's new home
๐ŸŒŸ Moved Pinky's house
๐ŸŒŸ Island hopped about 13 islands until I found a bamboo island, to get an inventory full of mature bamboo plants for around Pinky's home
๐ŸŒŸ Made some bamboo fencing and bamboo seating, and decorated outside Pinky's home ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ˜Š
๐ŸŒŸ Bought turnips from Daisy Mae!
Forgot to post again ๐Ÿ˜– this is turning into a bad habit...

4/9 (Fishing Tourney! )
โ€ข Started up and found Gayle in my front yard for some reason...
โ€ข Dug up the gyroid fragment from Thursday; retrieved a Whirroid!
โ€ข Completely missed out on participating in the Tourney due to poor time management skills...but I did get to use some leftover points from last time for merch!
โ€ข Dug up and assessed a LOT of fossils...
โ€ข Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
โ€ข Visited Harv's island, bought new stuff from Saharah and Kicks, pulled from Redd's Raffle for the first time this year, and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
โ€ข With Tortimer's help, as I was still on Harv's island at the time, I picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver to my residents tomorrow; Pietro's getting more comfortable with us!
โ€ข Headed off to work (for once); touched up and added butterflies to the yards of Alli, Victoria, Gloria, Alice, and Vesta. Later, I dropped by the hospital and donated about 21,000poki (also saw Pietro there, and he didn't look too good...)

4/10 (final day o' Cherry Blossoms...)
โ€ข Isabelle mentioned that she'd started finding random eggs around the island... Brothers, Bunny Day is soon to be upon us. (Here we go again...)
โ€ข Slider was also in town today. Later, I stopped by to attend the show; he played Cafรฉ K.K.
โ€ข Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 228,330 points, the same as last week.
โ€ข Chatted with Pietro (out for a stroll), Kitty (on her way to Slider's show), Rhonda (chilling at home), and Patty (wandering around)
โ€ข Delivered the gifts! (Two got sent through the mail)
โ€ข Recieved 10 water eggs from Zipper.
โ€ข Realized I'd logged on too late to visit either store... ๐Ÿ˜–
โ€ข Caught a few final cherry blossom petals.
โ€ข Visited Paradise Planning, bought stone new things from Ostara Noir, and found a bottle on the beach that had come from Harry! (Glad to know he's doing well, wherever he ended up) Also started a project for Raymond, but decided to table it about halfway to finish tomorrow instead.
Today, I:

๐ŸŒŸ Checked Nookโ€™s and Ableโ€™s
๐ŸŒŸ Checked the turnip prices (93 bells per turnip)
๐ŸŒŸ It rained yesterday, so I dug up lots of new flowers, and also removed some weeds
๐ŸŒŸ Dug up some earth eggs, gyroids and fossils. Also collected some sky eggs
๐ŸŒŸ Picked up the bottle from the beach
๐ŸŒŸ Talked to all of my villagers
๐ŸŒŸ Savannah mentioned she was thinking of leaving the island, and even though I love her so much, I decided to let her leave on a whim, because Iโ€™m trying to force myself to invite new villagers
๐ŸŒŸ Pinkyโ€™s house was in its new place today, so I placed some new fencing around her house, some more bamboo plants and planted some flowers. Lastly I think I need to add some shrubs, and maybe some additional outdoor furniture, and her new home will be complete! After Iโ€™ve finished her outdoor area, Iโ€™ll renovate the building exterior and interior. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • Invited Butch to the campsite. I plan on hunting for my 10th villager, but don't have enough tickets. So I'm lining up Butch just in case I can't find a good villager.
  • Built a school. It's a lecture hall where Petri teaches science. Haven't named it yet.
  • Built a vacation home for Apple. Just a home full of apples, and the outside is filled with apple trees.
  • Got all the Able Sisters' photos in the mail after designing a vacation home for them.
  • Got some eggs from Roald even though I'm protesting Bunny Day for ruining Melba's birthday two years ago.
  • Talked to Flora for the first time
  • Bought an ACNH Switch for Melba since her birthday is tomorrow.
April 11 ๐Ÿฅš

-Checked the mail, got a letter from Flo
-Talked to my villagers
-Found the glowing spot and planted a money tree
-Visited both shops, I bought a couple colours of the barista uniform at Ables and a ranch chair from Nooks
-Completed some Nook Miles tasks
-Took some photos of my villagers being cute in the plaza
-Went on a Kapp'n tour, got to a vine island and found the recipe for woven-vine pochette on the beach!
-Pecan visited me at my home when I was putting some stuff away
-Gathered up some eggs so I can do some Easter decorating later
-Crafted some more bamboo DIYs to decorate the bamboo area of my island
-Went to Harv's to see what Kicks and Redd had for sale, Redd had a real graceful painting so I bought that off of him
-Gave some wrapped fruits to Tipper who gave me a sweatshirt in return
-Stopped by the Roost for a coffee
โ€ข Isabelle mentioned that Leif was visiting today, though I didn't buy anything.
โ€ข Rock update: the rock has reappeared...in the field in front of Rhonda's house. I broke it apart, so hopefully it'll reappear elsewhere this time... (Also, the azaleas are blooming!)
โ€ข Recieved two batches of 5 eggs, one water and one sky, from Pietro and Rhonda respectively.
โ€ข Chatted with Pietro (hanging out in Kitty's yard...), Kitty (entertaining a visitor: Rex), and Rhonda (out for a stroll), but never ran into Patty...
โ€ข Hit other rocks for materials, found a gold nugget!
โ€ข Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
โ€ข An announcement appeared on the bulletin board: Pietro's birthday is coming up on the 19th! ๐ŸŽ‰ (I didn't realize it was so close!)
โ€ข Put the cherry blossom decor back into storage, began preparations for Easter decorating!
โ€ข Headed back to work, finished Raymond's first floor. The tailor's shop turned out alright, though I do wish I could've had a little more space to work with. When I stated work on the second-floor apartment, however, my creative juices quickly ran out, so I decided to tackle the rest tomorrow instead. (I always have trouble when making little apartment areas...) I did at least get the project picture ready!
Today I talked to all of my villagers, checked Nookโ€™s and looked for the bottle on my beach. I also went to my camspite where Tasha was visiting. She was cute, but Savannah was in boxes, and she offered to take Savannahโ€™s place. I didnโ€™t invite her to stay, because I was excited to go island-hopping for a new villager! I went to Harvโ€™s Island and took some group photos with Savannah, and then time-travelled one day forward so she had moved out. I prefer not to time-travel, but here we are. After that, I:

๐ŸŒŸ Opened the mail
๐ŸŒŸ Checked Nookโ€™s
๐ŸŒŸ Sold my turnips (165 bells per turnip)
๐ŸŒŸ Talked to all of my villagers
๐ŸŒŸ Removed new flowers
๐ŸŒŸ Went island hopping and found Norma after 15 islands! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฎ Norma has always been a favourite, and since I donโ€™t have her amiibo card, she seemed like the best choice.

My last task for the day is inviting an amiibo villager to the campsite. Iโ€™m not sure who yet! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ
Today was a day of tweaking and decorating certain areas that Iโ€™ve been ignoring for too long. One being an enchanting outdoor dining area that will be surrounded by trees and mush lamps. Also now that I have a general idea of the layout of my island itโ€™s spurred on my creativity in general.
  • Reneigh visited my campsite
  • Celebrated Melba's birthday with Frett. I gave her the ACNH Switch.
  • Went to Harv's island, and made a big party for Melba with all my villagers.
April 12 ๐ŸŽ

-Checked the mail, the graceful painting I ordered was there so I took that to the museum to donate it!
-Got a coffee at the Roost while I was there
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Pecan and Teddy. Pecan gave me a tailored jacket in return and from Teddy I got a kettle
-Visited both shops but didn't buy anything today
-Went on a Kapp'n tour and got to a bamboo island. Did a bunch of diving while I was there
-Back at home I did a group stretch in the plaza which I normally avoid but decided to do one today
-Cookie approached me afterwards to give me some sky eggs
-Completed some nook miles tasks
-Cleaned up a bit of my excess of DIY spares
โ€ข Label was visiting today; she issued me a Formal-Fashion challenge, which I passed with flying colors. I recieved a pair of Labelle Tights in thanks.
โ€ข Rock update: no new appearances so far...
โ€ข Chatted with Patty (crafting a cardboard sofa), Kitty (wandering around the plaza), and Pietro (taking a nap on the sidewalk, of all places...), but never once ran into Rhonda.
โ€ข Kitty asked me for help in tracking down a purse she'd lost; I found it in the hybrid gardens, exactly where I thought it would be.
โ€ข Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
โ€ข Did some more Easter decorating (come to think of it, I better get the IRL decorations out, too...)
โ€ข Later helped Rex deliver an apology gift to Mathilda after the two had gotten into a fight over sharing snacks. Given how much she likes working out, honestly, the protien shaker bottle he got her turned out to be the perfect gift.
โ€ข Caught some more butterflies for Paradise Planning.
โ€ข Headed off to work, finally completed Raymond's project: "A Home Tailored Just For Me"! (I'ma be honest: I think he's a bit overhyped, but he is still a cute cat villager)
Is a mixture of things I did throughout some days.
I actually changed the way the river went, so it's not through the whole of my Island, still needs work and probably not gonna stay like this, but wanted to practice :)

Moved a villager close to another, what my plan is with villager houses is a lil different. I'm planning to put two villagers houses together, like a two by two thing, but they have a connected lil back garden or something.
So made a higher bit of land behing one house, and placed the villager atop there.

Currently still going through some dream addresses I wrote down ages ago, and thought it be better to go through them all, because I'm trying to organise my paperwork, so at some point I'll go through all the dream addresses properly to see which ones I wanna keep.

Currently also trying to get all wallpaper and flooring, but will take time, so just going to work on my rooms in my house beforehand.
Been working on designing some more rooms. Despite how small the siderooms are, I've been able to make them look decent without compromising too much to the point where I don't like them. So that's always a plus. It would be great if we could upgrade them to full size, but until then they are good/decent as they are.
took another break. ๐Ÿ˜”โœŠ๐Ÿป

๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿงš๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒˆ february 9th ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿงš๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐ŸŽจ
โ™ก checked the mail; received a letter from tiansheng and the pink venetian carnival mask i ordered yesterday
โ™ก dug up my daily fossils and money spot
โ™ก collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
โ™ก caught some bugs
โ™ก checked ableโ€™s and nookโ€™s to see what they were selling today, and sold stuff to the twins
โ™ก talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from and got an orange ice-hockey uniform from tiansheng
โ™ก checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 4 giant clams
โ™ก dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it grew into a brown boomoid
โ™ก collected star fragments off the beach
โ™ก dom moved in today, so i stopped by his house to say hello! i really like his house exterior :โ€™)
โ™ก bought a red message mat, a simple medium red mat and a red argyle rug (which i needed!) from saharah, and exchanged 10 tickets for a meadow vista and oasis flooring
โ™ก completed some nook mile achievements
โ™ก got a sauna heater diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
โ™ก got a tomato juice recipe from margie, a clackercart diy from beau and an apple hat diy from agnes, and added them to my spare diys pile
โ™ก put some stuff into storage
โ™ก checked the recycling bin; claimed a sapling
โ™ก collected my daily bonus nook miles
โ™ก checked nook shopping and ordered a pine tree and a white venetian carnival mask
โ™ก scanned zoeโ€™s amiibo and invited her to the campsite for the 2nd time, crafted her a log chair and got a purple ribbons & hearts knit dress in return
โ™ก chopped some wood (very begrudgingly lol)
โ™ก threw some stuff away
โ™ก went on my daily mysterious tour and kappโ€™n took me to a crop island with tomatoes, where i harvested all the tomatoes, found and learned the peach jelly recipe and dug up a gyroid fragment!!
โ™ก buried and watered the gyroid fragment upon returning to my island
โ™ก went to paradise planning and bought a pastel corner clothing rack, exchanged 66,600 bells for 29,970 poki, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a wild log bench diy and got a spare carrot scones recipe from my restaurantโ€™s chef
โ™ก went to harvโ€™s island and had cyrus customize the corner clothing rack to the variants iโ€™m missing
Picked up the stuff I ordered off of the shop app and Wardell's catalogue. Going to order 5 more from each so I can complete the room that I am currently hoping to finish decorating soon.
โ€ข Isabelle mentioned that C.J. was visiting today; I brought him three bluegills for a collectible. I had planned to take part in his fishing challenge...but it ultimately slipped my mind ๐Ÿ˜–
โ€ข Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
โ€ข Realized that I'd recieved a THIRD copy of Mathilda's Photo yesterday (after I'd delivered Rex's apology gift). Certainly wasn't expecting that!
โ€ข Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Pietro (out for a stroll), and Kitty (exercising in the plaza), but never ran into Patty...
โ€ข Rock update: no new appearances so far...
โ€ข Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
โ€ข Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
โ€ข Got to buy new things from Nook's Cranny!
โ€ข Did some more Easter decorating, also made some items with the excess eggs to sell.
โ€ข Visited Paradise Planning, found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a glowing-moss statue!
Built my new residential area, and time travelled to move all my villagers.

This reminded me exactly why I dislike terraforming.
April 13 ๐ŸŒฟ

-Visited both shops, purchased a hanging monitor at Nooks as well as some more wrapping paper
-Talked to my villagers
-Learned a new recipe from Pecan, a wooden music box!
-Went on a Kapp'n tour
-Cleaned up a bunch of overgrown flowers
-Found the glowing spot and planted a money tree
-Gave wrapped fruits to Pecan and Teddy, received an arcade seat and a striped tank in return from them
-Spent some time gathering clams and crafting a bunch of fish bait
-Completed some Nook miles tasks
-Worked on my bamboo / rock garden area some more
-Coffee at the Roost
April 13th
All Events are done on both Islands.
Main Island Player 3 got her last 2 Bunny Day DIY recipes and crafted them.
Ozzie gifted main player a Layered Polo Shirt. It was the last colour needed.

2nd Island
Player 4 got his last 2 Bunny Day DIY recipes and crafted them. Got the last photo from Poppy.
Celebrated and placed the 2 water pond that were removed to make balloon hunting easier.
Mailed a new DIY recipe for Player 3 on my main island.
4/14 (raining)
โ€ข There was a visitor at the campsite today: Iggly the Penguin.
โ€ข Took the bluegill model out of the mail.
โ€ข Rock update: the rock has appeared outside Rhonda's house again. Broke it apart, hopefully it'll reappear elsewhere...
โ€ข Chatted with Patty (out for a stroll), Pietro (crafting; he also showed me how to make a crest doorplate), Rhonda (who was visiting Rex), and Kitty (out and about).
โ€ข Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Rattloid!
โ€ข Noticed that the reason had stopped around 9pm (which was also when I realized I'd forgotten to visit the Able Sisters...oops ๐Ÿ˜– )
โ€ข Found another gyroid fragment on the beach!
โ€ข Did a little more Easter decorating and egg hunting.
โ€ข Caught a tarantula that wad lurking around outside the Snack Shack (my refreshment area on the southwestern beach).
โ€ข Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
โ€ข Visited Paradise Planning...didn't get anything done, but did get to take some cute pictures with Francine and Chrissy on the beach. Kevin also tracked me down to give me a thank-you gift. ๐Ÿงก